Understanding Online and Batch Advisement Transcript Reports

Important! The COBOL transcript process is a deprecated product. It is strongly recommended that you use the Application Engine transcript process instead. For more information on the Application Engine transcript process, see Understanding Transcript-Related Processes.

The advisement report is the degree audit report that reflects a student's progress towards graduation. This report is the core function of the Academic Advisement application. The report indicates whether the student has completed all of the requirements that the student needs to graduate or whether the student still needs to satisfy outstanding requirements.

The advisement report discussed in these topics is a type of transcript. You can produce a report that includes or excludes the student's academic history (academic transcript). The transcript type that you specify at runtime determines which format the system uses (advisement or transcript).

Important! These topics discuss advisement reports generated using the following components: Student Advisement Report (AA_RPT), Transcript Request Component (TSCRPT_RQST), Batch Transcript Request (RUNCTL_SR_TSBATCH), or View Degree Progress Report (SS_AA_REPORT). Refer to the topics, Producing Academic Advisement Reports and Using Self Service Academic Advisement, to learn how to generate online advisement reports, including what-if reports, using other administrative and self-service components. In this product documentation, an academic advisement report (or advisement report) or academic advisement transcript report is also referred to as a degree progress report or degree audit report. An academic advisement transcript report typically refers to a report that includes the academic transcript, as well as the degree audit information.

See Producing Academic Advisement Reports.

See Setting Up Self-Service Features for Academic Advisement.

The core function of Academic Advisement is the ability to generate an advisement report for a student, several students, or a group (batch) of students. You use different components depending on how many reports you want to produce. You can also store data in the analysis database.

After you run the report process, you can view the results online and print the results.

Note: During the analysis process, the advisement engine does not recognize courses that you entered into the system using the Historical Course Enrollment page. Any historical courses that you entered into a student's record are used for record and history tracking purposes only.