Setting Up Entity Registry

This section discusses how to:

  • Configure entity registry.

  • Set up entity properties.

  • Set up entity property details.

  • Create entity views.

  • Generate entity schema.

  • Generate entity code.

  • View the entity hierarchy.

Page Name

Definition Name



Entity Registry


Set Up SACR > System Administration > Entity > Entity Registry

Maintain the delivered entities and extend the data structure to process your transactions. Generate code or schema based on the setup data that you enter on this page.

You can paste the generated code inside the application class. The application class can be used by a mechanism to process data, for example a web service. Generate schema that can be pasted inside the Integration Broker schema.

Synchronize an entity.

Entity Properties


Select Edit Properties in the Action field on the Entity Registry page.

Review the list of property names and field names contained inside the stage record (if it exists) and the production record for the entity.

Modify the default configuration if you want a specific property name to behave differently when passed inside request or response XML messages.

Entity Property Details


Click the Details link on the Entity Properties page.

Maintain the label, element name and default value for a specific property.

Set up list of values if needed.

Entity Registry Views


Select Edit Entity View in the Action field on the Entity Registry page.

Create subsets of entity meta-data.

Entity Schema


Select Generate XSD in the Action field on the Entity Registry page.

View the auto-generated entity schema code.

You can copy and paste this code inside the schema of an Integration Broker message.

Entity Code Generation


Select Generate Code in the Action field on the Entity Registry page.

Set up how you want to generate the application class code.

After generating the application class code, you can paste this code inside an application class in Application Designer.

Entity Hierarchy Display


Select View Hierarchy in the Action field on the Entity Registry page.

Review the children hierarchy for the selected entity.

Note: The page does not display the entity's parent relationships. Only child relationships are displayed.

Access the Entity Registry page (Set Up SACR > System Administration > Entity > Entity Registry ).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity Registry page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Registry page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entry Registry page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Registry page (2 of 2)

You can use the Entity Registry page to not only create new entities but also to maintain existing entities.

For example, you can use the page to:

  • Specify that you do not want to apply a data update rule to an entity.

  • Change the application class that handles the entity data.

  • Change the staging or production table record.

  • Require a property to be included inside the incoming or the outgoing xml message.

  • Generate the schema based on specific entity settings that you can later use to configure the messages in Integration Broker.

  • Generate the base code for the entity based on the configuration provided.

  • Add entities as children, extending the entity tree.

  • Edit entity views.

  • Sync entities.

Entity Configuration

Field or Control


Entity ID

Displays the auto-generated unique ID.

When you add a new entity type, this field displays the value NOID until you save the record. When you save the new entity, the field displays the ID that the system assigned to the entity.


Required. Enter the entity name.


Required. Enter the entity status.

If you select Inactive, the system ignores the entity and its children.

Entity Type

Select the entity type. The system prompts you with the entity types defined on the Entity Type page.

See Configuring Entity Types.


Enter the description of what the entity is used for.

AppClass (Application Class)

Specify the application class that implements the entity's logic.

Generally, this application class provides the properties, and adds any custom validation, pre-save, or fill logic. However, because it is an application class, this class can override any functionality from the base class.

The delivered base classes are stored inside the application package called: SCC_COMMON:ENTITY (for instance StagedEntity, StagedHREntity, BasicEntity, ChildEntity, and WorkEntity application classes). The application class that you enter here extends these existing application classes depending on the entity type.

Note: When creating a new entity, you can create an empty application class in Application Designer and enter its name here. Once the entity setup data is entered, you can select Generate Code in the Action field to generate the code that can be pasted inside the application class peoplecode.

If the entity is of a type that supports a default class the application class will not be marked required, and if no application class is specified the default will automatically be used. The default can be overridden at any time by specifying an appclass here.

Prod Record (Production Record)

Enter the name of the production record where the entity data is permanently stored.

Note: This field appears only if you have indicated that the selected entity type will use production record. You indicate this on the Entity Type page.

Stage Record

Enter the name of the stage record where the entity data is temporarily stored.

