Recalculating Tuition and Fees After Enrollment Cancellation

When the system selects students during the Enrollment Cancellation process for nonpayment of fees, you must recalculate tuition and fees for those students.

Page Name

Definition Name



Recalc for Cancellation (recalculate for cancellation)


Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Calculate Batch Tuition > Calculate After Cancellation > Recalc for Cancellation

Recalculate tuition and fees after enrollment cancellation.

Access the Recalc for Cancellation page (Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Calculate Batch Tuition > Calculate After Cancellation > Recalc for Cancellation).

Field or Control


Request ID (request identifier)

Enter a request ID for term or session cancellations, class cancellations, or both.