Reviewing Posting Results

Page Name

Definition Name


Control Page


Review the control totals and group status for the group.

See Understanding Posting Result Inquiry Pages.

Pending Item 1 Page or Payment 1 Page


View item information, including amounts, entry type and reason, payment terms, and discount data.

See Understanding Posting Result Inquiry Pages.

Pending Item 2 Page or Payment 2 Page


View assigned support personnel, correspondence information, cash forecasting information, and draft information.

See Understanding Posting Result Inquiry Pages.

Pending Item 3 Page or Payment 3 Page


View user-defined fields.

See Understanding Posting Result Inquiry Pages.

VAT Header Page


View VAT header defaults.

See Understanding Posting Result Inquiry Pages.

VAT Detail Page


View VAT line defaults, including the VAT amounts.

See Understanding Posting Result Inquiry Pages.

Accounting Entries Page


View accounting entries for each item.

See Understanding Posting Result Inquiry Pages.

Group Entry Tax Ds Page


(IND) View excise duty and sales tax amounts for India.

See Understanding Posting Result Inquiry Pages.

Tax Detail Page


(IND) Display excise duty and sales tax detail information for India.

See Understanding Posting Result Inquiry Pages.

After you run the Receivables Update multiprocess job, review the posting results for groups. You can review individual item details for the items in the groups, accounting entries, value-added tax (VAT) information, tax information for India, and group control information.

PeopleSoft Receivables provides several components for reviewing posting results. The components all use the same pages, but they have different search records to filter the groups that you select. Some components enable you to view all information for the items and some components do not show the accounting entries, VAT information, and tax information for India. Some components enable you to view all items in a group and others enable you to search for a single item in the group. The following table lists the navigation to each component and the pages in each component.

Note: The pages that display tax information for India are available only if you enabled sales tax and excise duty for a receivable business unit type on the Business Unit Tax Applicability page.

These pages are the same as the pages that you use to enter pending items except that you cannot change any information:

Menu Navigation


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Pending Items > Review Pending Item with Dtl

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Pending Items > Review Pending Item

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • VAT Header

  • VAT Detail

  • (IND) Group Entry Tax Ds

  • Accounting Entries

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Updated Items > Rvw Multi Pending Item Dtls

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Updated Items > Review Updated Pending Item

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • VAT Header

  • VAT Detail

  • Accounting Entries

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Updated Items > Review Updated Items

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Updated Items > Rvw Single Pending Item Dtls

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Direct Debits > Review Direct Debit Item Dtls

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Direct Debits > Review Direct Debit

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • Accounting Entries

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Direct Debits > Review Direct Debit Items

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Direct Debits > Review DD Pending Item Details

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Drafts > Review Draft Item Details

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Drafts > Review Single Item Draft

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

  • Accounting Entries

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Drafts > Review Draft Items

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Drafts > Rvw Draft Pending Item Details

  • Group Control

  • Pending Item 1

  • Pending Item 2

  • Pending Item 3

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Payments > Review Single Pending Item

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Payments > Review Pending Item with Entry

  • Payment Control

  • Payment 1

  • Payment 2

  • Payment 3

  • VAT Header

  • VAT Detail

  • Accounting Entries

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Payments > Payment Group - Single Item

Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Posting Results - Payments > Payment Group - All Items

  • Payment Control

  • Payment 1

  • Payment 2

  • Payment 3