Managing the APT Administrative Roster

Institutions need to be able to apply academic decisions in program curricula for selected students, such as replace a course that is no longer taught for a particular term or semester. Using a batch process, administrators can use the APT Administrative Roster component to add, remove, and substitute academic items for selected students. They can also use the component to enter, calculate, or evaluate results for selected students for any academic item within the Academic Item Registry (AIR) program structure.

This topic discusses how to:

  • Process APT Administrative Roster transactions.

  • Monitor APT Action processes.

Page Name

Definition Name



APT Administrative Roster


Records and Enrollment > Program Enrollment > APT Administrative Roster

Add, remove and substitute academic items, and enter results.

Search Item ID in AIR Program


Select the prompt for an Item field on the APT Administrative Roster page.

Select the academic item for which the APT Action is to be performed.

Request History by Process


Records and Enrollment > Program Enrollment > Request History by Process

View APT Action processes, outcomes and statuses.

Access the APT Administrative Roster page (Records and Enrollment > Program Enrollment > APT Administrative Roster).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the APT (Academic Progress Tracker) Administrative Roster page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

APT (Academic Progress Tracker) Administrative Roster page

Process Options

Field or Control


Manual Entry

Select specific student IDs to process for an APT Action.

Selection Criteria

Use this option to further filter of students on an academic program based on the APT.

  • Academic Career

    Select the Academic Career of the Program. Academic Career is disabled if you set a value for As of Date.

  • Curriculum Term

    Use the Curriculum (Requirement) Term start date to determine the Academic Item effective-dated row to display for the Program Structure modal page when adding or removing items. Items leading up to this date are displayed. This field is disabled if you set a value for As of Date.

  • As of Date

    Use this field to determine which Academic Item effective-dated row to display for the Program Structure modal page when adding or removing items. Items leading up to this date are displayed. This field is disabled if you set a value for Academic Career.

  • Academic Program

    Select an academic program. The prompt lists all valid academic items with an academic item type of Program (SSR_AIR_HDR.SSR_ITEM_TYPE = ‘PRG’) for the selected institution. This is a delivered academic item type value.

Population Selection

The Population Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction. For the APT Administrative Roster page, only the Selection Tool PS Query is delivered, to ensure data consistency within the APT. Population Selection is also based on user security.

The following queries are delivered as samples to be modified by the institution:

  • SSR_APT_ADMIN_ROSTER_SAMPLE (prompts on Institution, Program and Item ID)

  • SSR_APT_ADMIN_ROSTER_RSLT_RSCA (prompts on Institution, Program ID, Item ID, Result Type and Result Scale)

  • SSR_APT_ADMIN_ROSTER_STAT (prompts on Institution, Program ID, Item ID)

  • SSR_APT_ADMIN_ROSTER_GRSC (prompts on Institution, Program ID, Item ID, Result Type and Result Scale). This query is used for result scales that are grade-only.

When you create result based queries, the bind record SSR_APT_ITMRSLT should be used. All other APT Action queries should include the bind record SSR_APT_HDR.

See Using the Population Selection Process.

Select update action: Add Item

Field or Control


APT Action

Add Item: Add a child academic item from outside the AIR program structure to a parent academic item within the AIR program selected for an individual or group of students in batch. In the APT Administrative Roster page example, ECON 2 does not exist in the B.A Business Management program. This course is being added from outside the AIR program, as a child to the parent B.A. Bus Mgt Semester 1.

The Add Item action also populates the Enrollment Category in the APT Tree (SSR_APT_TREE) if selected or available, and also indicates that this item addition was an administrative addition within the APT. See Using the APT Tree

Parent Item ID

This prompt opens the Search Item ID in AIR Program page which provides a view of the AIR program. Select the parent item to which the child item will be added.

Note: The academic items available for selection are controlled by APT Action Security. See Setting Up APT Action Security

Child Item ID to Add

If the current item is a program format tree node, the Child Item ID to Add prompt lists all academic items that have an academic type specified as a valid child item in the Academic Item Type Matrix.

See Identifying Child Item Types and Syncing Entities

The prompt excludes items that have an item type defined as a program format tree node. This ensures that any changes to the program structure conform to the program format for the item.

Enrollment Category

This field appears only if the Requires Enrollment Category check box has been selected for the academic item type that is being added. Select a value in the Enrollment Category field before submitting the process. See Defining Academic Item Type Attributes

The documentation about the Add Item action and the following documentation about other update actions discusses the Search Item ID in AIR Program page.

