Modifying Claim Vouchers

This section provides an overview of claim vouchers and the pages used to modify claim vouchers.

PeopleSoft Payables integrates with the Claims Management feature and PeopleSoft Receivables to process claim vouchers. Claims are used to adjust value-added tax (VAT) accounting entries for the following settlement methods: checks, drafts, electronic funds transfers (EFTs), and direct debits. Claims vouchers are posted but not paid.

Claims are first processed between PeopleSoft Receivables and Claims Management. Claims Management then populates PeopleSoft Payables staging tables (VCHR_HDR_STG, VCHR_LINE_STG and VCHR_DIST_STG) with the claim voucher information for the Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD), using the Claims Management Process Claims Application Engine program (PO_PRCSCLAIM). The Voucher Build process performs various edits to ensure that the claim voucher is in compliance (such as verifying that the VAT Declaration Point field is set for Invoice, and that only one payment schedule exists). If the process builds the voucher with a Recycle status, the claim appears on the Voucher Build Error component. Correct recycled claims by using the Voucher component. If a pre-edit error exists on this voucher (for example, an invalid supplier), you can access and correct it on the complete worksheet of the quick invoice.

Note: You cannot create or import claim vouchers. They can enter the PeopleSoft Payables system only through Claims Management, which transmits information to the PeopleSoft Payables staging tables.

You can perform the following edits to claim vouchers in the Update/Display mode:

  • Edit the VAT amount.

  • Adjust the line and distribution line amounts to remain in balance with the total amount.

  • Change VAT parameters on the header, line, and distribution line.

  • Add additional voucher comments.

    Warning! The system populates the Comments field with identification information necessary for processing. Do not edit or delete any existing information in this field.

You can approve, close, delete, and archive claims. In addition, the system includes claims in the budget-checking document-sequence numbering processes, per established parameters for the transaction business unit. You can also use the on-demand processing functionality, located on the Voucher component.

When posting claims, the system uses the PeopleSoft Receivables Rebate Control account to post the accounting entries. Review the following example:

Voucher Header: 220 EUR as gross amount and 20 EUR of VAT.

Voucher Line 1: 200 EUR and 20 EUR of VAT, distributed as shown in this table:




Distribution 1: Rebate Account 1

60 EUR


Distribution 2: Rebate Account 2

40 EUR


Distribution 3: Rebate Account 3

100 EUR

10 EUR

PeopleSoft Payables posts the following accounting entries:




AR Rebate Control


Rebate Account 1


Rebate Account 2


Rebate Account 3


VAT Input


With claims, you cannot perform the following functions and processes:

  • Association with a purchase order or receipt.

  • Application to an advance payment.

  • Copying into another voucher style (for example, third-party vouchers, reversal vouchers, and adjustment vouchers).

  • Matching.

  • Modification on the voucher mass maintenance or voucher maintenance component.

  • Unposting.

  • Withholding.

In addition, you can view claim information only on these inquiries and reports:

  • Rejected Vouchers (VNDR_PAYINQ_RJCT).

  • Voucher Accounting Entries (VCHR_ACTG_ENTRIES).

  • Voucher Detail Lines Display (AP_VCHR_LN_DET_DSP).

  • Voucher Inquiry (AP_VOUCHER_INQUIRY).

  • Voucher Register (APY1010)

  • Posted Voucher Listing (APY1020).

You modify claim vouchers using the same pages as regular vouchers, although the pages contain some different fields, field values, and processing. Use the Complete Worksheet of the Quick Invoice feature to correct pre-edit errors.

See Understanding Voucher Processing and the Voucher Life Cycle.

See Quick Invoice Page.