Note: This field appears only if you have indicated that the selected entity type will use stage record. You indicate this on the Entity Type page.

Element (XML)

Enter the element name that the system will use for this entity inside the XML messages.

The name that you enter here should not match any other entity’s element name and cannot contain spaces. For example, for the delivered Emergency Contact entity name, we gave the element name EMERGENCY_CONTACT.

Log PeopleTools Audit

Select the check box to allow saving to PeopleTools audit records created to track changes to data. By default, tools auditing in entity registry is turned off.

Entity application classes with their own populateAudit and/or Save methods must add calls to these methods for auditing to work:

  • Method populateAudit—add call to Abstract Entity’s populateToolsAudit();

  • Method Save—add call to Abstract Entity’s saveToolsAudit();

If a record’s entity application class has overridden the populateAudit and/or Save methods, it must be modified to add methods that log audit data.

When a record is marked for auditing, the tools auditing feature caches the record and its field details, preventing recurring requests to the database for the record’s audit setup. For that reason, you need to update or reset the entity registry cache whenever you update the audit setup of a record in the application designer. You can update the cache from the Entity Registry and Entity Property Sync pages.

Apply Data Update Rule

Select if you want to apply a data update rule to an entity. You use the Data Update Rule Entry page to define data update rules for an entity. Defining data update rules for an entity may require additional coding.

Note: SCC_COMMON.ENTITY.AbstractEntity application class handles the basic logic for data update rules. For special cases, where rules could be subdivided by type, the logic resides in the particular entity's application class.

Note: To populate an entity on the Data Update Rule Entry page, you must first select the Apply Data Update Rule check box for the entity on the Entity Registry page. Then, click the Refresh button on the Data Update Rule Entry page. Conversely, to remove an entity from the Data Update Rule Entry page, first deselect the Apply Data Update Rule check box for the entity. Then, click the Refresh button on the Data Update Rule Entry page.

See Setting Up CTM.


You can select from the following actions:

  • Edit Entity View

  • Edit Properties

  • Generate Code

  • Generate XSD

  • Sync Entity

  • Unit Test

  • View Hierarchy

See the “Selecting Actions on the Entity Registry Page” section for information about these actions.

Selecting Actions on the Entity Registry Page

Field or Control


Edit Entity View

Select to access the Entity Registry Views page. Entity views allow the creation of subsets of entity meta-data.

Edit Properties

Select to access the Entity Properties page.

The Entity Properties page enables a finer control of entity properties through a UI controlled meta-data.

Note: This action is available only if you have indicated that the selected entity type will use properties. You indicate this on the Entity Type page.

Generate Code

Select to access the Entity Code Generation page after you complete the entity registry setup. The Entity Code Generation page enables you to configure and generate the application class code.

See Setting Up Entity Registry, “Generating the Entity Code.”.

Generate XSD

Select to access the Entity Schema page. The Entity Schema page displays the generated schema that you can paste inside an Integration Broker message schema.

Note: While you can generate schemas from any entities, it is useful only for entities that a service directly calls. In other words, it depends on what the base entity needs from a service that uses the entity. For example, the Names entity (which is a child of the Constituent entity) is not directly used. Therefore, if you extended the Names entity or make modifications to it, do not generate the XSD for Names, but instead generate the XSD for its root entity (that is, Constituent).

Note: It is useful to select this action when the root entity is modified. For instance, select this action for a parent entity, if you add or remove its children entities inside the Children grid.

See PeopleSoft Integration Broker for more details on schemas.

Sync Entity

Select this action to run the sync process. A pop-up appears to indicate that the sync process has completed.

The sync process:

  • Updates properties to match underlying records.

    The sync process syncs the entity properties with the fields of the underlying records (stage record if it exists and production record). The sync process ties a property to each field of the underlying records. This is very important because the system uses the properties as the source of truth to drive the functionality of the underlying entity, as well as to generate the entity code and schema (not the field names or the record objects).

  • Keeps entity views up to date with changes to entity properties and children.

  • Keeps entity properties/children synced with the Common Attribute Framework.

You should run the sync process after creating or modifying an entity or after you have set up or changed the underlying records for the entity.

