Searching for Classes Using Classic Self-Service Pages

Students, instructors, and community members use Class Search in the self-service classic user interface to search the schedule of classes for a specific institution and term, and the Browse Course Catalog feature to view courses offered at the institution. Students can access class search from several places within PeopleSoft Campus Self Service, and they can select classes directly from class search, even if they do not access class search through enrollment navigation. Instructors can access class search through the Faculty Center in Campus Self Service. They can see classes in their search results that do not appear to students because the Schedule Print check box for those classes has been cleared on the Maintain Schedule of Classes - Basic Data page.

The navigation tabs that are used in self-service class search are defined on the Navigation Tabs Setup page.

This section provides prerequisites and discusses how to:

  • Select search criteria and search for classes.

  • Review class search results.

  • View class search details.

  • Browse the course catalog.

  • Select a course offering.

  • Review course catalog details.

Set up self-service class search for the classic user interface in the Class Search Configuration component and the Display in Class Search page (Term Values Table).

Page Name

Definition Name



Search for Classes - Search Criteria


  • Self Service > Search > Search for Classes

  • Self Service > Student Center

    Click the Search link.

  • Self Service > Academic Planning > My Planner

    Click the Search tab.

  • Self Service > Academic Planning > Enrollment Shopping Cart

    Click the Search link.

  • Self Service > Class Search/Browse Catalog

  • Self Service > Enrollment > Enrollment: Add Classes

    Click the Class Search option.

    Click the Search link.

  • Self Service > Enrollment > Enrollment: Swap Classes

    Click the Class Search option.

    Click the Search link.

Users specify the academic institution and term in which they want search for classes. Users enter search criteria and retrieve results.

Search for Classes - Search Results


Click the Search button on the Search for Classes page.

Review all classes that match the search criteria.

Search for Classes - Class Detail


Click a class section on the Search for Classes - Search Results page.

Review detail for a specific class.

Browse Course Catalog


  • Self Service > Search > Browse Course Catalog

  • Self Service > Class Search/Browse Catalog > Browse Course Catalog

  • Self Service > Student Center

    Click the Search link.

    Click the Browse Course Catalog tab.

  • Self Service > Academic Planning > My Planner

    Click the Browse Course Catalog button.

Browse the course catalog to see a list of courses offered at the institution.

Browse Course Catalog - Select Course Offering


On the Browse Course Catalog page, click a course title that includes this message: *** view multiple offerings.

Select the appropriate offering when a course ID has multiple offerings with the same subject, course number, and title, or when multiple course IDs have the same subject, course number, and title.

Browse Course Catalog - Course Detail


Click a course title on the Browse Course Catalog page.

View course details and access class sections.

Access the Search for Classes page (Self Service > Search > Class Search).

Use the Class Search Configuration component to configure the grouping of criteria and whether groups appear expanded or collapsed.

See Setting Up Class Search Profiles

Note: Students can also search for classes through self-service My Planner, My Requirements, and Browse Course Catalog pages. From those pages, students can select a course description to access the course detail; from there they can view class sections that are offered for a specified term.

Field or Control



When accessed by a student through self-service navigation, the institution appears as default from the student's row in the STD_CAR_TERM table.


When accessed by a student from Class Search, the student's user preference term appears. When accessed from Add Classes or Swap Classes, the term selected appears here.

When accessed by a student from Class Search, the term drop down only includes terms that are valid as defined in the Display Term in Class Search date range on the Term Values Table.

Note: The Term field on the Search for Classes page changes from a drop-down list box to a search prompt if the selected institution has more than 300 terms.

Course Subject

This field changes from a drop-down list box to a select subject button if the selected institution has more than 300 course subjects or if the Class Search Subject Option field on the Student Records Installation page is set to Prompt Search.

Note: Users at multi-institution organizations can select the drop-drop list box option on the Student Records Installation page. However, the Course Subject field on the Search for Classes page dynamically changes to a select subject button for institutions with more than 300 course subjects.

Course Career

The student's academic career appears by default.

Meeting Start Time

To narrow search results by meeting start time, select one of the following:

  • greater than: Finds classes with a meeting start time later than the specified time. For example, if you enter greater than 1:00PM, the system would only retrieve classes that have a meeting start time later than 1:00 PM.

  • greater than or equal to: Finds classes with a meeting start time at or after the specified time.

  • less than: Finds classes with a meeting start time earlier than the specified time.

  • less than or equal to: Finds classes with a meeting start time at or earlier than the specified time.

  • is exactly: Finds classes with a meeting start time that is exactly at the specified time.

