Running Receivables Update

Page Name

Definition Name


Receivable Update Request Page


Enter run parameters for the Receivables Update multiprocess job and run the job.

See the Receivable Update Request Page for more information.

Job Message Log Summary Page


View a summary of messages generated by individual processes within a multiprocess job, including individual processes run in parallel, such as processes for the Receivables Update, Payment Predictor (ARPREDCT), Aging (ARAGE), and Statements (ARSTMT) multiprocess jobs.

Process List Page


Review the multiple processes in a job.

See Restarting the Receivables Update Multiprocess Job.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Process Scheduler for more information.

Process Reset Page


Reset the Receivables Update process. Unlock and rerun the process.

Normally, you run the Receivables Update multiprocess job as a scheduled job. You can run the job ad hoc, as needed.

Note: You can also run the job immediately from an Action page for small groups under certain circumstances, such as at the end of the period when you need to update the ledger immediately.

This documentation discusses how to restart or reset Receivables Update and how to:

  • View the job message log summary.

  • Restart the Receivables Update multiprocess job.

  • Reset the Receivables Update multiprocess job.

Oracle suggests that you try to restart the Receivables Update multiprocess job before resetting the process. You can restart a process that has abended as a result of an environmental problem. After you have fixed the COBOL, SQL, or data problems that caused a process to abend, you can restart the process. Not all processes are restartable from this page.

Note: Remember that Receivables Update uses temporary tables. If the temporary tables have been deleted, you cannot restart (resume processing); you must reset and rerun the process from the beginning.

If you are unable to restart a process instance that has abended, you must unlock and reset the process. When a process abends because of SQL, bad data, or a missing COBOL process, some tables with data in the groups set to post under the run control ID become locked when the process instance becomes populated with the current instance.

Unlocking and resetting the process instance to zero in the locked tables unlocks the tables and enables you to rerun the process. The system also automatically deletes the PeopleSoft Application Engine run control record from the AERUNCONTROL table.

You should only unlock and reset under certain development circumstances or in expert testing environments:

  • When you have corrected the problem that caused the process to abend and you want to reprocess the same groups again but do not have access to restart from the server.

  • When you have not corrected the problem but want to continue processing.

Before you can run the Receivables Update process, you must:

  • Set up the PeopleSoft Receivables business units (including selection of calendar and aging options).

  • Define the receivable processing options (system functions and entry types).

  • Create groups for pending items, payment worksheets, maintenance worksheets, drafts, or direct debits.

  • Set up system-defined history IDs.

  • If you want to run Receivables Update immediately from an action page, you must:

    • Define processing options for your organization on the On Demand Processing page.

    • Define the processing options for each user on the Define User Preferences - Process Group page.

      You must define separate options for each of these source transactions: ARMNTWS (maintenance worksheet), ARITSPLT (item splits), AROPIE (online pending items), ARPAYWS (payment worksheet), ARTRNWS (transfer worksheet), ARUNPOST (unpost transactions).

Your system must also have pending items that are ready to post. These pending items can be entered online, created by a billing interface, or created during payment processing, draft processing, direct-debit processing, overdue charge processing, or during item maintenance activities.

Use the Job Message Log Summary page (AR_MSGSUM) to view a summary of messages generated by individual processes within a multiprocess job, including individual processes run in parallel, such as processes for the Receivables Update, Payment Predictor (ARPREDCT), Aging (ARAGE), and Statements (ARSTMT) multiprocess jobs.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Job Message Log Summary > Job Message Log Summary

Field or Control


Process Instance

Displays the process instance number for the multiprocess job.

Process Run Status

Displays the status of the multiprocess job, such as No Success or Success.


Displays the process instance number for the individual process. For example, the ARUPDATE multiprocess job with a process instance number of 510 will have several instances, such as instance number 511 for the AR_UPDATE process, instance number 512 for the AR_PGG1 process, and instance number 514 for the AR_POST1 process.


Displays the name of the individual process within the multiprocess job. For example, for the ARUPDATE multiprocess job, it would display rows for the AR_UPDATE, AR_PGG1, and AR_POST1 processes.

Use the Process List page (PMN_PRCSLIST) to review the multiple processes in a job.


  • PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Process Monitor > Process List

  • Click Process Monitor on the Receivable Update Request page.

Because Receivables Update is a job (a collection of multiple processes), you may need to restart multiple processes. Find the processes that you need to restart.

Field or Control



Click to access the Process Detail page, and select Restart Request.

Use the Process Reset page (AR_RESET) to reset the Receivables Update process.

Unlock and rerun the process.


Accounts Receivable > Receivables Update > Reset Process > Process Reset

Enter your search criteria for the process instance and click Refresh.

In the Not Successful Process Requests grid, select the process instance that you want to reset.

Field or Control



Click to unlock and reset the process instance.

After the process instance is reset, you can rerun the process.