Correcting Posting Errors

When the Receivables Update multiprocess job finds errors, the job updates the Error Code field (AR_ERROR_CD) on the Pending Item table (PS_PENDING_ITEM) with an error code. The job creates and balances your accounting entries before editing occurs. If the process does not create your accounting entries or they are incorrect, the AR_ERROR_CD field contains a value of ACTOB.

Once accounting entries are correct and balanced, the Receivables Update multiprocess job continues with two types of edits. The Receivables Update multiprocess job edits the Pending Item (PS_PENDING_ITEM) table through a series of editing update statements which only edit pending items created by systems external to PeopleSoft Receivables such as PeopleSoft Billing or an external billing system, and then all groups are edited through other specific program logic.

When it detects an error condition on a pending item, it sets a value in the AR_ERROR_CD field on the Pending Item record. After the pending item passes the editing sections, the system checks for additional conditions within the SQL that is executed by the Receivables Update multiprocess job. The system reports only one error condition at a time per pending item, so even if it detects more than one error, it stores only one error code.

If an item is unposted, new rows will be inserted into the child table to reflect the unpost. The reversal entries are stored in PENDING_DST/ITEM_DST with a new group ID, therefore there will be new rows in the child table with the new group ID.

Error Correction

You can edit any error detected by Receivables Update using an error correction page. The system reedits the pending item and highlights the fields that are in error for you to correct.

To edit an error:

  1. Click the Error Info (error information) button to view a summary description of the error.

  2. If you need more details, click the Explain button.

    For combination edit (combo edit) errors, when you click the Error Info (error information) button, a summary description of the error appears. However, to view more details, you must select the Action page to select the posting action. Then the system validates the combo edits again and the combo edit error details appear in the grid.

  3. After you review an explanation, click OK.

  4. Correct the error for the pending item or correct some aspect of either your setup tables or your interface tables.

    In most cases, you must correct your setup.

  5. Use the Action page to select the posting action again.

    Note: When you set the posting action, the online combo edit validation occurs, but Receivables Update does not run again as part of this process.

If more than one error exists, then the next error message appears. Otherwise, you return to the Error Correction page.

Error Messages

The edit updates statements that the Receivables Update multiprocess job executes. This table lists the conditions it edits. Use PeopleSoft Application Designer to view the Receivables Update edit SQL that identified the error. This table provides a list of the error messages and a description of the action to take:


Error Code and Long Description


Pending Item Group Business Unit Invalid

Action: Verify that the group business unit used on the pending item has been created in PeopleSoft Receivables and PeopleSoft General Ledger.


Pending Item Business Unit Invalid

Action: Verify that the business unit used on the pending item has been created in PeopleSoft Receivables and PeopleSoft General Ledger.


Customer does not exist

Action: Verify that the customer exists on the General Info page. Verify that the customer's status is Active and the customer level is not set to Prospect. Also verify that the Bill to Customer field is selected on the Bill to Selection page.


Dispute Reason Invalid

Action: Verify the status and effective date of the dispute reason on the Dispute Reason page.


Collection Code Invalid

Action: Verify the status and effective date of the collection code on the Collection Code page.


Salesperson Invalid

Action: Verify that the default support team defined for this customer has a team member defined as a salesperson with a priority greater than zero.


Credit Analyst Invalid

Action: Verify the status and effective date of the credit analyst on the Credit Analyst page.


Collector Invalid

Action: Verify the status and effective date of the collector on the Collector page.


Payment Terms Invalid

Action: Verify the status and effective date of the payment terms code on the Payment Terms page.


AR Distribution code Invalid

Action: Verify the status of the distribution code on the Distribution Code page.


Entry Type Invalid

Action: Verify the status of the entry type on the Entry Type page.


Entry Reason required

Action: This entry type requires an entry reason. Enter an entry reason or deselect the Require Reason check box on the Item Entry Type - Selection page or Automatic Entry Type - Selection page.


Entry Reason Invalid

Action: Verify the status of the entry reason on the Entry Reason page.


Entry amount Invalid for this Entry Type

Action: Verify the entry amount for this entry type. Entry types require either positive or negative amounts based on the entry type.


Incorrect Value for Allow Discount Flag

Action: The Always Allow Discount check box on Pending Item 1 page has an incorrect value. Please select or deselect the check box.


Incorrect Value for Posted Flag

Action: This pending item is flagged as having already been posted. Contact Oracle/PeopleSoft Support.


