Understanding Correspondence Generation

When you run the processes that generate statements, dunning letters, and follow-up letters, the processes generate this correspondence for those customers that meet the criteria that you specify on the run control request.

To run the processes, you can:

  • Schedule the processes to run at a designated time.

  • Run the processes on demand from the menu.

  • Set up collection and assessment rules that trigger correspondence and run the Condition Monitor Application Engine process (AR_CNDMON).

    The Condition Monitor process generates correspondence for customers with a Send a Dunning Letter (DLTR), Send Follow Up Letter (OLTR), or Send Statement of Account (STMT) action on the customer action list. The action must have the Process Flag field set to Y. Depending on the setup in the action template, the Condition Monitor process automatically sets the flag to Y, or you manually set the flag to Y when you work the action that is on the customer action list. The Condition Monitor process calls the Statements (ARSTMT) multiprocess job, AR Dunning (AR_DUNNING) process, and Follow-up Letter Extract (AR_FOLLOWUP) process to generate correspondence for customers that have one of the correspondence actions. If you manually work a correspondence action, you can transfer from the customer action list to the appropriate correspondence request page for the single correspondence action.