Preparing for ARTS Processing

To prepare for ARTS processing, use these components: Academic Program Table (ACADEMIC_PROG_TBL), ARTS Institution Mapping AUS (SSR_ARTS_INST_MAP), Service Indicator Data (SERVICE_IND_PERS), ARTS Student Program Notes AUS (SSR_PROG_NOTES), Honors and Awards (HNR_AWD_EXT_PERS), Person Comment Entry (CMNT_ENTRY), and Communication Management (COMM_MANAGEMENT).

This section provides an overview of ARTS processing and discusses how to:

  • Enter field of study values.

  • Enter data mapping specifications.

  • Assign service indicators.

  • Enter student program notes.

  • Enter honors and awards.

  • Enter comments.

  • Enter communications.

To prepare for ARTS processing, ensure that:

  • Fields of study have been populated on the Acad Prog AUS (Academic Program AUS) page.

  • Data mapping specifications have been completed on the ARTS Institution Mapping page.

  • Service indicators are assigned to students that you want the system to exclude from ARTS processing on the Service Indicator Data page.

In addition to reporting traditional personal data and course data that resides in your system for students, the ARTS process can also report:

  • Honors and awards information.

  • Program notes.

  • Comments.

  • Communications.

Therefore, prior to running the ARTS process, add:

  • Program notes to student records.

  • Honors and awards information to student records.

  • Comments to student records.

  • Communications to student records.

Page Name

Definition Name



Acad Prog AUS (academic program Australia)


Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Academic Program Table > Acad Prog AUS

Assign a field of study value for each program that can be processed by ARTS.

ARTS Institution Mapping


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Transcript > ARTS Institution Mapping AUS > ARTS Institution Mapping

Map PeopleSoft campus codes to the Department of Education institution codes, which the system uses in the ARTS transcripts.

Manage Service Indicators


Campus Community > Service Indicators (Student) > Manage Service Indicators > Manage Service Indicators

Assign or release a service indicator. Students with service indicators that match one or both of the service indicators entered on the Arts Parameters 1 page at runtime will be excluded from ARTS processing.

ARTS Student Program Notes


Records and Enrollment > Transcripts > ARTS Student Program Notes AUS > ARTS Student Program Notes

Add notes to a student's program in order for notes to appear on the ARTS transcript.

Honors and Awards


Records and Enrollment > Graduation > Honors and Awards > Honors and Awards

Track student honors and awards. The Honors/Awards process populates the page according to the rules you set on the Honors/Awards Rule page. You can also manually enter information on this page.

Person Comment Entry


Campus Community > Comments > Comments - Person > Person Comment Entry > Person Comment Entry

Enter comments about an individual.

Person Communication


Campus Community > Communications > Person Communications > Communication Management > Person Communication

Assign a communication to an individual.

Access the Acad Prog AUS page (Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Academic Program Table > Acad Prog AUS).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Acad Prog AUS page (1 of 2).

Acad Prog (program) AUS page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Acad Prog AUS page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Acad Prog AUS page (2 of 2)

Enter a field of study value for each program that you process as part of ARTS.

Access the ARTS Institution Mapping page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Transcript > ARTS Institution Mapping AUS > ARTS Institution Mapping).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ARTS Institution Mapping page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ARTS (Automated Results Transfer System) Institution Mapping page

Field or Control


Version ID

Enter the Version ID. The ARTS version number represents the specification number applicable to the request/return. The system includes this number on the Request file header record, Result file header record, Request acknowledgement file header record and Result acknowledgement file header record.

Except for a short period of time during change over from one version to the next, this number will be the same for all request/results records—the current version. However during changeover periods and for testing, multiple versions may coexist for short periods.


Select this check box to indicate the main campus for the institution.

IP Address

An IP address can be assigned to the campus for which you select the Main check box. The system includes this on the ARTS transcript header record.

Access the Manage Service Indicators page (Campus Community > Service Indicators (Student) > Manage Service Indicators > Manage Service Indicators).

Assign service indicators to students that you want to exclude from ARTS processing. At runtime, you can specify up to two (2) service indicators which, if assigned to a student, will exclude the student from ARTS processing.

See Performing ARTS Processing.

Access the ARTS Student Program Notes page (Records and Enrollment > Transcripts > ARTS Student Program Notes AUS > ARTS Student Program Notes).

Enter any notes that you want to include in the ARTS process.

Field or Control


Sequence Nbr (sequence number)

If you have multiple notes per program, enter a sequence value to control the order of the notes.

Include Program Description

Select to include the program description in the report.

ARTS Program Notes

Enter notes for the student's program.

Access the Honors and Awards page (Records and Enrollment > Graduation > Honors and Awards > Honors and Awards).

Enter any honors and awards information that you want to include in the ARTS process. You specify the honors and awards that you want to report during ARTS processing on the Honors/Awards page.

See Entering ARTS Honors and Awards Parameters.

Access the Person Comment Entry page (Campus Community > Comments > Comments - Person > Person Comment Entry > Person Comment Entry).

Enter any comments that you want to include in the ARTS process. You specify the comments that you want to report during ARTS processing on the Comments/Communications page.

See Entering Comment and Communication Parameters.

Access the Communication Management 1 page (Campus Community > Communications > Person Communications > Communication Management > Person Communication).

Enter any communications that you want to include in the ARTS process. You specify the communications that you want to report during ARTS processing on the Comments/Communications page.

See Entering Comment and Communication Parameters.