Calculating Net Tuition and Fees

This section discusses how use the Tuition Worksheet to calculate net tuition and fees for a student. It discusses:

  • Calculating Federal Net Tuition and Fees

  • Calculating State Net Tuition and Fees

Page Name

Definition Name



Federal Benefit Details


Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > Veterans Benefit Reporting > Veterans Tuition Worksheet > Federal Benefit Details

Calculate net tuition and fees for Federal reporting.

State Benefit Details


Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > Veterans Benefit Reporting > Veterans Tuition Worksheet > State Benefit Details

Calculate net tuition and fees for State reporting.

Access the Federal Benefit Details page (Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > Veterans Benefit Reporting > Veterans Tuition Worksheet > Federal Benefit Details).

Use this page to calculate net tuition and fees eligible for Federal benefit from the Veterans Administration.


Field or Control


Use Actual

Select this calculation method to view the Actual Tuition and Fees section details.

Use Rate Per Unit

Select this calculation method to view the Rate Per Unit Tuition and Fees section details. Based on the Benefit Type selected—Federal or State—the Certified Units field displays the sum of certified units.

Use Equation

Select this calculation method to view the Tuition and Fees Equation section details.

Anticipated Payment

Enter the benefit amount anticipated from the Veterans Administration, if any. The maximum value is 99,999.99.

Actual Tuition and Fees

Field or Control


Item Type

This field derives its values from the Tuition and Fees item type groups defined in the Net Tuition and Fees Setup page, with the amount assessed on the student’s account for that term.


Enter the amount to be overridden. Click Update to revise totals.

Rate Per Unit Tuition and Fees

Enter the rate per unit and click Update for the system to calculate the total tuition and fees.

Tuition and Fees Equation

Select an available Tuition and Fees equation to calculate the total tuition and fees. Click Calculate to return the Total Tuition and Fees. Click Update to revise Net Tuition and Fees.

See Understanding Equation Engine

See Defining an Equation

Financial Aid and Waivers

This displays the Financial Aid and Waivers actually disbursed on to the student accounts for the term. Eligible item type groups are defined on the Net Tuition and Fees Calculation Setup page. You can override an actual amount, add or delete an item type.

Yellow Ribbon

This section is visible only if the Yellow Ribbon option was selected on the Benefit Summary Page. Enter Out of State and In State tuition and fees and click Update to return the Unmet Tuition and Fees and Veterans Payment. You can store a predetermined amount from the Yellow Ribbon program for a student.

See Setting Up Veterans Benefit Reporting

Access the State Benefit Details page (Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > Veterans Benefit Reporting > Veterans Tuition Worksheet > State Benefit Details).

For information about the State Benefit Details page, refer to the section on Federal Benefit Details. It contains all the information required for this page.