Here is an example of the Search Item ID in AIR Program page:

Search Item ID in AIR (Academic Item Registry) Program page

Note: The academic items available for selection are controlled by APT Action Security. See Setting Up APT Action Security

Select update action: Remove Item

Field or Control


APT Action

Remove Item: Examples of when you might use this action are: program requirements were changed after APT Instances had been built or updated for groups of students; to replace a course that is no longer taught in the semester or term. It is expected that a limited group of users, controlled by APT Action Security, will have access to remove items. See Setting Up APT Action Security

As a safeguard against accidental deletes, the process never deletes an academic item if there has been any activity or update performed on it.

Note: If you remove a Program academic item (PRG), all content on the student’s APT Tree is removed. Therefore, such security access should be provided only in exceptional circumstances. The same is true for program format tree nodes.

The process does not remove an academic item if certain conditions are true. The conditions are the same as those listed in the documentation about deleting planning nodes. See Deleting Planning Nodes

Item ID

This prompt opens the Search Item ID in AIR Program page where you can select the academic item to be removed (controlled by APT Action Security).

Select update action: Create Substitution

Field or Control


APT Action

Create Substitution: The substitution process typically involves the swapping of one course for another. For example, academic decisions often allow students to substitute a course from the prescribed program curricula for another course that may be part of another program, structure or even a standalone course offered by the institution.

You can also substitute different types of academic items and replace an item of one type with a different type.

Note: You cannot create a substitution for the following items:

An item which is identified as a program format tree node;

An item which has been replaced with another APT item;

An item which has child items in APT (for example, a Course List item, from which child item courses have been placed into APT).

Item to Substitute

This prompt opens the Search Item ID in AIR Program page where you can select the academic item to be substituted (controlled by APT Action Security).

Substitute Item

The prompt lists all non-program format tree node academic items (with effective dated logic) that are valid child items (according to item type matrix) of the parent item of the item which is being substituted.

Select update action: Enter Results

Field or Control


APT Action

Enter Results: Enter results by result type and result scale (if one exists) for selected students. Results, Grades, Outcomes, Result Status, Reason Code, Include in Calc and Show Student can be updated for any academic item within the AIR Program selected on the roster page. You can also update a result already submitted. A new result row is created in APT when the process is submitted, to preserve the history of results recorded and for audit purposes. The Include in Calc check box is moved from the previous row to the latest row for the result type.

Item ID

This prompt opens the Search Item ID in AIR Program page where you can select the academic item for which results should be entered (controlled by APT Action Security).

Result Type and Result Scale

The Result Type field prompts against Result Type table (SSR_RESULT_TYPE) for the institution.

You assign a Result Scale to a Result Type on the Result Type page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Grading, Result Type). See Setting Up Result Types

The question mark icon opens a secondary page to view the selected result scale.

Select update action: Enter APT Status

Field or Control


APT Action

Enter APT Status

This action updates the APT Attempt Status, Attempt Outcome, and Satisfied status for an academic item for selected students. For example, once all the results have been recorded for an academic term like a course list, the student’s APT can be updated to represent the final outcome of the academic item that has been attempted, such as:

  • Attempt Status is Finalized

  • Attempt Outcome is Passed

  • Satisfied status is Yes

Item ID

Select to open the Search Item ID in AIR Program page. On this page, you can select the academic item for which APT Statuses should be entered. This is controlled by APT Action Security.

Select update action: Calculate Results

Field or Control


APT Action

Calculate Results

When you click the Calculate button on the APT Administrative Roster page, this action calls a calculation rule from the Rules Engine Manager for selected students. A result row is inserted into the student's APT for the calculated result. The result outcome is also brought back to the roster page, including messages that indicate why a student result cannot be calculated.

You can also recalculate results from the roster page. When the result is recalculated, a new result row is created in APT. The new result row is used to preserve the existing result history and for audit purposes.

Item ID

Select to open the Search Item ID in AIR Program page. On this page, you can select the academic item for which results will be calculated. This is controlled by APT Action Security.

Result Type and Result Scale

The Result Type field prompts against the institution’s Result Type table (SSR_RESULT_TYPE).

You assign a Result Scale to a Result Type on the Result Type page (Setup SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Grading, Result Type).

See Setting Up Result Types.

The question mark icon opens a secondary page to view the selected result scale.

See Using the Rules Engine for Calculation and Evaluation: System/Example Data in My Oracle Support (ID 1400723.1).

Select update action: APT Status Evaluation

Field or Control


APT Action

APT Status Evaluation

This action evaluates all results for an academic item, and updates the APT Statuses (Attempt Status, Attempt Outcome, and Satisfied) based on the outcome of this evaluation. For example, a student must achieve a mark of over 60.00, and have earned 3 credits to satisfy the requirements for a course list or semester. The student achieves a mark of 85.00 which earns the student 3 credits. The evaluation rule based on this example would be able to update the course list academic item statuses to an Attempt Status of ‘Finalized’, Attempt Outcome of ‘Passed’, and Satisfied status of ‘Yes’. The results of the evaluation are updated in the student’s APT and displayed on the roster page, along with the ability to check any error messages if APT statuses have not been updated.

