Working with Delegations in Time and Labor

This section provides an overview of delegation and discusses how to review delivered Time and Labor delegation set up.

Time and Labor uses delegation to enable one person to authorize another to serve as his or her representative when managing time transactions. A manager can delegate their tasks of approving time, entering employee time, or entering their own time to another person due to workload or their own absence from the office.

Delegation Framework

The delegation framework supports the following types of delegation:

  • Downward delegation of authority to a direct report or another person lower down in the reporting hierarchy.

  • Upward delegation of authority to a manager or another person higher up in the reporting hierarchy.

  • Lateral delegation of authority to a peer either within the same division or in a different division within the reporting hierarchy.

Note: To prevent situations of cascading or circular delegation chains, once the delegation framework passes delegated authority over a transaction to a proxy, the proxy cannot delegate authority over that transaction to another user. The delegation framework only passes authority over transactions from initial delegator to initial proxy.

Delivered Delegation Set Up for Time and Labor

The delegation framework for Time and Labor is delivered with the system. To review this framework:

  1. Review delegation transactions for workflow on the Register Workflow Transaction page.

  2. Review delegation permission lists and roles through PeopleTools Security components.

  3. Define installation settings for delegation on the Delegation Installation Settings page.

  4. Review transactions for delegation on the Configure Delegation Transaction page.

This section discusses how to:

  • Review workflow transactions.

  • Review permission lists and roles for delegation.

  • Define installation settings.

  • Review delegation transactions.

Reviewing Workflow Transactions

The PeopleSoft system delivers the following transactions that are pre-configured for the Time and Labor delegation framework:

  • TLReportedTime

  • TLPayableTime

See Linking Workflow Transactions.

See Setting Up Approval Process Definitions.

Reviewing Permission Lists and Roles for Delegation

PeopleSoft Human Resources delivers as system data several permission lists that are required for use of the delegation framework.

This table describes the delivered Time and Labor roles for the delegation framework:

Role Name

Attached Permission Lists


Delegate Manage Report Time



This role gives you access to the TL_MSS_EE_SRCH_PRD component.

This role gives you access to the TL_MNG_EX_PNL_GPR1 component.

Delegate Manage App Rpt Time



This role gives you access to the TL_MSS_EE_SRCH_PRD component.

This role gives you access to the TL_MNG_EX_PNL_GPR1 component.

Delegate Manage App Pay Time




This role gives you access to the TL_SRCH_APPRV_GRP component.

This role gives you access to the TL_MNG_PAY_VIEW_DT component.

This role gives you access to the TL_MNG_EX_PNL_GPR1 component.

Delegate Manage Overtime Req




This role gives you access to the TL_OT_MNGR_LIST component.

This role gives you access to the TL_OT_VW_MGR component.

This role gives you access to the TL_OT_BALANCES component.

Delegate Approve Overtime




This role gives you access to the TL_OT_MNGR_LIST component.

This role gives you access to the TL_OT_VW_MGR component.

This role gives you access to the TL_OT_BALANCES component.

Note: Setting up permission lists and role security is discussed in detail in a PeopleTools PeopleBook.

See PeopleTools: Security Administration.

See Setting Up Permission Lists and Roles for Delegation.

Defining Installation Settings

When using delegations in Time and Labor, you should select the All Persons hierarchy and the By Dept Security Tree hierarchy on the Delegation Installation Settings page, since Time and Labor group security is not supported by the delegation framework.

See Defining Delegation Installation Settings.

See Setting Up Access to Direct Reports Data.

Reviewing Delegation Transactions

This table lists the delegation transactions delivered for Time and Labor:

Transaction Name

Transaction Type


Manage Reported Time


Delegate Manage Report Time

Manage Approve Reported Time


Delegate Manage Appr Rpt Time

Manage Approve Payable Time


Delegate Manage Appr Pay Time

Manage Approve Overtime


Delegate Approve Overtime

Manage Overtime Request


Delegate Manage Overtime Req

See Configuring Delegation Transactions.