Data Futures Return: Session Status Entity

For each Student Course Session entity in the extract, the student’s mode at the beginning of the Student Course Session is derived for STATUSCHANGEDTO using similar steps to StudentCourseSessionMode.SCSMODE, but mapping Academic Load to Session Status rather than Session Mode.

If SCSSTARTDATE of the parent Student Course Session has a value (that is, it's not NULL ERROR), a Session Status entity is created to report the status at the beginning of the SCS (or reporting period). In each case, STATUSVALIDTO is initially set to SCSSTARTDATE.

Note: If the student is active at the beginning of the Student Course Session and the student hasn't previously been reported as dormant, the compare processing will set the Entity Status to Unchanged and the record will not be included in the XML file. For more information, see Understanding Compare Processing for Data Futures.

Subsequent Session Status entities are created where the student’s status changes during the Student Course Session, which references only Student Program records. The process loops through each Student Program record where the effective date is after the SCSSTARTDATE and before the reporting period end date, starting with the earliest effective date:

  • If the program action or reason is not mapped to a Session Status value in Change of Mode mapping, skip to the next effective dated record.

  • If the program action or reason is mapped to a Session Status in the Change of Mode mapping, and that value is the same as the derived STATUSCHANGEDTO value of the existing Session Status entity in the extract with the latest STATUSVALIDFROM value, skip to the next effective dated record.

  • If the program action or reason is mapped to a Session Status in the Change of Mode mapping, and that value is different to the derived STATUSCHANGEDTO value of the existing Session Status entity in the extract with the latest STATUSVALIDFROM value, create a new Session Status entity with STATUSCHANGEDTO set to the mapped Session Status value (derivation step 3) and STATUSVALIDFROM set to the effective date (derivation step 3). Otherwise, skip to the next effective dated record.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Session Status

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Instance Load

Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan

Program Action and Reason

Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term Activate a Student > Student Session

Approved Academic Load

Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term Activate a Student > Enrollment Limit

Approved Academic Load

Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan

Academic Load

Academic Structure > Academic Plan > HESA Offering/Year

Academic Load

Academic Structure > Academic Sub-Plan > HESA Offering/Year

Academic Load

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. If a continuing student is not active and has a Student Course Session entity created because they have not already been reported as interrupted or dormant/writing up, derive value as 02 (dormant).

  2. If the Instance Load value from the most recent HESA Instance Data record on or before the SCSSTARTDATE is mapped to a Session Status, derive that value.

  3. Select the most recent effective-dated record in the Student Program that has an Effective Date on or before the SCSSTARTDATE and a Program Action and Reason mapped to a Session Status in Change of Mode mapping. Derive the mapped HESA code.

  4. If the Approved Academic Load from the most recent Student Session record by session begin date for sessions that begin on or before the SCSSTARTDATE is mapped to a Session Status in the Mode of Study mapping, derive the mapped HESA code.

  5. If the Approved Academic Load from the most recent activated Student Term record by term begin date for terms that begin on or before the SCSSTARTDATE is mapped to a Session Status the Mode of Study mapping, derive the mapped HESA code.

  6. If the Academic Load for the most recent effective dated record in Student Program that has an Effective Date on or before the SCSSTARTDATE is mapped to a Session Status in the Mode of Study Mapping, derive the mapped HESA code.

  7. Derive as default.

  8. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Session Status

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Effective Date

Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan

Effective Date

Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Term Setup > Term/Session Table > Session Table

Begin Date

Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Term Setup > Term/Session Table > Term Table

Term Begin Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. If STATUSCHANGEDTO is derived as 02 (dormant) for non-returning students in Step 1, derive as the SCSSTARTDATE.

    If at least one other Student Course Session entity (with a different SCSESSIONID) exists for the Engagement in submitted data, and the SCSENDDATE for the most recent earlier SCS (by SCSSTARTDATE) is not null, then STATUSVALIDTO is updated to that date plus one day.

  2. Derive as SCSSTARTDATE.

  3. For subsequent entities only, derive as effective date of the mapped Student Program plan record.