Defining Discounts and Surcharges

This section discusses how to define fixed-amount discounts and surcharges. Rate-based discounts are described in the Working with PeopleSoft Project Costing topic.

See Related Projects Page.

Page Name

Definition Name


Discount/Surcharge Page


Define a generic set of discounts and surcharges that can be applied to contracts within the same SetID. A discount can represent a true discount, a referral fee, a concession, or any other activity that results in a reduction to the gross contract amount.

Use the Discount/Surcharge page (BI_DISC_SUR) to define a generic set of discounts and surcharges that can be applied to contracts within the same SetID.

A discount can represent a true discount, a referral fee, a concession, or any other activity that results in a reduction to the gross contract amount.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Billing > Setup > Discount & Surcharge

See Setting Up Discounts and Surcharges.