SubCustomer Invalid

Action: Verify that a subcustomer exists for this customer on the SubCustomer page.


SubCustomer Use Invalid

Action: Verify SubCustomer usage at the installation level setup. Specify that you use one or both subcustomer fields.


Customer Options Error

Base Currency Invalid for Pending Item.

Action: Verify that the base currency of the pending item equals business unit base currency.


Entry Currency Invalid

Action: The entry currency code must be active based on the pending item accounting date. Verify the status and effective date on the Currency Code page.


Rate Type Invalid

Action: Verify the rate type specified is valid for this multicurrency pending item.


Exchange Rates Missing

Action: The currency exchange rate values RATE_MULT and RATE_DIV are missing on a multicurrency pending item. Contact Oracle/PeopleSoft Support.


Entry Currency Invalid

Action: Verify that the pending item entry currency equals the group control currency.


VAT Entity Missing

Action: Verify that the VAT entity is populated for a VAT business unit.


In-Use Cust

Action: The customer is unavailable because it is being used by another background process. The process may be running or it may have terminated abnormally.


Sales Tax and Excise Duty

Action: Verify pending tax information is correct on the pending item Group Entry Tax page.


Accounting Period Not Open

Action: Verify in PeopleSoft General Ledger that the accounting period is open for the transaction type specified on Group Type page. Refer to the transaction type for the group type being posted.


Accounting Entries Out of Balance

Action: Verify the accounting entry setup, for example: entry type, reason code definitions, item entry types, and automatic entry types.


Alternate Account Error

Action: Verify whether the Alternate Account ChartField is missing or invalid for the item on the Correct Posting Errors, Accounting Entries page.


Missing BETC code.

Action: The BETC was not set up, is inactive, or multiple BETC codes exist. Verify that BETC is set up and active on the Treasury Account Symbol Definition Page (General Ledger > Federal Reports > TAS/BETC > Define TAS).


ChartField Inheritance Error

Action: Verify ChartFields marked as inherited do not have the same value across lines or do not match chart field values for existing lines for the same Item.


Item(s) contain Combination Edit Errors

Action: Verify the ChartField combination on the accounting lines is a valid combination. Modify the ChartField values online or modify the appropriate distribution code, item entry type or automatic entry type accounting template, or bank accounting entry setup. Alternatively, modify the combination editing rules.


Entry Amount Error

Action: A negative debit or positive credit has been entered. Credits must be less than zero and debits greater than zero.


Currency Exchange Rate Invalid

Action: Verify the pending item exchange rate. Pending item transactions for existing items must match the exchange rate of the original item.


Customer Options Missing

Action: Verify that customer options have been defined, are active, and are properly effective dated for this customer and accounting date in the Customer - General Information component (CUSTOMER_GENERAL).


Direct Debit Profile Missing

Action: Pending item has a payment method of direct debit but is missing a direct debit profile. Verify that a profile has been defined on the General Information - Bill To Options page for the customer.


Direct Debit Profile Invalid Error

ACTION: Pending Item has a payment method of direct debit but the direct debit profile indicated is invalid. Either add this direct debit profile to the direct debit profile table or change the indicated direct debit profile to a valid value. INACC - Inactive Account


Document Sequencing Error

Action: Document Sequencing has been enabled at the installation and general ledger business unit level. The accounting entries for this pending item are missing a document sequencing date. Verify document sequencing setup.


Fund code is required if the ALC is a GWA reporter for AR.

Action: Enter a fund code on all accounting lines. The agency location code (ALC) is defined as a GWA reporter for Receivables.


Inactive Account Error

Action: Change the inactive account by an active one or activate the inactive account.


Chartfield Inheritance Error

Action: Verify that ChartField inheritance is setup is on the ChartField Inheritance page for the SetIDs being edited.


An IPAC field that is marked as required is not populated.

Action: View the application engine message log for a list that includes each field that is in error.


There is not a Receiver BETC Code defined for the GWA TAS or the BETC code is inactive.

Action: Verify the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) and BETC Code is set up and active on the Treasury Account Symbol Definition page (General Ledger > Federal Reports > TAS/BETC > Define TAS) for setting up BETC on the transaction.


A receiver (external) TAS has not been setup.

Action: Verify an external Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) is set up on the Treasury Account Symbol Definition page (General Ledger > Federal Reports > TAS/BETC > Define TAS).


