Understanding Checklist Setup

Important! Letter Generation (Letter Gen) is a deprecated product. It is strongly recommended that you use Communication Generation (Comm Gen) instead. For more information on Comm Gen, see Understanding the Communication Generation Process

To create checklists, you must set up checklist items. You can assign a responsible person, a status, and a due date to each checklist item. You can then relate multiple checklist items to a specific checklist and assign a due date for the overall checklist. You can also associate checklist items with an administrative function and use that function to enter some or all of the items as a subset of items on a larger, more comprehensive checklist with its own overall due date. In addition, you can combine several checklists into one monitoring unit called a tracking group.

You can make the checklist items as general or as specific as you want. For example, checklist items might include an admission application that a student needs to submit, a letter that a member of your staff needs to write, or a phone call that a staff member needs to make.

You can associate a checklist item with multiple administrative functions. However, when you use an administrative function to create a checklist, you can enter only the checklist items associated with that administrative function.

You can combine several checklists within the same administrative function into one unit for fast, organized monitoring. For example, if you were to create a checklist of items typically required for an admissions application, you might begin by creating a checklist item for receiving the individual's ACT or SAT 1 test scores. You might also set checklist item codes for the application fee, references checked, a meeting arranged with a mentor, and career and placement discussion held.

To set up the checklist item code for receiving ACT or SAT 1 test scores:

  1. Select Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Checklists > Checklist Item Table.

  2. Enter a checklist item code, such as ACTSAT.

  3. Enter a description to identify the checklist item.

    In this case, you might enter ACT or SAT 1 Test Scores.

  4. Enter a short description.

    If you do not enter a short description, the system enters one based on the description.

  5. Enter a long description to provide more information about the checklist item or to enter a comment.

    If you use this checklist item as part of generating a letter, the data in the long description is included in the letter generation output data. You can specify whether to print it in the letter.

    See Understanding Communication Management.

After you create the checklist item code for the offer letter, you can continue creating checklist item codes for each item that you want on your checklist. When you are finished setting up checklist items, you can set up checklist function items.

You can associate a set of checklist items with a particular administrative function. You can then use that administrative function to indicate a subset of checklist items that you want to include in a larger checklist.

For example, you could associate a set of checklist items with the function of Admissions Application. These checklist items might include the ACT or SAT 1 test scores, application fee, references checked, a meeting arranged with a mentor, and career and placement discussion held.

To associate the ACT or SAT 1 test scores checklist item with the administrative function of Admissions Application:

  1. Select Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Checklists > Checklist Function Item Table.

  2. Enter the administrative function, such as ADMA.

  3. Enter the item code of the first checklist item that you want to associate with this function, in this case, ACT/SAT.

    Continue to associate relevant checklist items with this function. You can associate many checklist items with a function. You can also choose other functions, and associate checklist items with each of them.

After all checklist items are associated with an administrative function, you must group the checklist items into checklists, which you can then assign to individuals or organizations. When you assign a checklist code to an individual or organization, the system assigns each of the checklists items in that code to that individual or organization.

In our example, you want to create a checklist code of UGALL for all undergraduate requirements, and include the checklist items ACT and SAT 1.

  1. Select Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Checklists > Checklist Table.

  2. Enter the checklist code that you want to create and the function from which you want to select checklist items.

    For this example, the checklist code is UGALL and the function is ADMA.

  3. Define what type of checklist this will be, such as Requirement List.

Additionally you can set up tracking groups. A tracking group provides a logical connection between the checklists that are associated with an individual. For example, you may have several checklists for the same student in the undergraduate applications function, but only some of those checklists are related to the student's loan requirements. You might want to monitor the status of the student's loan documents to determine when the loan document requirements are complete. When you create the checklist and assign a checklist code, you could also assign the checklist to a loan documents tracking group.

Users can access checklists only in the checklist categories to which you grant them 3C group security access.