You must run the sync process before you generate any entity code or schemas. Therefore, the sync process is automatically triggered when you save the Entity Registry component or select an Action of Generate Code or Generate XSD (selecting these actions would also trigger a save) when one of the following conditions is met:

  • A new entity is created.

  • The stage or production record has been changed.

  • The last updated datetime of either record is more recent than the last updated datetime of the entity.

The sync process is supported based on entity type. Currently, all delivered entities, except Custom, support syncing.

Note: The Sync Entities action is available only if you have specified a Sync AppClass for the entity type. If you have selected the Allow Properties option but did not specify a Sync AppClass on the Entity Type page, even then the system does not display the action.

Note: The sync process does not reset the settings you have entered on the Entity Properties and the Entity Property Details pages. The process only synchronizes the entities and field names with the underlying records.

Warning! If you add, remove, or rename a field of an underlying record, then all the entities using the record must be re-synchronized. The Sync process will handle property associations. After the sync, you should update the code to incorporate the changes the sync process had made. The easiest way to do this is to simply regenerate the code and re-add any customizations.

Note: Properties that are specified on the entity definition that do not exist at all in the code will be automatically handled. If the property maps to a field on the record that will be taken care of. If the property is completely new it will be stored in a hash table. Either way the safest way to access that data is by using the new methods getProperty and setProperty. Defaults all use these methods to access properties.

You can also manually update the code. To do this, remove database references from fields that are no longer part of the record. Add properties for new fields that should now be in the property list.

See Synchronizing Entity Properties.

Unit Test

Select to access the Entity Unit Tests page. The page lists the unit tests that you have created for the entity and enables you to run the unit tests.

See Executing Unit Tests for Entities.

View Hierarchy

Select to view the children hierarchy for the entity.


Use the Children grid to list the entity names that are children of the main entity name. For example, in the preceding Entity Registry page screen shot, the Emergency Contact is the main entity and the Emergency Phone is a child. A parent-child relationship does not imply dependency. Each entity can exist independently and is sometimes used as such, that is, you can directly create an instance of Emergency Phone entity and use it to modify an Emergency Phone Number, without needing the parent. Entity logic is encapsulated inside the entity and is unknown from the related entities.

Warning! To create parent-child relationships, a good understanding of the data structure is required.

Field or Control



Specify the sequence of the child entities in the XML schema.

Entity Name

Enter the name of the child entity.

The system prompts you with only the entities that are configured with an entity type defined as Entity Type Children for the parent entity type. For example, suppose on the Entity Type page, for Staged Entity type you have added two entity type children, Staged Entity and Custom. Now, suppose Academic Program and Academic Plan entities have an entity type of Staged Entity on the Entity Registry page. Two other entities - Academic Interests entity has an entity type of Custom and Prospect Program entity has entity type of Basic Entity on the Entity Registry page. Therefore, on the Entity Registry page you can add Academic Plan and Academic Interests as child entities for the Academic Program entity. However, you cannot add Prospect Program entity as a child for the Academic Program entity.

See Configuring Entity Types.


Displays the status of the child entity.


Specify how you want the XML messages to display the child entity data with the parent entity data.

Select the Embed check box if you want the child entity data to be embedded in the parent entity data. This is useful for certain sibling record purposes where you do not want the XML to show the child at a separate level from the parent.

  • Example when non-embedded (that is, you do not select the Embed check box):

  • Example when embedded (that is, you select the Embed check box):



Enter the minimum number of occurrences of this entity under the parent, which can be the number 0 or any number greater than 0.


Enter the maximum number of occurrences of this entity under the parent.

Note: The number 0 means the maximum is unbounded, or any number greater than the min value can be used.

Element Wrapper (XML)

Optional. Enter a value that the system can use as a tag to wrap all the child occurrences of this entity under the parent.

  • Example when Element Wrapper (XML) is left blank (no wrapper):

  • Example when Element Wrapper (XML) is defined (with wrapper):



Click to access the Entity Registry page for the child entity.


