Setting Up NSI Change Processing

This section discusses how to:

  • Enable NSI change processing.

  • Activate PeopleTools Integration Broker for NSI.

  • Schedule the NSI Suspense Future program.

Select the Enable Online NSI Processing check box on the Extensions page of the CC Installation component.

See (NZL) Reviewing or Defining Default Installation Settings for National Student Index Processing.

In PeopleSoft Application Designer, set the PERSON_BASIC_SYNC message subscription SCC_NSI_PERSON_SYNC to Active.

In PeopleTools Integration Broker, verify or add the transaction message PERSON_BASIC_SYNC with an Active status to the InAsync and OutAsync node definitions for the "internal" version.

In PeopleTools Integration Broker, verify that service operation monitor is set to PERSON_DATA with a status of Running.


  • PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide "Using PeopleSoft Application Designer, Viewing and Editing Definition Properties”

  • PeopleTools: Integration Broker

In PeopleSoft Application Engine, schedule the Suspense Future program (SCCNSISUSFUT) with a process frequency of Always and a recurrence that runs once per day sometime after midnight but before the opening of business (for example, EffectiveDateChange).

See PeopleTools: Application Engine "Managing Application Engine Programs,” Running Application Engine Programs.