Setting Up For NSC Program Level Reporting

Institutions must report program level data for students enrolled in eligible programs, in addition to overall enrollment status and status effective date data. This means that if a student is pursuing multiple programs, an institution must report enrollment data by program in addition to overall (per student) enrollment status-related data. Within the single row of data per student required by the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), columns are available to report up to six sets of program level data (enrollment status, program start date and so on) per student.

In Campus Solutions, the requirement to report program level data is managed as follows:

  • The Consolidated Statistics process reports all of a student’s eligible Academic Plans. A plan is identified as an eligible NSC program using an attribute in the Academic Plan Table.

  • The process reports a maximum of six NSC programs across all of a student’s academic careers for the specified Consolidated Statistics reporting period. The career consolidation logic that determines career primacy and program/plan primacy within each career has not changed.

Steps for Implementing NSC Program Level Reporting

  1. In Update Image 28, we delivered a number of options to allow institutions to change the way they report program-level enrollment data to NSC. We provided these options in response to updated guidance from NSC. These options are set at the academic institution level (Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Institution Table).

    See Setting Additional Institution Defaults and Options.

  2. Academic Plan Table: You must identify the academic plans that should be reported as NSC programs, as well as define related NSC data. NSC program level data is sourced from the Academic Plan Table (Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Academic Plan Table).

    See Setting Up Taxonomy.

  3. Financial Aid Set Up: Work with your Financial Aid office to ensure that the SULA Credential Level Cross Reference page is populated and that Title IV Weeks of Instruction data is available for students (by Aid Year).

    Credential Level values are entered on the SULA Credential Level Cross Reference page which maps Academic Plan Table NSC Classification values to SULA Credential Level values (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > COD > Credential Cross Reference).

    See:Setting Up 150 Percent Direct Subsidized Loan Limit (SULA)

    The Title IV Weeks of Instruction field is required when reporting program data where the published program length is measured in weeks or months. Financial Aid Academic Base Weeks is used to populate this field and the value is determined according to an established hierarchy.


    Understanding Consolidate Academic Statistics Process Calculations

    Establishing Defaults

  4. Statistics Type: Update (or create) your NSC Statistics Type: Enter a Year CIP Code Published value.

    See Setting Up Statistic Period Types

  5. Statistics Period(s): Create Academic Statistics Period(s) for NSC Reporting. The statistics period must use a Consolidation Trigger of Consolidation Date and you must assign an Aid Year value so that the process can access Financial Aid set up data.

    See Setting Up Academic Statistics Periods