This region displays the parent entities. More than one parent can exist. Click the link to access the Entity Registry page for the parent.

Access the Entity Properties page (select Edit Properties in the Action field on the Entity Registry page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity Properties page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Properties page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity Properties page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Properties page (2 of 2)

The Entity Properties page enables you to define how a property should behave when its data is encoded as XML (for instance, when the system uses the property inside web services). A property is defined as an individual value on the entity that is controlled by the Entity Registry component. Properties are generally based on the fields of the underlying records (that is, staging record if it exists and production record). However, properties can exist that are independent of the underlying records. We refer to these independent properties as transient properties. You must write custom code to save or populate the transient properties. Entities can have an unlimited number of properties.

The system uses the properties, and not the fields of the underlying records, as the source of truth to drive the functionality of the underlying entity, and to generate the entity code and the schema.

Field or Control



Order the properties as you want then to be displayed inside an XML message.

Property Name

Indicates the property name on the entity object.

By default, the property name matches the field name. You can change a property name, unless the property is already handled by the base application class, which causes the property to be read-only.

Note: You cannot delete property names that match the fields in the staging record (if it exists) or in the production record.

Note: Inside the delivered entities, the property name SCC_ENTITY_INST_ID is listed even though it is not included inside the underlying records (we refer to these extra properties as transient properties). The primary use for this transient property is to provide a unique identifier for a particular instance of an entity. When an error occurs, this ID enables the system to link an error to a specific entity instance.

Warning! If you make any changes to the property name after the code has been generated, then you must either regenerate the code or manually update the property names to match the new name.

For information on how to use property name SCC_ENTITY_INST_ID, see User Interface Considerations, “Error Handling.”

See Configuring Entity Types.

Property Type

Indicates whether the property is a String, Number, Date, Datetime, or Time.

If the property is based on a field, the system automatically determines the property type based on the field type. You cannot edit such a property type.

Note: The Property Type field is enabled only when the entity is set up with the entity type Custom or when you add a new property name (transient property).

Note: When the system triggers the Sync process, the process makes sure that the Property Type displayed for each property on this page matches the field type changes that may have occurred in the underlying records.

Warning! If you make any changes to the property type after the code has been generated, then you must either regenerate the code or manually update the property data types to match the new type.

Field Name

Displays the name of the matching field inside the underlying records. Only the sync process can enter and maintain this value.

Note: A Field Name value appears only when the property is field based.

Note: The sync process ensures that the correct Field Name value appears.

In Stage

Indicates whether the Field Name is included in the stage record. Only the sync process can select or deselect this check box.

Note: This field appears only if you have specified a stage record on the Entity Registry page.

Note: The sync process verifies whether the field is still included inside the stage record. If this property changes, you will need to change the code in the get and set methods to match the changes.

Example code for a property that is only in stage record:

get PropertyName
   /+ Returns String +/
   If %This.STAGE_MODE Then
      Return PropertyName.Value;
   Return "";
set PropertyName
   /+ &NewValue as String +/
   If %This.STAGE_MODE Then PropertyName.Value = &NewValue;

Warning! If you remove a field from both production and stage records, the Entity Properties page will still display the property. Properties are never removed and have to be manually deleted, to avoid changes to schema. Notice that after you manually remove the property in the code, the system enables the minus sign in the grid to allow you to delete the property.

In Production

Indicates whether the Field Name is included in the production record. Only the sync process can select or deselect this check box.

Note: The sync process verifies whether the field is still included inside the production record. If this property changes, you will need to change the code in the get and set methods to match the changes.

Note: This field appears only if you have specified a production record on the Entity Registry page.

Warning! If you remove a field from both production and stage records, the Entity Properties page will still display the property the Entity Properties page. Properties are never removed and have to be manually deleted, to avoid changes to schema. Notice that after you manually remove the property in the code, the system enables the minus sign in the grid to allow you to delete the property.