Item ID

Select to open the Search Item ID in AIR Program page. On this page, you can select the academic item for which results will be calculated. This is controlled by APT Action Security.

Rule Search

Select the Evaluation Rule that you wish to use to evaluate APT statuses for the selected academic item.

See Using the Rules Engine for Calculation and Evaluation: System/Example Data in My Oracle Support (ID 1400723.1).

Select Students

Use this grid to select criteria base on the Academic Progress Tracker (APT) to further filter students on an academic program.

Field or Control


Academic Career

Select a career from the Academic Career table (ACAD_CAREER_TBL). This field is disabled if you select an academic career in the Process Options grid.

Cohort Tag

Select an academic cohort from the Academic Cohort table (SSR_COHORT_TBL) to identify students who commenced their program at a particular point in the academic year.

Cohort Term and Curriculum Term

Select a term from the Term Values table (TERM_VALUES_TABLE). The Curriculum Term field is disabled if you select a Curriculum Term in the Process Options grid.

Node ID

Select a planning node to filter against students’ APT Academic Item Attempt Schedule for the academic item you selected.

Term and Attempt Status

Use these fields to filter against students APT Academic Item Attempt Schedule for the academic item you selected.

Generate Student List

Click the Generate Student List button after you select criteria using Selection Criteria or Population Selection. When the student data is retrieved, you can access (view or update) the APT Instance or Program Stack data for a student directly from the roster page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the APT (Academic Progress Tracker) Administrative Roster page: Generate Student List grid. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

APT (Academic Progress Tracker) Administrative Roster page: Generate Student List grid

To process students for an APT Action, select individual students or Select All. Click Add Row to add a student to the list. The Student Results column provides access to the student’s XMLP results page. This is the same view as the student in Program Enrollment Self Service.

See Using BI Publisher and the XMLP Results Template to Display Students’ Results and Outcomes in Program Enrollment Self Service: Sample Template in My Oracle Support (ID 1400723.1).

The generated student list grid example is the same for all APT Actions except Enter Results, Enter APT Status, Calculate Results and APT Status Evaluation.

Here is an example of the Generate Student List grid for the Enter and Calculate Results action:

APT (Academic Progress Tracker) Administrative Roster page: Generate Student List grid_Result Data

The APT Action Enter Results displays a results roster grid when the Generate Student List is selected for the specific academic item. The results entry process observes the same functionality of entering results for individual students on the APT component; grades can default from the mark entered using the results scale mapping. The minimum and maximum mark from the result scale is also observed along with decimal places.

The outcome now defaults when entering the mark or grade based on the result scale mapping, and the Include in Calculation flag is also checked on entry of a result. The APT Action Calculate Results also uses the same results grid. If a result cannot be calculated for a student, a message column is displayed.

This example illustrates the APT (Academic Progress Tracker) Administrative Roster page: Result Messages for APT Action Calculate Results. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

APT (Academic Progress Tracker) Administrative Roster page: Result Messages for APT Action Calculate Results

When retrieving groups of students for result entry for an academic item, the roster page identifies whether a result already exists for a student. If a result or calculation exists, the Result Exists check box is selected and the row is display-only mode. To update a result, select the student ID; the Result field is then available for edit. When a result is updated, a new result row for the result type is created in APT.

Note: If a result exists for Manual Entry, the row is immediately available for edit and update.

Field or Control


Result Value

This value is based on the Result Type setup and is validated against the Result Scale.

Grading Scheme

Controls the Grade prompt and is available if the Result Type has a Result Scale which is configured to allow include grade. The value defaults into the roster page.

Grading Basis

Controls the Grade prompt. This field is available if the Result Type has a Result Scale which is configured to include grades. The field prompts against the Grading Basis for the selected Grading Scheme. The value defaults into the roster page.

Note: The grading basis default value on the roster page and APT component is taken from the default grading basis in the Program Enrollment mapping, which is done on the Academic Program configuration page.


Allows for the recording of a core grade for the Result Type and is available if the Result Type has a Result Scale configured to allow include grade. The field prompts against the Grade table for the selected Grading Scheme/basis. Defaults from the entry of a Result value based on the Result Scale if configured.

Grade Points

Displays the grade point value (from the GRADE_TBL) for the grade.

Attempt Outcome

Records the outcome of the result, for example, Passed or Failed. If the result scale is associated with a result type, the outcomes can default on entry of a result based on the result scale mappings.

Result Status

Records the current result status, for example, Awaiting Approval or Approved. Prompts on Results Status translate values, and requires data entry (does not default).

