Viewing and Managing Profiles as an Administrator Using Fluid

The View Profiles navigation collection allows you to easily access various profile-related pages used to create and maintain profiles, review and approve changes, match profiles, and identify interest lists and training for individuals.

For an overview of creating and maintaining profiles for your workers and jobs, see Understanding Managing Profiles.

This topic lists the pages that workforce administrators can access from a single location in the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface to view and manage profile-related data.

For general information about fluid pages in PeopleSoft HCM, see Understanding PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface Homepages.

Page Name

Definition Name


View Profiles Tile

HC_JPM_VIEW_PROFILES_NAVCOL_FL (this is the cref for this tile)

Access this navigation collection to view person or non-person profiles, approve profiles, syndicate (copy) profiles into other profiles, perform profile matching, create interest lists, and managing training.

Person Profile Page


Create and update person profiles.

Non-person Profile Page


Create and update non-person profiles.

Approval Profiles



View a list of profiles waiting approval, with approved changes, or with changes that have been denied.

View a list of the changes to a selected person profile. If the profile changes are pending approval, you can either approve or reject the changes.

Syndication Exceptions Page


Display the syndication exceptions for a profile. Syndication exceptions occur when a content item is syndicated from multiple source profiles but has different property values from each source profile.

Match Evaluation Types Page


Define match evaluation types specifying the types of inquiries a user can run and the evaluation types a user can access. To run the match analyses, you must first set up evaluation types and user access.

Employee Profile Matching





Specify the employee, employee profile type and non-person profile with which you want to compare and view an analysis of the employee matches.

View competency matches that display an analysis of how the employee matches the individual competencies required for a given non-person profile.

Analyze other profile item matches for an employee. Review how well an employee matches individual content for a given non-person profile.

Compare an employee's ratings in each required competency with the rating expected for the non-profile, and view the percentage difference. The sum of these percentages provides an overall indication of how well the employee matches the requirements.

Create Teams Page


Set up employee teams.

Compare Team to Job Task



Analyze team competency matches. Compare the competencies assigned to a job task with the competency profiles of team members.

Compare the content items other than competencies required by a job task with the team members' profile items.

Interest List by Person Page


View an employee's interest list and add profiles to the list.

Interest List by Profile Page


View a list of employees who have a selected profile on their interest list. You can also add the selected profile to an employee's interest list.

Training Page (see Course Student Enrollment Page)


View details of training courses that the employee has completed, enrolled in, or on the waiting list. This page displays course sessions that you manage using the Administer Training business process.

Review Competency Training Page


Search for training courses that address a selected competency.

Professional Training Page or Global Assignments Training Page


Record employee training that is not maintained using the Administer Training business process.

Administrators use the View Profiles tile to access the navigation collection to view person or non-person profiles, approve profiles, syndicate (copy) profiles into other profiles, perform profile matching, create interest lists, and managing training.


The View Profiles tile is delivered as part of the Profile Administration Dashboard, but the location can change if you change the delivered home pages or if administrators personalize their home pages.

This example illustrates the View Profiles tile.

View Profiles tile

Click the View Profiles tile to access the View Profiles application start page.

This example illustrates the View Profiles application start page.

View Profiles application start page

This application start page is a navigation collection that enables administrators to access frequently-used profile components from one location.

The application start page lists the components collected under these categories:

  • Person Profiles

  • Non-person Profiles

  • Approve Profiles

  • Syndication Exceptions

  • Profile Matching

  • Interest Lists

  • Training

Rows that display a downward facing arrow are category headers. Select a category row to expand and view the component collection associated with that category.

When using a large form factor device, the right panel displays the component selected in the left panel.