Understanding Advisement Report Types

The advisement report is the degree audit report that reflects a student's progress toward graduation. The report is the core function of the Academic Advisement application. The report displays the academic requirements for a student's program of study and indicates whether the student has completed those requirements. The report provides course details about the courses that are available and the courses already taken. It also is an indication of the student's progress. For example, the advisement report shows whether the student has taken a course. It can also show whether the student is enrolled in the course, plans to take the course, or if it is a what-if course.

The advisement reports, including what-if advisement reports are all based on advisement report types. Before you are able to generate an advisement report, whether administratively or for use in self-service, you must first define report types. When you define advisement report types, you define attributes for the report. For example, define whether you want that type of advisement report to display in-progress courses, planned courses, or courses from the shopping cart. You can also set up special advisement report types that reference academic requirement groups with a special requirement usage (other than the Academic Advisement default, which is used for most of the general advisement requirements).

If you plan to give individuals access to the advisement reports using the self-service pages known as My Academic Requirements (SAA_SS_DPR_ADB) page, the Add Classes - Search by My Requirements (SAA_SS_DPR_ADB_SR) page, the My Planner - Plan by My Requirements (SAA_SS_DPR_ADB) page, the What-If Report - Create What-if Scenario (SAA_SS_WHATIF) page and the Evaluate My Transfer Credit – Generate a What-If Advisement Report (SS_TRCR_AA_RQST) page, you must create at least two report types: one for use with the My Academic Requirements page, one for use with the Plan by My Requirements and Search by My Requirements pages (which can be the same as that used with the My Academic Requirements page), and one for the what-if reports.

If you plan to use the advisement transcript, and you do not want a degree audit to generate report results for every program status (such as a student's completed program of study), then you must define a report type using the Define Advisement Report component and identify the valid program statuses. The report type name must be the same as that of the respective advisement transcript.

Important! If you are using the Program Guide report types, you do not need to set up advisement report types.

See the product documentation for Defining Academic Institutions