Note: If built in the rule calculation, the APT Action Calculate Results can populate the result status as Calculated.

Reason Code

Prompts on the APT Reason Code table and requires data entry. Use this field to record reasons why specific results were awarded, for example, compensation, mitigation, health reasons.

This is not used in the delivered sample calculation.

Include in Calculation

Select the check box if this result should be included in calculating a higher level result.

This is selected in the delivered sample rule calculation.

Show Student

This field can be used when defining the logic of the XMLP Results Template, which is user-defined. The logic within this template can use this field to determine whether the result should be displayed for the student.

Student Results

Provides a link to the XMLP student results page.

Note: The APT action Calculate Results can return all or some of the fields to the roster page. And depending on how the rule is built, it can insert a result into the APT.

For Results Calculation, see Using the Rules Engine for Program Enrollment Student Self-Service: System/Example Data document in My Oracle Support (ID 1400723.1).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the APT (Academic Progress Tracker) Administrative Roster page: APT Action - Enter APT Status. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

APT (Academic Progress Tracker) Administrative Roster page: APT Action - Enter APT Status

The APT Action Enter APT Status displays a grid when the Generate Student List is selected for the specific academic item. Using the grid, you can update the values for the APT statuses Satisfied, Attempt Outcome, and Attempt Status.

When you enter the APT status for groups of students for an academic item, the roster page identifies whether an APT status exists for a student. If an APT status exists, the row is display-only mode. To update any of the statuses, you must select the student ID so that the row is in edit mode. The same grid is displayed for APT Status Evaluation, and like the Calculate Results grid, a message column appears if there are any errors in the evaluation of a student’s APT statuses.

For APT Status Evaluation, see Using the Rules Engine for Program Enrollment Student Self-Service: System/Example Data document in My Oracle Support (ID 1400723.1).

Field or Control


Attempt Status

Records the overall attempt status of the academic item, for example, Finalized.

Attempt Outcome

Records the overall attempt outcome of the academic item, for example, Passed.


Records whether the academic item has been satisfied or not.

See Managing APT Items

See Setting Up Result Types

See Setting Up APT Reason Codes

Submit APT Actions (Add Item, Remove Item, Create Substitution, Enter Results, Enter APT Status)

You can run the APT action Submit as a background process. Alternatively, after submitting, you can view the process using the View Request History link and access the Request History by Process page.

See Monitoring APT Action Processes.

Use the Process Description field on the roster page to provide specific descriptions for each process that you submit, for example, Add Course Econ 2: Macroeconomic Principles. These descriptions are recorded in the process and can also be used when you search for specific processes in the Request History by Process component.

Calculate - APT Action (Calculate Results)

The APT action Calculate Results does not use the Submit grid. The Calculate button calls the rule from the Rules Engine, inserts a results row in APT, and also displays the result outcome on the roster page. If a student result cannot be calculated, a message is also displayed.

Evaluate - APT Action (Evaluate APT Status)

The APT action APT Status Evaluation also does not use the Submit grid. The Evaluate button calls the rule from the Rules Engine, updates the APT statuses of Satisfied, Attempt Outcome, Attempt Status, and also displays the outcome on the roster page. If an outcome status cannot be evaluated, a message is also displayed.

Use the Request History by Process page to monitor the details and outcomes of all APT Action processes submitted on the APT Administrative Roster page. You can monitor the request as it is submitted (the process instance ID is passed to the Request History by Process component), or view later after running the process in the background. You can also use the page to search for previous process instances submitted. If errors are returned during the submit process, you can fix them in the student’s APT or program stack directly from this page, and then resubmit the process.

Although the APT actions Calculate Results and APT Status Evaluation are not submitted to the process scheduler from the roster page, you can still access the results of the rules for these APT actions using the Request History component.

Access the Request History by Process page (Records and Enrollment > Program Enrollment > Request History by Process).

Alternatively, access the page from the APT Administrative Roster page using the View Request History link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Request History by Process page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Request History by Process page


Use the Filter grid to filter results based on different outcome statuses. For example, you can display the students that have an error status to resolve the data for those students.

Field or Control



This check box appears only for those students who have an Error status. You can select student IDs for resubmission.


The Outcome status is display only unless the outcome is an error, when a link provides details about the error message.

Resubmit Selected

You can resubmit the APT Action process for an individual or group of students. After the error has been resolved, select the student ID in the grid and click the Resubmit Selected button. You are returned to the APT Administrative Roster page where you can change the Process Description. Submit the process from the APT Administrative Roster page as previously, and then return to the Request by History process using the View Request History link to view the outcome of the process.

Note: For APT actions Calculate Results and APT Status Evaluation, resubmission is not available from the Request History component. The error messages are displayed on the roster page, which allows recalculation directly from the roster.