Using Custom Statement Types

On the Custom Statement page, the default value for the Statement Type field is determined by the way you access the page.

The six statement types are:

Statement Type


Benefit Calculation

Set Up HCM, Product Related, Pension, Components, Benefit Formula

Custom User Statements (or "standalone custom statements")

Set Up HCM, Product Related, Pension, Calculation Rules, Custom Statement

Group Function Definition

Set Up HCM, Product Related, Pension, Pension Plan Implementation, Group Definition

Plan Eligibility

Set Up HCM, Product Related, Pension, Components, Plan Eligibility

Spouse Eligibility

Set Up HCM, Product Related, Pension, Calculation Rules, Spouse Eligibility

Code Definition

Set Up HCM, Product Related, Pension, Status Rules, Code Definition

Benefit calculations and standalone custom statements are typically mathematical formulas.

Group definitions, eligibility definitions, and status code definitions are Boolean formulas that determine whether or not an individual meets the criteria for belonging in a particular group.

When you use the custom statement to create your plan benefit formulas, you set up statements with the type Benefit Calculation. The Benefit Formula component includes a page to describe the normal form of the benefit. General purpose mathematical equations have the type Custom User Statement.

These mathematical equations can incorporate function clauses and Boolean clauses, but the final product of the result is a number or a date.

Mathematical equations require a final clause to assign a name to the result. This name must be the custom statement name.

When you set up group statements, you must use a single IF statement to state the inclusion criteria. You cannot have more than one IF statement in a custom statement. Group statements do not require a corresponding THEN clause or a final assignment, because the system assigns the value Y (yes) when an employee meets the criteria.

Statement Type


Group Function Definition

Establishes subsets of the employee population that you can then link to specific plan rules. These group definitions are key to implementing your plan rules, since rules must always be explicitly associated with a group when you set up a function result.

Plan Eligibility

Defines the criteria which qualify employees for a specific plan. Plan Eligibility Custom statements will look very similar to Group Definitions since the Plan Eligibility groups are a specialized application of the grouping logic.

Spouse Eligibility

Defines the criteria which employees must meet in order to take advantage of automatic (non-optional) joint and survivor benefits if a plan offers this benefit.

Status Code Definition

Another specialized application of the grouping logic, this time to determine criteria for pension status assignment.