External Search/Match and CTM

CTM is integrated with External Search/Match. External Search/Match can only be run for one person at a time. Therefore, CTM triggers the External Search/Match services in the following scenarios:

  • Realtime: Occurs through an online transaction, when a guest user is unknown to the Campus Solutions system (that is, no EMPLID is passed for the user). At Save or Submit time, when Search/Match is set to be processed Realtime, the Search/Match/Post process triggers. If External Search/Match is enabled, CTM calls the External Search/Match services. The search results are interpreted exactly like what the Campus Solutions system does for the internal Search/Match. For processing the realtime transaction, the Campus Solutions system uses the Search/Match configuration that is set up in the Transaction Setup component for the transaction that is being processed. Note that if the Search/Match configuration for 1 Match Found = Update, and the one matching candidate comes from the external system, then the Campus Solutions system first automatically imports the constituent data for the matching candidate and creates an EMPLID. Then, the Campus Solutions system updates the EMPLID with the data that was entered by the guest user.

  • Manually: Occurs when an administrator analyzes the data that appears in the Constituent Staging component for a specific Temporary ID and clicks the Search/Match Results link. Because this is also performed for a single person, External Search/Match is triggered and the search results page shows matching candidates from internal Search/Match and/or External Search/Match depending on the results. This is exactly the same behavior if you use the Search/Match Integrated component to perform the search.

Note: External Search/Match does not support searches in batch, therefore, the CTM Transaction Management batch process does not trigger External Search/Match.