Setting Up Your Business Unit to Refund Customers

Page Name

Definition Name



Refund Setup


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > SF Business Unit > Refund Setup

Define the rules governing how your business unit handles refunds.

Refund Approval


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > SF Business Unit > Refund Approval

Define refund approval levels.

Access the Refund Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > SF Business Unit > Refund Setup).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Refund Setup page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Refund Setup page

Field or Control


Refund Method

Values are:

A/P: Create the refund in Student Financials and have your accounts payable department produce and distribute the refund by direct deposit or check.

Other: Create the refund in Student Financials and produce a check using a third-party application.

Allow Changes in Refund Method

Select to enable a user to switch between the AP and other methods when processing online and batch refunds. If you clear this check box, the user can use only the refund method specified for the SF Business Unit.

Refund Service Impact

Select the value to use to prevent or deny a refund.

Refund Debit Balances

Select to create refunds that exceed the available credit balance. For example, if a student has charges of 9,000 USD and an unapplied credit of 10,000 USD from a fellowship award, the system allows a refund of the excess unapplied credit even though the student's account technically has a debit balance.

Ext Org Contact Type (external organization contact type)

Select the external organization contact type for processing batch refunds for external organizations.

The system uses the external organization contact type to determine an address for a corporate refund, both on-line and batch. Both a contact type and a preferred contact must be set up on the Organization Table component.

See Understanding Organization Data.

Event ID

This field is available only if A/P is selected in the Refund Method field on this page.

Select an event ID to be used in the generation of communication records when refunds are processed using the Create Refund Voucher process. You must first complete the relevant 3C setup in Campus Community.

See Understanding Communications Setup.

The value that you select here appears by default in the Event ID field on the Batch Refund run control page and on the online refund pages—for example, the Student Refund page.

You can change the value for specific populations—for example, PLUS refunds.

Values appear in the Event ID field based on the Administrative Function of SFRF and the academic institution that is associated with the SF Business Unit.


Number of Days Between Refunds

Define the minimum number of days between the times refunds can be processed for a particular customer.

Note: These restrictions prevent refunds processed in batch mode, but produce only warning messages for online refunds.

Field or Control


Batch Financial Aid Only

Enter the minimum number of days between batch-produced refunds of excess financial-aid credits. This setting restricts refunds of financial aid item type credits only and does not affect batch-produced refunds of nonfinancial-aid credits.

Note: Use this setting to specify a different interval between refunds for financial aid and nonfinancial-aid credits only.

Batch both FA and Non FA (batch both financial aid and nonfinancial aid)

Enter the minimum number of days between batch-produced refunds of all excess credits. Use this setting to process financial-aid and nonfinancial-aid credits the same way.

Batch Non Financial Aid Only

Enter the minimum number of days between batch-produced refunds of excess nonfinancial-aid credits. This setting restricts nonfinancial-aid credits only and does not affect batch-produced refunds of financial aid item type credits.

Note: Use this setting to specify a different interval between refunds for nonfinancial-aid and financial aid credits only.

Online Refunds

Enter the minimum number of days between online-produced refunds of all excess credits.

Note: Because online refunds are usually produced for extraordinary reasons, this setting results in a warning message when you attempt to process refunds more frequently than the specified number of days. It does not prevent you from processing the refund.

Amount Controls Group Box

Field or Control


Minimum Refund

Enter an amount below which you do not want to produce refunds in batch mode. Refunds below this amount can be processed online. You receive a warning message, but you can override it.

Maximum Refund

Enter an amount above which you do not want to produce refunds. You cannot override this amount.

Sponsored Recipient Controls

Sponsored recipient controls refer to the threshold below which student refunds are paid directly to the sponsored student or organization rather than to the sponsor. For example, if the individual sponsor threshold amount is established at 25.00 USD and a sponsored student has a refundable credit balance of 20.00 USD, the refund is paid to the student rather than to a sponsor. Sponsors can be either individuals or organizations.

Individual Threshold Amount

Field or Control


Individual Sponsor and Organization Sponsor

Enter a monetary amount (threshold) below which student refunds are not paid to an individual or an organization sponsor.

Corp Threshold Amount

Field or Control


Individual Sponsor and Organization Sponsor

Enter a monetary amount (threshold) below which refunds to an organization are not paid to an individual or an organization sponsor.

Access the Refund Approval page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > SF Business Unit > Refund Approval).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Refund Approval page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Refund Approval page

Refund approval controls determine whether approval is required before a refund can be issued. If approval is required, refund requests are routed to the appropriate approver's worklist.

Approval amounts define a range. For example, if the approval 1 amount is set at 500 USD, the approval 2 amount is set at 1,000 USD, and the approval 3 amount is set at 2,000 USD, all refunds under 500 USD do not require approval. All refunds between 500 USD and 999 USD require only level 1 approval, and so on.


Field or Control


Activate Online Approvals and Activate Batch Approvals

Select to require approval of online or batch refunds. If you activate approvals, you must establish roles and approval amounts.

Level 1 Role, Level 2 Role, and Level 3 Role

Select the appropriate role for each level of approval.

Approval 1 Amt (approval 1 amount), Approval 2 Amt (approval 2 amount), and Approval 3 Amt (approval 3 amount)

Enter the refund amount for which the system requires each level of approval.


Establish approval parameters for corporate refunds. The fields in this group box are identical to those in the Individual group box, except that batch approvals do not apply for organization refunds.