There is not a Sender BETC Code defined for the GWA TAS or the BETC code is inactive.

Action: Verify the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) and BETC Code is set up and active on the Treasury Account Symbol Definition page (General Ledger > Federal Reports > TAS/BETC > Define TAS) for the SetID/fund code combination on the transaction.


There is not a Sender TAS setup for the Setid and Fund Code combination on the transaction.

Action: Verify the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) is set up on the Treasury Account Symbol Definition page (General Ledger > Federal Reports > TAS/BETC > Define TAS) for the SetID/fund code combination on the transaction.


Duplicate Item

Action: This pending item is a duplicate of a pending item in another group that is being posted. If the Don't Post Duplicate Entries check box is selected on the Entry Type page, clear it, or delete the duplicate entry on the Pending Item 1 page.


In-Use Item

Action: The item has been locked by another background process that is processing transactions for the same item. Please try again later after the other application completes.


Entry Currency Invalid

Action: Verify that the pending item entry currency is the same as the existing item's balance currency. Any additional pending items for existing items must be entered in the item's balance currency.


Multiple Entry Currencies for same Item

Action: Verify that the pending items (for the same item in different groups) being posted share the same entry currency.


Group Out of Balance

Action: Verify the sum of the entry amounts equals the control amount, the total count of pending items in the group equals the control count, and the group status is balanced on the Group Control page.


Maintenance Group Out of Balance

Action: Verify that the sum of control base amount equals the control amount and the total count of pending items.


Open Item Key Missing

Action: The account in the AR line requires an open item key. Enter the open item key for the line.


Invalid PC Business Unit for the Distribution Line GL Business Unit

Action: Verify the PeopleSoft Project Costing business unit is valid for the general ledger business unit associated with the accounting lines.


Payment Terms Invalid

Action: Verify status and effective date of payment terms on the Payment Terms page.


Default Payment Terms Invalid

Action: Verify status and effective date of the default payment terms specified on the business unit and customer on the Payment Terms page.


Default Salesperson not defined

Action: Verify that a default support team has been assigned to this customer. If so, verify that the support team has a team member defined as a salesperson with a priority greater than zero.


VAT Registration ID Invalid

Action: Verify the VAT registration ID.

Error Correction Components

PeopleSoft Receivables provides several components for correcting posting errors. The components all use the same pages, but they have a different search record to filter the groups that you select.

This table provides the navigation to each component, lists the pages in the component, and describes the usage for the component. The pages in these components are the same as the pages that you use to enter pending items.

Note: The pages that display tax information for India are available only if you enabled sales tax and excise duty for a receivable business unit type on the Business Unit Tax Applicability page.

This table provides the navigation for all the error correction components and describes how to use them:

Menu Navigation



Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Correct Posting Errors > Online Items

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • Group Entry Tax

  • VAT Header

  • VAT Detail

  • Accounting Entries

  • Group Action

Use to correct errors in online pending item groups.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Correct Posting Errors > External Items

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • Group Entry Tax

  • VAT Header

  • VAT Detail

  • Accounting Entries

  • Group Action

Use to correct errors in pending item groups entered in another application.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Correct Posting Errors > Overdue Charge Pending Items

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • Accounting Entries

  • Group Action

Use to correct pending items in overdue charge groups.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Correct Posting Errors > Worksheet

  • Worksheet Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • Accounting Entries

  • Group Action

Use to correct errors in maintenance worksheet groups.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Correct Posting Errors > Transfer

  • Transfer Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • Accounting Entries

  • Group Action

Use to correct errors in transfer groups.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Correct Posting Errors > Unpost

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • Accounting Entries

  • Group Action

Use to correct errors in unpost groups.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Correct Posting Errors > Direct Debit

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • Accounting Entries

  • Group Action

Use to correct errors in direct debit groups.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Correct Posting Errors > Direct Debit Acctg Entries

  • Worksheet Control

  • Accounting Entries

Use to correct errors in direct debit groups.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Correct Posting Errors > Draft

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • Accounting Entries

  • Group Action

Use to correct errors in draft groups.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Correct Posting Errors > View Draft Accounting Entries

  • Worksheet Control

  • Accounting Entries

Use to correct errors in draft groups.

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Correct Posting Errors > Payment

  • Payment Control

  • Payment 1

  • Payment 2

  • Payment 3

  • Accounting Entries

  • Payment Action

Use to correct errors in payment worksheet groups.