Setting Up Class Search Profiles

This section discusses class search configuration only for the classic user interface and describes how to:

  • Define class search criteria.

  • Define class search result options.

  • Define class detail options.

For information about other Class Search setup such as search results limits,

See Reviewing or Defining Student Records Installation Settings

The delivered Class Search Profiles are:

  • STDNT (Student/Visitor Self Service)

  • INSTR (Instructor/Advisor Self Service accessed through Faculty and Advisor Centers)

  • ADMIN (Administrative class search)

  • SSAPT (for use with Program Enrollment)

Page Name

Definition Name



Search Configuration


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > Class Search Configuration > Search Configuration

Define class search criteria.

Class Result Options


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > Class Search Configuration > Class Result Options

Define class search result options.

Class Detail Options


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > Class Search Configuration > Class Detail Options

Define class detail options.

Access the Search Configuration page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > Class Search Configuration > Search Configuration).

Note: This page is not used for class search in Fluid.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Configuration page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search Configuration page

Use this page to define, for each profile, the search criteria that are available on the Search for Classes page. For example, if you select Session Code for the INSTR profile, then instructors who use class search in Self Service can select session as a search criterion.

Search Options

Field or Control


Incl Topic on Course Keyword (Include Topic on Course Keyword)

If this check box is selected and a Class Search Profile includes Course Keyword, then if a user searches by cognitive, the search returns all classes for which cognitive is found in the Course Description or Long Course Title. The search also returns all classes for which cognitive is found in the course topic Description or Formal Description if a Course Topic ID exists for the class.

Incl Long Desc on Crse Keyword (Include Long Description on Course Keyword)

If this check box is selected and a Class Search Profile includes Course Keyword, then if a user searches by cognitive, the search returns all classes for which cognitive is found in the Course Description, Long Course Title, or Long Description.

Include Course Attribute Value

If a Class Search Profile includes Course Attribute, then:

  • If this check box is selected, a user can search by Course Attribute and Course Attribute Value–for example, search by Course Attribute: Honors, and Course Attribute Value: Math Department Honors.

  • If this check box is cleared, a user can search by Course Attribute only.

Configure Search

Field or Control


Add Search Group, Group Sequence, and Seq Nbr (sequence number)

Configure groups of search criteria for a profile and define the sequence order in which fields are displayed on the Search for Classes page.

Criteria can used in only one group box within a profile.

Message Set and Message Number

Define the labels for class search groupings through the Message Catalog (Message Set 14690).

Reset Values

Click this button to access a default setting where all values are displayed and configured into two groups: Class Search, which is expanded by default and Additional Search Criteria, which is collapsed by default. You can then modify the search criteria and groupings.

Use Common Attribute

Select this check box to use class association attributes in class search.

When you select the check box, the Search Criteria field is not available and the Common Attribute field displays the available class association attributes as defined on the CLASS_ASSOC Record Context. An attribute can be used only once within a profile.

When students search for classes from Program Enrollment Self Service, a controlled class search is used. Therefore unlike other class search profiles, you do not need to include Subject and Course Number as search criteria for the SSAPT profile.

See Using the Common Attribute Framework to Extend Class Associations for Program Enrollment

Access the Class Result Options page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > Class Search Configuration > Class Result Options).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Class Result Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Class Result Options page


You can define user-specific (student, faculty, admin) introductory text which appears on the class Search Results page if the Show Class Result Instructions check box is selected.

See Searching for Classes Using Classic Self-Service Pages.


This group box is currently available for SSAPT (Program Enrollment - My Schedule Builder) only.

See Using Program Enrollment Self-Service Features

See Managing APT Enrollment

For information about defining academic shifts (Academic Shift page), see Defining Academic Shifts

For information about how to indicate that you want to use Academic Shift and the setup required to assign a shift to a student (Academic Institution 3 page), see Setting Additional Institution Defaults and Options

For information about attaching an academic shift to a student’s academic program (Student Program page), see Maintaining Student Academic Programs

For information about additional setup required for Common Attribute values, see:

Understanding Common Attribute Framework

Associating a Common Attribute to a Record

Maintaining Student Additional Information

Field or Control


Use Search Result Filters

If you select this check box, filters appear on the class Search Results page, as explained below.

Sequence Number

Determines the order in which filters appear on the class Search Results page.

Use Common Attribute

If you select this check box and then select a Common Attribute value (and the attribute is associated with the relevant associate class in the Schedule of Classes component), then the attribute is available as a filter on the Search Results page when a user searches for classes.

When viewing the class search results, the filter check box is selected by default if the attribute is attached to the student's program as well as the relevant associated class and section. The user can change the filter. However, if the Match selection option on the Class Result Options page is Required Match and there is a match on the student's attribute and associated class attribute, then the Search Results page shows matching class sections only. The student cannot change the filter.

See Adding Class Association Attributes Using the Schedule of Classes Component


Select a value to indicate that the criteria should be available as a filter on the Search Results page when a user searches for classes.

If you select the Academic Shift criteria, an Academic Shift value must be selected for the class in the Schedule of Classes component.

See Defining Class Meeting Patterns


Filter Default: A filter option appears with a check box selected on the class Search Results page when the class search returns a class with sections that match the filter criteria. A student can clear or re-select the check box to expand or narrow the search results. If no match occurs, the filter does not appear on the Search Results page

Required Match: The class Search Results page displays only sections that match the required criteria. A filter option appears with a check box selected but the student cannot clear or change the filter criteria. For example, if an institution wants to display to the student only class sections that match the student's campus (see Student Program/Plan component), the institution can define campus as a required match.

See Maintaining Student Program Stacks

Note: If no matches are found for a given default filter criteria, the respective filter does not display on the Search Results page. For example, if there is a filter default defined for the attribute of student language but there are no sections with the associated class attribute for a student language value, the filter does not display on the Search Results page.

Note: If a student accesses My Schedule Builder and only one class section matches the Required Match filter criteria, that section displays on My Schedule Builder. The student does not see the Search Results page.

Access the Class Detail Options page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > Class Search Configuration > Class Detail Options).

Use this page to define, by profile, the fields that appear on the Class Detail page. For example, if you select the Enroll Rqmt: Requisite check box for the STDNT profile, then in Self Service, when a student clicks the link for the class and is taken to the Class Detail page, the student can see the enrollment requisite information for that class.

All check boxes are selected by default.

Field or Control


Textbook Information

The information that appears on the Class Detail page depends on the data that you enter on the Schedule of Classes–Textbook page (Curriculum Management, Schedule of Classes, Schedule New Course, Textbook).

See Defining Textbooks for Classes