Example code for a property that is only in production record:

get PropertyName
   /+ Returns String +/
   If not %This.STAGE_MODE Then
      Return PropertyName.Value;
   Return "";
set PropertyName
   /+ &NewValue as String +/
   If not %This.STAGE_MODE Then PropertyName.Value = &NewValue;


Attributes from the Common Attribute Framework can be accessed as properties on an entity. This allows attributes to be treated more like fields on a record.

See the “Common Attribute Framework Integration” documentation later in this section.

Viewable and Editable

When you select the Viewable check box, the system adds the property to any generated outgoing XML, JSON or Rules Engine message that includes the entity (the system does this using the toXMLNode method). This outgoing message from a system can either be a request message or a response message.

When you select the Editable check box, the system parses the property from any incoming XML, JSON or Rules Engine message that it receives (the system does this using the fromXMLNode method). If the Editable check box is not selected, the system will ignore any incoming data.

Note: While entities are used for services, it is not their only use. Options such as Viewable and Editable have implications outside of services (for instance, importing and exporting XML, JSON or Rules Engine data). Therefore, while request and response messages do make use of the Viewable and Editable options, these messages are not the only usage scenarios for the options.

Note: If you do not select either the Viewable check box or the Editable check box, the property will not appear in the schema.

Note: The values for transient properties are not stored, but the system can include these values inside the messages. Because at configuration time the sync process cannot tell if it should have an incoming or outgoing value or not, the Viewable and Editable options are always valid for transient properties.

Note: The sync process, by default, selects the Viewable and Editable check boxes for every field except for fields that the system has programmatically marked to be ignored based on the entity type (for instance SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID, SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM, SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID, and SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM). You can manually select the Viewable and Editable check boxes for these ignored fields.


Indicates if the field is required. If the check box is selected, the system must populate the data into the field. The system will check whether the data exists for the field inside the XML or JSON messages during validation.

When a property is marked as required, the system automatically selects and disables the Viewable check box. Selecting a field as required means it will be marked minOccurs 1 in the schema, that is, the field must be included in any occurrence of the XML.

Note: For entities configured with an entity type that uses a stage record, the sync process, by default, selects the Required check box if the field is included in both production and stage records. If the field is only included in one of the underlying records, even it if is required in the record definition, the sync process does not mark the field as required. This is because the field may not be required in all circumstances.

For entities configured with an entity type that does not use a stage record, the sync process, by default, selects the Required check box if the field is marked as required inside the production record.

LOV (List of Values)

Select if you want to send the value description, with the value in the outgoing XML (the Viewable check box must be selected).

The system enables this check box for only the fields that have list of values, that is field names defined with a prompt table or field names defined as translate fields inside the record definition in Application Designer. The system includes the description inside the outgoing XML message under a new tag labeled <name of the property Element (XML)_LOVDescr>.

By default, this option uses the following logic to return the description:

  • For translate fields: the value’s long description is returned.

  • For prompt fields: the logic looks for the existence of the following fields in the record (respecting the order given): DESCR, DESCRSHORT, DESCR30, DESCR100. If none of these works, it uses the first non-key field marked as a list box item.

For example, in the Emergency Contact entity, the production record is SCC_EMERG_CNT_2. If you want to include a description in the outgoing XML message for the COUNTRY property (which is a field with a prompt table), selecting the LOV check box will result in including the following tag inside the outgoing XML message: <COUNTRY_LOVDescr>, where COUNTRY is the Element (XML) name defined for the COUNTRY property. Suppose the COUNTRY value gets populated with USA. The LOVDescr tag will then contain: <COUNTRY_LOVDescr>United States</COUNTRY_LOVDescr>. The value United States corresponds to the DESCR field found inside the prompt table (COUNTRY_TBL) defined inside the SCC_EMERG_CNT_2 record for the COUNTRY field name.

If you do not want to use the default logic, click the Details link and set the LOV Unique ID field on the Entity Property Details page.

Note: The sync process enables the LOV check box only if the field is defined with a prompt table or defined as a translate field inside the record definition. The sync never selects or deselects the check box. Only you can manually select or deselect this check box.

Note: The default logic returns the field description from the record that is being used. Therefore, if the service operation is using the stage record, it will evaluate the record definition for the stage record. If instead the operation uses the production record, it will use the field description stored inside the record definition for the production record.


