Entering School-Related Data

This section discusses how to:

  • Enter subjects offered by the organization.

  • Enter the courses offered within a subject area.

  • Set defaults for TS130 electronic transcripts.

Page Name

Definition Name



School Subject Maintenance


Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > School Subject Maintenance

Enter subject areas offered by the school and relate them to subject areas that your institution offers.

School Course Classification


Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > School Course Classification

Enter the courses offered for each of the organization's subject areas.

Organization TS130 Setup


Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > Organization TS130 Setup

Enter defaults for sending TS130 electronic transcripts to a school.

Access the School Subject Maintenance page (Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > School Subject Maintenance).

School Subject

Field or Control


School Subject

Enter the subject offered by your institution for which you want to track the equivalent subject at an external school.

School Subject Details

Field or Control


External Subject Area

Enter the broad external subject area, from the External Subject Table page, that encompasses this subject at your institution.

Access the School Course Classification page (Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > School Course Classification).

School Course Number

Field or Control


School Course Number

Enter the number of the external course, usually the catalog number.

School Course Details

Field or Control


External Subject Area

Enter the code, from the External Subjects Table page, that describes the subject area of this external course. When courses have different names but are similar in subject—for example, Chemistry and Biology—you can represent both by the single subject that you select here, such as LABS (for Laboratory Science).


Enter the career level (for example, Undergraduate, Graduate, or PostDoc) of this external course.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Course Level

Enter the level (for example, Freshman, Graduate, or Honors) at which this course is offered.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

External Course Type

Enter the external course type.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Access the Organization TS130 Setup page (Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > Organization TS130 Setup).

Enter defaults for sending electronic transcripts to the school. You can specify a directory in which to save the files and send them regularly in a group as FTP or any way that you choose. Or, you can send the transcripts by email, in which case you must enter the destination email address.

When creating a TS130 request, you can override the default values.