Creating SAM Payment Holds

This section provides an overview of SAM payment holds and discusses how to create SAM payment holds.

Page Name

Definition Name


Voucher - Payment Page


Create voucher payments, including voucher payment holds.

Quick Invoice - Payment Details Page


Create voucher payments, including voucher payment holds.

Inquire SAM File Information Page


Review the file status load information.

When a SAM supplier is in an expired status, any payments to the supplier must be evaluated by an end user and put on hold when required. For regular vouchers and Quick Invoice vouchers, the system displays a warning message when you enter payments for expired SAM suppliers. The warning message provides the user with an option to set the payment on hold and provide a reason code for putting the payment on hold. During the SAM Inbound File process, the system automatically takes payments off hold if the SAM supplier has re-registered and is no longer considered expired. The system displays payments taken off hold on the Inquire File Load Status page.

Whether you create a SAM voucher using the Regular Voucher entry page or the Quick Invoice, the hold payment process is the same.

Use the Voucher - Payments page (VCHR_PAYMENT_PNL) to create voucher payments, including voucher payment holds.


Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry > Payments

When you click Save, a message is displayed that the SAM Supplier is expired and if you want to put the Payment on Hold. When you click OK, the system automatically selects the Hold check box and SAM is entered in the Hold Reason field. Alternatively, you can manually enable:

  1. Select the Hold check box.

  2. Enter SAM in the Hold Reason field.

  3. Complete entering voucher information, and click Save.