Understanding French Regulatory Requirements

Human Resources provides resources for managing and reporting on various types of data that are required by French government regulations.

PeopleSoft provides the following French regulatory reports:

  • Disability (DIS001).

  • Election (ELE001).

  • Employee Survey (SOC001).

  • Monthly Workforce (REG001FR).

  • Personal Register (REG002FR).

  • Training 2483 (TRN029).

  • Workforce by Nationality (REG003FR).

  • Single Hiring Statement (HRSHSFRA).

  • BIAF report (Bordereau Individuel d'Accès à la Formation report) (REG004FR).

Set up control tables using the following pages before running French regulatory reports:

Control Table Page


APE Table (activite principale exercee table)

Classify the company's primary industry, such as software, banking, or insurance. The APE codes are mandated by French law.

External Variables

Enter information related to salaries and social security ceilings that are established by the French government each year, and enter the disability rates for the Disability report.

INSEE Table FRA (National Institute For Statistical And Economical Studies table France)

Input the INSEE codes for the company's job codes. Then map the company's job codes to one of the INSEE codes.

URSSAF Code (Union de Recouvrement de la Sécurité Sociale et des Allocations Familiales code)

Store the codes of the local URSSAF offices. This government agency collects employee and employer contributions made for illness and work accidents.

Trn 2483 Parameters (training 2483 parameters)

Enter data required for the 2483 report. Much of the information required for the 2483 report is stored in the HR system and payroll system.

In addition to setting up the control tables, you must set up Training 2483 report groups and indicators.