Click to access the Entity Property Details page.

Last Synced

Shows the last time this entity was synced. If the entity has not been synced since the last synced tracking was introduced, this date will not appear. Clicking the date time link will show the detail log for the sync. This log is identical to the one seen when viewing the details from the Entity Property Sync component.

Common Attribute Framework Integration

Attributes from the Common Attribute Framework are treated as entity properties. By adding the properties and syncing the entity the new attributes appear as properties.

Attribute types map to equivalent entity property types:

Attribute Type

Property Type

Short Text, Text, Long Text, Yes/No, LOV








Repeatable maps to the list entity property list attribute.

If the Attribute Type is a list of values the Property LOV Unique ID is set.

For each attribute record a child entity is created. It is automatically added as a child. It is maintained and should never be accessed directly. This entity will never show up in XML/JSON and will not be accessible in the rules engine.

See Understanding Common Attribute Framework.

Access the Entity Property Details page (click the Details link on the Entity Properties page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity Property Details page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Property Details page

Field or Control



If this check box is selected, the property is treated as a list. This supports repeatable attributes. Non-field based properties can also be marked as lists, in which case they are treated as arrays in the entity application class.

Show LOV Description

This check box is the same as the LOV check box that appears on the Property Details grid of the Entity Properties page. When one is selected, the other one is also selected. They both have the same purpose.

Element (XML)

Indicates the label for the XML tag name used for this property. This is the tag that the system uses in the XML schema of the incoming and outgoing XML messages.

Warning! If you change this value, you must select an Action of Generate XSD on the Entity Registry page to regenerate the schema and paste it inside the Integration Broker message schema.

Note: The sync process, by default, sets this value to match the Field Name.


Define the default value. There are three types of defaults:

  • Record: Uses the default value defined in the record definition in Application Designer for the underlying production record. This is the selected choice by default.

  • Custom: If you select Custom, the Value field appears. Use the Value field prompt to select a default value that will be included inside the outgoing XML.

  • Skip: Skips the property at the time of populating default values.

Note: The sync process always sets this value to Record.


Indicates the label for the property as shown in the comments for the XML schema. This is primarily a descriptive attribute.

Note: If you want to see the new label in the schema, regenerate the schema.

Note: The sync process sets this value with the default label defined in the field properties of the production record.


Indicates the description for the property as shown in the comments for the XML schema. This is primarily a descriptive attribute.

Note: If you want to see the new description in the schema, regenerate the schema.

Note: The sync process sets this value with the description defined for the field definition in Application Designer.

LOV Unique ID

This field allows you to select a specific LOV prompt definition for the entity property to use.

Entity views allow the creation of subsets of entity meta-data. Entity views can only reduce access from what is specified at the base entity. So if a property is set to Viewable but not Editable, you cannot set it to Editable from a view, but Viewable can be turned on or off.

Access the Entity Registry Views page (select Edit Entity View in the Action field on the Entity Registry page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity Registry Views page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Registry Views page

Every entity has a “Complete” view. The complete view always matches what has been set on the entity property and children. This view cannot be edited and is maintained during the sync process. A single view, per entity, is always marked default. The default view is used if no profile is selected, or if that entity does not belong to the current profile. Default also specifies the view assigned when a new entity is added to a profile. The default is used by all entity based services built prior to profiles existing, such as EWS and AAWS.

See Setting Up Entity Profiles.

The sync process maintains the entity view matching the entity properties and children. No data is currently logged for entity view syncs.

To create a new entity view, add a row on the Entity Registry Views page. You are taken to the Entity Registry View Details (SCC_ENT_VW2) page:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity Registry View Details page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Registry View Details page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity Registry View Details page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Registry View Details page (2 of 2)

Entity Properties

Field or Control


Viewable and Editable

You can select or deselect these check boxes on a per property/view basis.


You can select or deselect this check box on a per property/view basis, but only if the LOV check box is available and selected for the property.

Entity Children

Field or Control



Select this check box to hide entity children. The entities that are a direct child of the current entity (and any children of those entities) will not be shown.

