Defining Ethnic Groups

Note: If you implement Campus Solutions and a separate instance of PeopleSoft Human Capital Management, read the relevant documentation about CS-HCM integration to understand the setup, functional, and technical implementation considerations. See:

Integrating Person Data

Integrating Setup Data

Monitoring Integrations Using the Integrity Utility

Information Center: CS-HCM Integration for PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2091799.2)

This topic discusses how to define ethnic groups.

Page Name

Definition Name



Ethnic Groups


Set Up Common Objects > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Ethnic Groups

Define ethnic groups.

Access the Ethnic Groups page (Set Up Common Objects > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Ethnic Groups).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Ethnic Groups page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Ethnic Groups page

Field or Control


Ethnic Category

Select the category with which you want to associate the ethnic group. You can associate many ethnic groups with the same ethnic category.

Ethnic Category is enabled only for certain regulatory regions (AUS, HKG, HXUSA, MYS, SGP and USA).

PeopleSoft delivers some ethnicity groups predefined and associated with U.S. recognized ethnic group categories. These categories are translate values. Do not modify these delivered values. Modifications to these translate values could require substantial programming effort. You can, however, create additional ethnic groups and associate them with existing ethnic categories to reflect the diverse ethnicities that comprise your campus community.