Understanding Affiliations

Institutions often need to know what relationships a person has with them. They need to be aware of any current or past relationships, as well as any simultaneous relationships. To track these relationships, known as affiliations with an institution, it's important to be able to define affiliations within an affiliation framework. Within this extensible framework, institutions can define hierarchies (such as Student > Undergrad > Engineering) as well as rules for activating or inactivating affiliations.

Affiliations are keyed by institution and are effective-dated; they begin and end, and a person can have multiple, simultaneous affiliations assigned at one time or throughout time. The system notes the user ID and date and time any affiliation is assigned or updated.

Note: The Affiliation feature is a more robust method of tracking a person relationship with the Institution. However, the existing Relations with Institutions functionality in Campus Community is not replaced.

There are three ways in which affiliations are created and updated:

  • Manually by an administrator, for individual IDs, on the Add/Update Affiliations page.

  • Automatically by batch processing, for groups of IDs, on the Affiliation Batch Processing page.

  • Triggered by specific affiliations events, through Integration Broker and XML messaging.

    A change in a person's relationship, or affiliation, with the institution (for example, when a. prospect becomes an applicant, applicant becomes a student, student becomes an employee, or when a student graduates) can automatically generate an update to that person's affiliations record.

    Affiliations uses constituent web services to communicate changes to a person record. The PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Affiliations Developer's Guide contains detailed information about web services in general, the Affiliation Engine, as well as examples of XML messages for affiliations.


This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Affiliation icon. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Affiliation icon

The Affiliation icon appears on all pages that contain bio/demo data in the system, which enables you to review the details about a person's affiliations with an institution.