Viewing an Advisement Report

This section provides an overview of My Academic Requirements and lists the pages used to view an advisement report.

The self-service functionality provides students with an interactive advisement report that they can use to evaluate their academic progress, access course and class detail, add courses to their planner, place classes in their shopping carts, and enroll in classes. The system can generate the report in real time and the report displays a date and time stamp so that the user knows when the report was last generated.

Depending on your Installation Student Administration setup, you can implement the advisement report using either the Academic Advisement or the Program Guide installation option.

If your institution uses Academic Advisement, the My Academic Requirements page reflects the results of a degree audit. When students access the My Academic Requirements page, satisfied academic requirement groups are collapsed, and unsatisfied ones are expanded. Data about the degree requirements appears in hierarchical structure that corresponds with your institution's advisement setup. For example, a requirement and its contents appear below a heading for a requirement group. In general, lists of courses that may be used or are used to satisfy a given requirement appear below the requirement line, which in turn appears below the requirement. Requirement group report descriptions appear in group boxes, and details about requirements, which are attached to the requirement groups, appear below the requirement groups. Examples of these details include report long descriptions, course statistics, and course lists. Whether specific details, such as requirement line data, appear depends on the setup of your institution. When details are available for a student to view, a caret appears next to the requirement group, requirement, or requirement line, as needed. The icons in the legend and the statuses of Satisfied and Not Satisfied communicate the completion status of the courses and degree requirements. If there are exceptions that your institution has made to a student’s degree requirements, those also appear on the interactive report. For example, if a change was made so that a student needs to take three credits instead of six for a given requirement, the explanation about the change is accessible in the relevant area of the report (next to the units required). Similarly, if a course directive (substitution) was made, a Notes column appears on the report, in the course grid next to the replacement course. A hyperlink directs the user to the explanation about the exception.

The setup of your institution determines whether the report is generated in real time, and it affects which details appear on the report. For example, your institution controls whether a requirement line long description appears on the report or whether the course list should appear. The icons that appear in the legend of the report are dictated by the setup of the advisement report type. The advisement report type setup also dictates whether the report reflects the evaluation of in-progress, what-if, shopping cart, and planned courses. Additionally, you define (on the Define Advisement Report Types page) the other attributes of the report, such as whether topics should display on the report, or whether the audit should evaluate completed or self-reported transfer credit models.

If your institution selects the Program Guide installation option, then the report that appears on the My Academic Requirements page has a different look because the data comes from the Program Guide requirements. Because no degree audit is performed against Program Guide rules, the report does not indicate whether a rule is satisfied or not. Instead, My Academic Requirements displays descriptive information from the Program Guide course lists, requirements, and requirement groups. Courses taken, planned, and in progress appear on the report, but a student, along with his advisor, must evaluate his degree progress. Students can still use the Program Guide report to plan or enroll in courses.

See Setting Up Self-Service Features for Academic Advisement.

Using the Search by My Requirements feature, students can access additional information and perform these actions:

  • Access course details.

  • View wildcard course list information.

  • View information about exceptions and overrides.

  • Add classes to their shopping cart.

Page Name

Definition Name



My Academic Requirements


Self Service, Degree Progress/Graduation, My Academic Requirements

Students assess academic progress toward graduation, review course detail, add courses to My Planner, view class sections for a specific term, and, if term activated, add a class to their shopping cart.

My Academic Requirements


Self Service, Degree Progress/Graduation, My Academic Requirements

Students review their program guide, courses taken, review course detail, add courses to My Planner, view class sections for a specific term, and, if term activated, add a class to their shopping cart.

My Academic Requirements – Course Detail


Self Service > Degree Progress/Graduation > My Academic Requirements

Click a course description link.

Students review course details, add a course to My Planner, view class sections for a specific term, and, if term activated, add a class to their shopping cart.

My Academic Requirements - Course List Detail


Self Service > Degree Progress/Graduation > My Academic Requirements

Click a course link.

View details about a course list.

My Academic Requirements


Self Service > Degree Progress/Graduation > My Academic Requirements

Click the numeric link in the Notes column (if applicable).

Or, if the exception is a change, click the Note link to view the details of the change.

View a description of any exception or override that affects the course or the requirement group, requirement or requirement line.

What-If Report – What-if Report Selection


Self Service > Degree Progress/Graduation > View What-if Report

Student or prematriculated student can view an existing report or initiate the steps to create a new what-if advisement report.

What If Report


Click the report date link on the What-If Report – What-if Report Selection page.

Student or prematriculated student can view a saved what-if report.

What-If Report – Create What-if Scenario


Click the Create New Report button on the What-If Report –What-if Report Selection page.

Student or prematriculated student can define a what-if scenario and generate a what-if advisement report. Depending on the setup, the student may also be able to define a course what-if scenario.

What If Report – Select Course for What-if Scenario


Click the Browse Course Catalog button on the Create What-if Scenario page.

Student or prematriculated student can select courses for the what-if scenario.