Using the Workload Copy/Update Process

The Workload Copy/Update process generates a report that classifies instructors who fall into one of the following six categories:

  1. Reporting full-time instructors with workload over the allowed assignment.

  2. Reporting part-time instructors with workload over allowed assignment.

  3. Reporting full-time instructors with workload over the warning limit.

  4. Reporting part-time instructors with workload over the warning limit.

  5. Reporting full-time instructors with workload under the allowed assignment.

  6. Reporting part-time instructors with workload under the allowed assignment.

If you run the process with the Report Only check box selected, the process does not update any term workload values. It just produces a report for the target term.

If you run the process with the Report Only check box cleared, all schedule of classes data from one term rolls over to another term. However, the Term Copy process alone does not roll forward term workload values. Instead, you must run the Workload Copy/Update process immediately following the Term Copy process to finish the task. This final step ensures that the process creates term workload records for all copied schedule of classes data.

Term workload records must exist for the Roll From term.

Page Name

Definition Name



Workload Copy/Update


Curriculum Management > Roll Curriculum Data Forward > Copy/Update Workload Process > Workload Copy/Update

Enter report and process parameters.

Access the Workload Copy/Update page (Curriculum Management > Roll Curriculum Data Forward > Copy/Update Workload Process > Workload Copy/Update).

Field or Control


Academic Institution

The institution for which you are running the process. Academic institution values are defined on the Academic Institution Table page. This field is required.

Report Only

Select to report on instructor workload and not update any values.

Report Term

Use to specify the term for which you want to report. When you select the Report Only check box, the Report Term field appears and all other fields disappear.

When you do not select the Report Only check box, the process updates or creates term workload values, or it does both.

Roll From Term

Select the term to reference as the original or source term. This should match the Roll From Term field value on the Term Copy page for the Term Copy process that you run immediately prior to the Workload Copy/Update process. When this field appears, it is required.

Roll To Term

Select the term to reference as the new or target term. This should match the Roll To Term field value on the Term Copy page for the Term Copy process that you run immediately prior to the Workload Copy/Update process. When this field appears, it is required.

For example, if your institution uses both the Term Copy and Instructor Workload features, you run the Term Copy process from term X to term Y. Then you run the Workload Copy/Update process from the same term X to the same term Y. At the conclusion of this process, you can view the report to identify any individuals who might need manual adjustments.

In addition, you can run the Workload Copy/Update process both from and to the same term if needed. For example, you might originally run the Workload Copy/Update process from term X to term Y. Then, at a later date, you determine that you need to adjust some setup values that relate to the Instructor Workload feature for term Y (for example, assignment type, instructor class, or number of weeks in term or session.) You can change this data wherever necessary and then rerun the Workload Copy/Update process from term Y to term Y. This recalculates your term Y values (assignment FTE percent totals) with the newly adjusted setup values. As always, you have a newly generated report to view.

Note: The process of creating or updating To Term records references effective-dated information as of the report date (current date).

In addition, the assignment FTE percent values are not copied but are dynamically calculated according to the To Term parameters.

See Copying Classes from One Term to Another.

Copy Non-Course Assignments

Select to include assignments made directly to the Term Workload page for the specified Roll From Term field value.

Note: Should you need to run the Update Workload process more than once with the same value in the Roll to Term field, be aware of the Copy Non-Course Assignments check box and its usage. If left selected each time that the process is run to the same term, non-course-based assignments are copied. For example, if you run the Update Workload process from fall 1999 to fall 2000, and in fall 1999, instructor A was assigned, on the Term Workload page, to advise the math club for 3 hours and, on the Schedule of Classes - Meetings page, to teach Math 100 for 3 hours, then both the 3-hour non-course advising assignment and the Math 100 course assignment correctly roll forward to fall 2000 as 3 workload hours each. However, if you run the Update Workload process a second time from fall 1999 to fall 2000 (with the Copy Non-Course Assignments check box still selected), you add another 3-hour advising assignment to the individual's term workload record. This gives the individual a total of two advising assignments and one class assignment for a total of 9 workload hours. To prevent this type of noncourse assignment copying, during any postprimary runs of the process, clear the Copy Non-Course Assignments check box.

Field or Control


Begin with ID and End with ID

To identify a subset of individuals to process, you might want to specify begin-with-ID and end-with-ID parameters. Both of these fields are optional. These fields are not available when you select the Report Only check box. The report always displays all applicable IDs (which might include more than the range of IDs processed).