Note: Selecting this check box just hides the entity child; it does not prevent that child from being filled as part of the initial fill process. This avoids certain complications in the rules engine.

Access the Entity Schema page (select Generate XSD in the Action field on the Entity Registry page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity Schema page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Schema page

The system generates the schema based on the property settings. If the following settings are changed on the Entity Properties and Entity Property Details pages, you must regenerate the schema:

  • Element (XML)

  • Show LOV Description and LOV check box

  • In Stage

  • In Production

  • Required

  • List

Any changes made to the following property settings do not require regenerating the schema as their function is primarily descriptive:

  • Label

  • Description

You can paste the generated schema to the appropriate message name inside the Schema page (PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Messages > Schema).

For information on schemas, see PeopleTools: Integration Broker.

Access the Entity Code Generation page (select Generate Code in the Action field on the Entity Registry page).

Note: This should only be done for entities where the application class is specified. Entities using the default application class approach have no need to do this.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity Code Generation page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Code Generation page

The system generates the code based on the property settings. If the following settings are changed on the Entity Properties and Entity Property Details pages, you must regenerate the code:

  • Property Name

  • Property Type

  • In Stage

  • In Production

  • Attribute

  • List

The four options that the grid displays are dynamic, based on the entity type and are coded in the Code Generation Appclass. Therefore, while these options are available in most of the delivered entity types, they are not static.

Field or Control


Custom Presave Code

Select to add the methods preSave and preSaveFirst to the generated code. These methods are called as part of the preSave process.

  • preSave: This is called prior to the save process to do any final data processing.

  • preSaveFirst: This is called once per childEntity before preSave. This is useful if you have code that needs to be run across all child entities of a particular type, or you need to remove entities prior to saving.

Custom Validation Code

Select to add the methods Validate and validateFirst to the generated code.

  • Validate: Runs as part of the validation process for this entity. Generally, this method should call commonValidate, which is responsible for field level validations. Any custom validation can also be added.

  • validateFirst: This is called once per childEntity, before any other validation. This method is good for running validations that may need to compare entities against each other that you do not need to run during the validation for every entity.

Custom Set Default Code

Select to add an override for setDefault. Normally, setDefault is based on the field defaults specified on the record. It is recommended to first call %Super.setDefault() to set the default field values and then set any special overrides.

Extend Fill

Select to override the method called Fill. The system runs this method when it takes data from a record and populates this data into an entity. You may need to override this method to modify data after retrieval from the database or to populate transient values.

Generate Code

Click to generate the code template that can later be pasted directly inside the Application Class that you have specified on the Entity Registry page. Use Application Designer to paste the generated code.

To generate the code, the system uses the staging record (if it exists) and the production record, the entity type, the entity property settings, and the selected code generation options.

When you click the button, the sample code template is displayed inside the Appclass Code box.

Note: Clicking this button is useful at the time of creating a new entity or if a change is made to an existing entity. For example, you could generate code when production or stage records are modified, or when properties are changed.

To view the children hierarchy for an entity, select the View Hierarchy action on the Entity Registry page. Here is an example of an entity hierarchy:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity Hierarchy example. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Hierarchy example

The hierarchy is dynamically drawn using HTML5 SVG. You can download the SVG, but only in Chrome and Firefox (not in Internet Explorer). IE8 does not support HTML5, so it shows an alternative list view. All other browsers can also view this using the View List link:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entity Hierarchy example list view. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity Hierarchy example list view

Display Options

Field or Control


Functional View

A view targeted at functional users. Shows entity names and property labels.

Technical View

Targeted at developers. Adds Entity ID. Shows hidden properties and children (hidden children are transparent).

Hide Tooltips

Allow or disallow tooltips. Tooltips appear over every entity name, property name, child link and property link to give extra details. Only available in SVG mode.

SVG View

Click on properties(x) or children(x) to expand details.

List View

You can click on entities that appear in bold and these entities have children.

Whether child entities appear as expanded or collapsed is retained when switching back and forth between SVG and List View.