Managing Evaluations

This section discusses how to:

  • Review an evaluation.

  • Add evaluation attachments.

  • Calculate an evaluation rating scheme

  • Enter results for an evaluator in an individual evaluator scheme.

  • Enter results for an evaluator in a committee evaluation scheme.

Page Name

Definition Name



Evaluation Overview


Campus Community > Evaluation Management System > Manage Evaluation > Evaluation Overview

Add and manually maintain and manage evaluations in this component. Also add evaluations using the batch process and perform some maintenance activities in batch.

Evaluation Attachments


Click the Attachments link on the Evaluation Overview page.

Attach files to an evaluation record.

Calculated Scheme


Campus Community > Evaluation Management System > Manage Evaluation > Calculated Scheme

Calculate overall ratings for an evaluation.

Individual Evaluator Scheme


Campus Community > Evaluation Management System > Manage Evaluation > Individual Evaluator Scheme

Manually enter individual evaluator evaluations and ratings.

Committee Scheme


Campus Community > Evaluation Management System > Manage Evaluation > Committee Scheme

Enter committee evaluations and ratings.

Access the Evaluation Overview page (Campus Community > Evaluation Management System > Manage Evaluation > Evaluation Overview).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Evaluation Overview page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Evaluation Overview page

This administrative component stores the evaluation data for a student. This page is a high-level overview of other elements in the evaluation which are detailed in the other pages of the component. The system populates several fields on this page by default, depending on the setup values entered for the Evaluation Category and Evaluation Code.

The system populates several fields on this page by default, depending on the setup values entered for the Evaluation Category and Evaluation Code.

Note: Standard audit fields SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID, SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM, SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID, and SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM reside on the SCC_GE_STU_EVAL record.

Field or Control


Evaluation Instance

The system displays a unique evaluation number for that ID.

Process Instance

If the evaluation was created by the batch process, a value appears in this field.

Eval Code Seq (evaluation code sequence)

The system displays a sequence number that provides more granularity in the event the same code is reassigned to the same ID over time. This valued is assigned and incremented by the system.

Data Keys

The system displays different fields in this group box based on the evaluation category and cross-reference record used in the category setup. In this example, the evaluation category is Admissions, so the corresponding data keys are associated with the cross-reference record designated on the evaluation category setup. If the evaluation was created manually, then you must populate these fields. If the evaluation was created by the batch process, these values must be passed in through the Population Selection tool as part of the batch run control.

Evaluation Status Details

Field or Control



The system displays the administrator defined on the Evaluation Info page.

Evaluation Status

This field displays a point in time overall status of the evaluation. This value can differ from the status of any schemes that are part of the evaluation. At evaluation creation, the value is set to the default status value designated on the Evaluation Code setup. This value must be manually updated as the evaluation progresses.

Status Date

Populates as the current date.

Completed Date

Display-only field. The system sets the value of this field. Indicates the date the evaluation was set to final. Used by workflow to prevent errors in the processing.


Click this link to access the Evaluation Attachments page, where you can add attachments associated with the evaluation.

Final Recommendation/Comments

The fields in this group box represent the final, high-level result for this evaluation.

Field or Control



Select a recommendation; Recommendation Code values are defined on the Evaluation Statuses page. On this page this value represents the recommendation for the entire evaluation.

Recommend Prize

Select a recommendation; field values are determined by the setup of the Recommended Prize prompt for the evaluation code.

Calculated Scheme

This group box displays the Calculated Scheme selected on the Evaluation Info page. The overall rating appears from the field value on the Calculated Scheme page.

Committee Schemes

This group box displays the committee schemes that are part of this evaluation as well as the high-level details of each scheme. You can enter additional details about the committee members and schemes on the Committee Scheme page of this component.

Individual Evaluator Schemes

This group box displays the individual evaluator schemes that are part of this evaluation as well as the high-level details of each scheme. You can enter additional details about the individual evaluators and schemes on the Individual Evaluator Scheme page of this component.

Click the Add Attachment button to browse and select and upload a file to be attached.

Access the Calculated Scheme page (Campus Community > Evaluation Management System > Manage Evaluation > Calculated Scheme).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Calculated Scheme page.

Calculated Scheme page

With the Rules Engine integration, you can associate the calculated scheme’s rating components with a rule to automatically calculate a rating value based on data in the system. In that case, the Rating Value field on this page will become unavailable for edit because it is expected that the rule will calculate the value. If rating components in the scheme setup are not associated with a rule, then you can enter the rating values for those components manually on this page.

If a rule is identified for the rating scheme in the rating scheme setup, then that rule can calculate an Overall Rating as an alternate to the PeopleCode calculation of the Overall Rating as an average of the rating component values. For example, a rule calculation can give varying weights to some of the rating component values in determining the Overall Rating. If rating components in the scheme setup are not associated with a rule, then you can enter the rating values for those components manually on this page.

The rules to calculate the ratings can be triggered by a save in the Manage Evaluation component or by running the batch calculation process (SCC_GE_CALC). In either case, if the data needed to do the calculation is present in the system, then a rating value is returned to the component. If data is not present, then the batch calculation process can be run to scan for the data and update the component.

For more information on using rules in a calculated scheme, refer to the following topics in the Evaluation Management Setup documentation:

Access the Individual Evaluator Scheme page (Campus Community > Evaluation Management System > Manage Evaluation > Individual Evaluator Scheme).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Individual Evaluator Scheme page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Individual Evaluator Scheme page

Content on this page is populated by default from the setup on the Define Individual Evaluator Scheme page. Evaluators that were defined for the scheme on the Define Individual Evaluator Scheme page will populate in this page. However, you can make some changes to the scheme depending on settings for the scheme and the status of the evaluation.

