Updating Revenue Recognition Statuses

This section discusses how to update the GL.

Page Name

Definition Name


Retrieve General Ledger Updates Page


Update the general ledger.

Update Contract Journal Info Page


Update the year, period and journal date in Project Costing to match that used in General Ledger.

Use the Retrieve GL Updates page (RUN_CA_LOAD_UPD) to Update the general ledger.


Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Revenue > Retrieve GL Updates

Run this process after you have run Journal Generator. When Journal Generator completes, it sets the GL_DISTRIB_STATUS in CA_ACCTG_LINE and CA_ACCTG_LN_PC from G (generated) to D (distributed). The Journal Generator Update process then updates the status of your revenue plan events to Completed and updates the GL_DISTRIB_STATUS of the applicable revenue transactions in PeopleSoft Project Costing PROJ_RESOURCE to D. This process also updates Reversal In Progress events to Reversed.

Use the Update Contract Journal Info page (RUN_PSA_UPD_JRNL) to update the year, period and journal date in Project Costing to match that used in General Ledger.


Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Revenue > Update Contract Journal Info

This process can also be accessed from Project Costing, for more information, see Updating Project GL Journal Information.