Maintaining Warranties

This topic provides an overview of asset warranties and lists the pages used to maintain asset warranties.

Page Name

Definition Name


Asset Warranty Page


Associate warranties to an asset ID and store warranty information including effective date, end date, coverage and contact information. Multiple warranties can be applied to a single asset.

Search for Asset Warranty Templates Page


Search for warranty templates to apply to the asset. Templates are created by SetID. Search parameters include asset type, asset subtype, supplier ID, model, and item ID.

Many assets are acquired with a standard manufacturer's warranty that the asset is free of defects and what remedies are available to you if the asset manifests a warranted defect during normal use, such as eligibility for a replacement asset, or a loaner while the warranted asset is repaired. The warranty often defines the period for which the asset is warranted, the maintenance and repair responsibilities of the owner, and the procedures for making a claim in the event a defect in the asset is discovered.

Warranties are sometimes available for extension. This may involve the issuance of a separate warranty that becomes active when the original warranty expires. Or it may warrant components of the asset that the standard warranty excludes. A warranty may contain different expiry dates for different components of the asset. It may provide for on-site repairs, may require return material authorizations (RMA), and may or may not be transferable.

PeopleSoft provides the ability to set up standard warranties and associate a warranty to an individual asset and provides warranty templates to apply a standard warranty to multiple assets at one time.