Meeting End Time

To narrow search results by meeting end time, select one of the following:

  • greater than: Finds classes with a meeting end time later than the specified time. For example, if you enter greater than 1:00PM, the system would only retrieve classes that have a meeting end time later than 1:00 PM., such as 2:00 PM.

  • greater than or equal to: Finds classes with a meeting end time at or after the specified time.

  • less than: Finds classes with a meeting end time earlier than the specified time.

  • less than or equal to: Finds classes with a meeting end time at or earlier than the specified time.

  • is exactly: Finds classed with a meeting end time that is exactly at the specified time.

Day of Week

To narrow search results by day of week, select one of the following:

  • Include Only These Days: Finds classes that meet on the selected days. For example, if you select Monday and Thursday, the system retrieves all classes that meet on Mondays and Thursdays only or Mondays, Thursdays, and other days.

  • Include Any of These Days: Finds classes that meet on at least one of the selected days. So if you select Monday and Thursday, the system retrieves all classes that meet On Monday only, Thursday only, or Mondays or Thursdays and other days.

  • Exclude Any of These Days: Finds classes that do not meet on either of the selected days.

  • Exclude Only These Days: Finds classes that do not meet on both of the selected days.

Minimum Units

To narrow search results by minimum units, select one of the following:

  • greater than: Finds classes with minimum units greater than the specified units.

  • greater than or equal to: Finds classes with minimum units equal to or greater than the specified units.

  • less than: Finds classes with minimum units less than the specified units.

  • less than or equal to: Finds classes with minimum units less than or equal to the specified units.

  • is exactly: Finds classes with minimum units that are exactly the specified units.

Maximum Units

To narrow search results by maximum units, select one of the following:

  • greater than: Finds classes with maximum units greater than the specified units.

  • greater than or equal to: Finds classes with maximum units equal to or greater than the specified units.

  • less than: Finds classes with maximum units less than the specified units.

  • less than or equal to: Finds classes with maximum units less than or equal to the specified units.

  • is exactly: Finds classes with minimum units that are exactly the specified units.

Access the Search for Classes - Search Results page (click the Search button on the Search for Classes page).

Field or Control


Wait List

This icon only appears in the legend if you select the Use Wait Listing check box on the Self Service - Student Records Setup page. Likewise, if you clear the Use Wait Listing check box, the search results have a status of open or closed for classes.

If the Show Class Results Instructions check box is selected on the Class Result Options page, then the message text from that page appears as introductory text on the Search Results page.

See Defining Class Search Result Options.

Note: The Schedule Print check box on the Maintain Schedule of Classes - Basic Data page indicates whether a class section appears in the student and visitor class search results or on the printed class schedule. For instructors and advisors, all class sections are displayed in class search results. The message "Section not shown to students" is displayed for those class sections for which the Schedule Print check box is cleared.

Access the Search for Classes - Class Detail page (click a class section on the Search for Classes - Search Results page).

This page displays all information from the course catalog, plus class schedule information. Use the Class Detail Options page in the Class Search Configuration component to determine which information appears on this page to students and faculty.

Access the Browse Course Catalog page (Self Service > Class Search/Browse Catalog > Browse Course Catalog).

Students and instructors can browse the course catalog by academic subject. Students can also select courses to add to their planner. If they click a Course Nbr (course number) or course title, they can view the course details and also view section information for the indicated term. Students with a single career are able to add courses to their planner directly from the Browse Course Catalog page or from the Course Detail page. Students with multiple careers are only able to add courses to their planner from the Course Detail page.

When a course ID has multiple offerings with the same subject, course number, and title, or when multiple course IDs have the same subject, course number, and title, students and instructors are taken to the Select Course Offering page when they click the course number or course titleā€”see ART 130 in the previous page example. Notice that the course title includes this message: *** view multiple offerings.

Access the Browse Course Catalog - Select Course Offering page (on the Browse Course Catalog page, click a course title that includes this message: *** view multiple offerings).

Use this page to select the appropriate offering when a course ID has multiple offerings with the same subject, course number, and title, or when multiple course IDs have the same subject, course number, and title.

Access the Browse Course Catalog - Course Detail page (click a course title on the Browse Course Catalog page or a course offering link on the Browse Course Catalog - Select Course Offering page).

Students and instructors can click the view class sections button to view the course schedule details on this page.

Course Schedule

Students and instructors can select a term and click the show sections button to view class sections for the course. The Terms Offered drop down list box only includes: terms that are valid as defined in the Display Term in Class Search date range on the Term Values table, and those with sections scheduled within the term. For students, the select button only appears if the Enrollment & Shopping Cart date range on the Term Table under Display in Self-Service is valid.

See Defining Terms, Sessions, and Session Time Periods.