Understanding Volunteer Management

This section lists prerequisites and discusses volunteer management.

Before you can manage a volunteer effort, you must have one set up. There are common initiative setup pages for this task, and also volunteer-specific setup pages that enable you to complete volunteer effort setup.

See Setting Up Event Initiatives.

Before you can assign volunteers to tasks, roles, and projects, you must set up your system's volunteer data.

See Adding Resources.

When you create an initiative or define a membership organization, you can create the volunteer structure necessary for the effort to succeed. You can then assign volunteers to the positions within the volunteer structure and assign additional volunteers to perform specific tasks.

A volunteer effort is one type of initiative in Contributor Relations. All initiative types share some common management pages. Some initiatives, such as volunteers, require additional management that is specific to their purpose. The volunteer-specific management is covered in this set of topics; refer to the following set of topics for information about managing all types of initiatives.