Setting Up EFT and ACH Payment Formats

To set up EFT and ACH payment formats, use the following components:

  • EFT Layout (EFT_LAYOUT).

  • ACH Layout (ACH_LAYOUT).

This section provides an overview of EFT and ACH payment format setup and lists the pages used to set up EFT and ACH Payment formats.

Page Name

Definition Name


EFT File Layouts Page


View, modify, and add any EFT layouts.

See PeopleSoft Banks Setup and Processing 9.2 PeopleBook, “Setting Up Files for Electronic Funds Transfers,” Managing EFT File Layouts.

ACH File Layout Page


Create identifying information for ACH files.

See PeopleSoft Banks Setup and Processing 9.2 PeopleBook, “Setting Up Files for Electronic Funds Transfers,” Defining ACH Layouts.

The PeopleSoft system provides a number of EFT and ACH layouts for transmitting U.S. Federal payments:


Layout Name

CTX (Corporate Trade Exchange) flat file payment order


CTX ASC X12 820 payment order


SPS vendor check payment


SPS vendor ACH payment (CCD+)


SPS vendor ACH payment (CCD+) - Same Day


Bulk vendor ACH payment (CCD+) — Same Day


SPS travel ACH payment (PPD+)


SPS travel ACH payment (PPD+) - Same Day


Bulk travel ACH payment (PPD+) — Same Day


SPS Miscellaneous payment


SPS Miscellaneous payment - Same Day


Bulk Miscellaneous ACH payment — Same Day


SPS IAT Travel


SPS IAT Vendor


SPS IAT Miscallaneous


SPS Same day payment request


IPAC (Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections)


Bulk vendor check payment


Bulk Misc IAT ACH Payment


Bulk Travel IAT ACH Payment


Bulk Vendor IAT ACH Payment


Bulk Misc ACH Payment


Bulk Travel ACH Payment


Bulk Vendor ACH Payment


Federal PAMCTX


Note: The SPSSDPR layout is used to request Wire payments through the Federal Reserve Bank and is not ACH. This layout is used for large dollar amount same day requests.

When you set up each format on the EFT File Layouts and ACH File Layout pages, you can indicate if the payment format applies to employee payments, non-employee payments, or both. This allows an edit upon saving a voucher that enforces the following U.S. Federal rules:

  • Employee ACH payments are generated as PPD or PPD+ payments only.

  • Non-employee ACH payments are generated as CCD, CCD+, or CTX payments only.

Note: It is up to you to select whether a payment format applies to employee payments, non-employee payments, or both, but you should select these values based on the requirements laid out by the U.S. Department of Treasury

PeopleSoft Payables also enforces that all EFT/ACH payments contain a bank ID, bank routing number (DFI ID), and bank account number.

Note: The Discretionary Data (Payment ID) field that the ACH payment file format displays is for internal use only and customers can select the required format to display the field value.

Note: The new PAM file layout codes (EFT/ACH codes) must be established in the customers’ appropriate external bank account setup. Add them, in order to use at the voucher level.

NACHA Rule Application

NACHA rules apply while creating payments using ACH / EFT payment methods with any of the following layouts: CCD+, CCD, PPD, CTX, CTX820FED, PAMCTX. These are applied to each payment amounting to a maximum value of 99999999.99 USD and the total payment amounting to a maximum of 9999999999.99 USD.

The system applies the NACHA limit check by splitting the payment based on the following:

  • Remit SetID

  • Remit Supplier

  • Remit Supplier Address

  • Remit Supplier Location

  • Remit Bank SetID

  • Remit Bank CD

  • Remit Bank Account Key

  • Remit Bank Account

Note: This criteria is specific to NACHA limit check and is different from the regular payment split criteria applied in Pay Cycle creation.

To access the EFT File Layouts page, use the navigation: Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > EFT > EFT File Layout > EFT File Layouts

To access the ACH File Layout page, use the navigation: Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > EFT > ACH Layout > ACH File Layout