Scheme Details

Field or Control


Scheme Name

Display only, populated by default from the Evaluation Code setup

Rating Scheme

Display only, populated by default from the Evaluation Code setup


Enter the EmplID of the administrator who is responsible for entering the final evaluation status and recommendation. The system populates this field by default from the Evaluation Code setup. You can change this default value.

Evaluation Status

Select a status for the state of this Scheme. Available field values are set up on the Evaluation Statuses and are defined on the Evaluation Code setup.

Completed Date

Display-only field. The system sets the value of this field. Indicates the date the evaluation was set to final. Used by workflow to prevent errors in the processing.


Select a recommendation that represents the outcome for the Scheme. Optional but can be used in conjunction with the Overall Rating.

Overall Rating

The system displays the calculated average of all evaluators’ overall rating values. A setting on the Evaluation Code setup can control this behavior, whether the rating should calculate as each evaluator completes or hold the calculation until all evaluator results are entered.

Scheme Order

Display only, populated by default from the Evaluation Code setup. Represents the place in order of this scheme in the overall Evaluation


Enter any text relevant to the evaluation.


Click this link to access the Evaluation Attachments page, where you can add attachments associated with the evaluation.

Evaluator Details

This group box contains individual evaluator evaluation results. If evaluators were previously defined, their IDs appear here. However, you can add or remove additional evaluator IDs, ratings, and recommendations on this page, if the scheme is not final.

Field or Control


Evaluation Status

Select a status for the evaluator’s action. Available field values reflect the current state of the evaluation, and are set up on the Evaluation Statuses page.

Completed Date

Display-only field. The system sets the value of this field. Indicates the date the evaluation was set to final. Used by workflow to prevent errors in the processing.


In addition to providing rating results, enter the recommendation of the evaluator. Recommendation Values are defined on the Evaluation Statuses page.

Overall Rating

The system displays the calculated average of the evaluators’ rating components. This value also appears becomes part of the overall rating for the scheme.


Click this link to access the Evaluation Attachments page, where you can add attachments associated with the evaluation.

Rating Components

Rating Components are populated by default from the rating scheme associated with the Individual Evaluator Scheme. If designated on the rating scheme setup, you can add or delete a component from the grid if the scheme is not in Final status. Enter your rating value for each component in the scheme. Rating values prompt against the rating scheme setup. All required rating components must have a value before setting the status to the final status value (as designated on the Evaluation Code setup). If a required component lacks a value, the system will prompt you to enter a value at save time when updating the status.

See Adding Evaluation Attachments

Access the Committee Scheme page (Campus Community > Evaluation Management System > Manage Evaluation > Committee Scheme).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Committee Scheme page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Committee Scheme page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Committee Scheme page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Committee Scheme page (2 of 2)

If committee schemes were previously defined on the Define Committee Scheme page, those committees appear here.

Committee Schemes Used

Field or Control


Evaluation Status

Available field values are set up on the Evaluation Statuses and are defined on the Evaluation Code page.

Completed Date

Display-only field. The system sets the value of this field. Indicates the date the evaluation was set to final. Used by workflow to prevent errors in the processing.


Enter a recommendation that represents all recommendations from the underlying evaluators. Recommendation Values are defined on the Evaluation Statuses page.

Overall Rating

The system displays the calculated average of each evaluator’s final rating. This value also becomes part of the overall rating for the scheme.

Additional Details

Click the Additional Details tab to enter administrator's EmplID, comments and attachments at the scheme level.

Field or Control



Enter the EmplID of the administrator who is responsible for entering final recommendation and status for the committee scheme. The system populates this field by default from the Evaluation Code setup. You can change this default value.

Committee Details

Field or Control


Committee Scheme

Display only, populated by default from the Evaluation Code setup.

Committee Code

Display only, populated by default from the Committee Scheme setup.

Committee Type

Display only populated by default from the Committee Scheme setup.


Enter the EmplID of the administrator who is responsible for entering the final evaluation status and recommendation for the committee. The system populates this field by default from the Define Committee Scheme page. You can change this default value.

Evaluation Status

Select a status for the state of this Scheme. Available field values are set up on the Evaluation Statuses and are defined on the Evaluation Code page.

Completed Date

Display-only field. The system sets the value of this field. Indicates the date the evaluation was set to final. Used by workflow to prevent errors in the processing.


Select a recommendation that represents the outcome for the Scheme. Optional but can be used in conjunction with the Overall Rating.

Overall Rating

The system displays the calculated average of all evaluators’ overall rating values. A setting on the Evaluation Code setup can control this behavior, whether the rating should calculate as each evaluator completes or hold the calculation until all evaluator results are entered.

Scheme Order

Display only, populated by default from the Evaluation Code setup. Represents the place in order of this scheme in the overall Evaluation

Committee Order

Display only, populated by default from the Committee Scheme setup.


Enter any text relevant to the evaluation.


Click this link to access the Evaluation Attachments page, where you can add attachments associated with the evaluation.

Evaluator Details

The fields in this group box are the same as those on the Individual Evaluator Scheme page. These are the committee member evaluation results.

Rating Components

The fields in this grid are the same as those on the Individual Evaluator Scheme page.

See Adding Evaluation Attachments