Setting Transcript and Statistics Defaults

Use the Organization Affiliation page to enter details about the affiliation of your institution with specific external organizations. The only relevant fields for transfer credit processing that contain the default values for printed transcripts are in the Transfer Credit Transcript Print group box on this page. You can override the default values for specific transcript types on the Transfer/Test/Other Credits page of the Transcript Type (TSCRPT_TYPE) component.

Field or Control


Level of Detail

Enter a value to indicate the transfer credit level of detail to print on transcripts for a student transferring credit from this external organization:

Summary: Enter this value to print a student's total transferred units and grade point average (GPA) from this external organization on the student's transcript. Enter this value if you use the Historical Course Enrollment page for your conversion process.

Detail: Enter this value to print what you selected in the Details to Print field.

Details to Print

If you enter Detail in the Level of Detail field, use this field to enter the details to print on the transcript: None, External Courses, External and Internal, or Internal Equivalent Courses.

Include Transfer Credit in GPA

Select this check box if you want the transfer credit from this organization to be included in the student's GPA. If you clear this check box, the system does not include transfer credit grade points in the student's GPA.