Using the Fluid Contracts WorkCenter – My Work Pagelet

The My Work section of the main tab includes links to pages that you may want to access frequently. The My Work section is where you need to take some type of action; it includes exceptions and alerts.

All users can access all delivered components by default; however, system administrators can control access for the exceptions using User, Role, and Permission List security at the setup level of the WorkCenter framework.

The My Work section in the Contracts WorkCenter is divided into three groups:

Use the options in the Billing Exceptions group to review and act upon Bill Plans filtered for the user.

This group contains following exceptions:

  • Bill Plans in Pending Status

  • Bill Plans On Hold

  • Past Due Billing Events

  • Invalid Bill Plans

  • LOC Doc ID Not in Sponsor File

  • LOC Authorized Amount <> Limit Amount

Note: When a row is updated successfully, it will no longer appear in the grid.

An error message column is visible in the grid when any of the selected rows has an error.

Bill Plans in Pending Status

Use the Bill Plans in Pending Status page (CA_WC_BI_PEND_FL) to view and edit billing plans which are in Pending status.


Customer Contracts > Contracts WorkCenter > My Work > Billing Exceptions > Plans in Pending Status

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Bill Plans in Pending Status page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Bill Plans in Pending Status

Field or Control


Contracts WorkCenter - Actions Icon


Click the Related Actions button or select any row in the application grid and click the Actions button to perform the following actions:

  • Set Status to Ready: Click to change the Bill Plans status from Pending to Ready.

  • Cancel the Plan: Click to cancel the selected Bill Plan.

  • Open Contract: Click to view the Define Contract General Info page.

  • Open Bill Plan: Click to view the Define Billing Plan page.

Contract Name and Plan ID

Click the Contract Name and Plan ID link to view the additional Contract Details and Bill Plan Details for that row.

Bill Plans On Hold

Use the Bill Plans On Hold page (CA_WC_BI_HOLD_FL) to view and edit billing plans that are on hold status.


Customer Contracts > Contracts WorkCenter > My Work > Billing Exceptions > Plans On Hold

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Bill Plans On Hold page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Bill Plans On Hold

Field or Control


Contracts WorkCenter - Actions Icon


Click the Related Actions button or select any row in the application grid and click the Actions button to perform the following actions:

  • Remove Hold: Click to remove the bill plan from the list and change the status to Not on Hold.

  • Cancel the Plan: Click to cancel the selected Bill Plan.

  • Open Contract: Click to view the Define Contract General Info page.

  • Open Bill Plan: Click to view the Define Billing Plan page.

  • Update Hold Reason: Select a reason for which the bill plans are on hold.

Contract Name and Plan ID

Click the Contract Name and Plan ID link to view the Contract Details and Bill Plan Details for that row.

Past Due Billing Events

Use the Past Due Billing Events page (CA_WC_BI_EVNT_FL) to view and edit billing plan events for which due date has been exceeded.


Customer Contracts > Contracts WorkCenter > My Work > Billing Exceptions > Past Due Billing Events

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Past Due Billing Events page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Past Due Billing Events

Field or Control


Contracts WorkCenter - Actions Icon


Click the Related Actions button or select any row in the application grid and click the Actions button to perform the following actions:

  • Update Event Status: Click to select the event status: Pending or Ready.

  • Update Hold Reason: Select a reason for which the bill plans are on hold.

  • Remove Hold: Click to remove the bill plans from the Hold list and change the status to Not on Hold.

  • Process Billing: Click to process the Contracts to the Billing Interface.

  • Update Event Date: Select a date for the event.

  • Open Contract: Click to view the Define Contract General Info page.

  • Open Bill Plan: Click to view the Define Billing Plan page.

Contract Name, Plan ID, Event Status, and Hold Status

Click the links to view the respective details.

For example, click Contract Name link to view the Contract Details for the selected row.

Invalid Bill Plans

Use the Invalid Bill Plans page (CA_WC_BP_INACTV_FL) to review and adjust billing plans with invalid information. You can update configuration data en masse or individually, prior to processing billing of the contract.


Customer Contracts > Contracts WorkCenter > My Work > Billing Exceptions > Invalid Bill Plans

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Invalid Bill Plans page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Invalid Bill Plans

Field or Control


Contracts WorkCenter - Actions Icon


Click the Related Actions button or select any row in the application grid and click the Actions button to perform the following actions:

  • Place on Hold: Click to change the billing plan status to Hold.

  • Open Contract: Click to view the Define Contract General Info page.

  • Open Bill Plan: Click to view the Define Billing Plan page.

  • Click any of the following actions and select the required value to update the billing plan.

    • Update Specialist

    • Update Authority

    • Update Inquiry Phone

    • Update Address

    • Update Contact

    • Update Customer

Invalid Value

This exception identifies bill plans that have been impacted by another configuration being set to Inactive. The Invalid Value column identifies the specific value that has been inactivated. For example, a Billing Specialist invalid value displays bill plans whose Billing Specialist has been set to inactive in the Billing Specialist configuration page. You can use this exception to update those bill plans to use another billing specialist who is active.

Contract Name, Plan ID, Bill To Address, Bill To Contact, Billing Specialist, and Billing Inquiry

Click the links to view the respective details.

For example, click Billing Specialist link to view the details showing SetID, Billing Specialist, Name, and Status.

LOC Doc ID Not in Sponsor File

Use the LOC Doc ID Not in Sponsor File page (CA_WC_SPNSNOUPL_FL) to review letter of credit document IDs that are used by Grants contracts but are not present in the sponsor files.

This exception works in conjunction with information accessed from the sponsor's system and uploaded into PeopleSoft using the Data Export Import Utility. For more information, see Importing and Managing Sponsor Letter of Credit Data.


Customer Contracts > Contracts WorkCenter > My Work > Billing Exceptions > LOC Doc ID Not in Sponsor File

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the LOC Doc ID Not in Sponsor File page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

LOC Doc ID Not in Sponsor File

Field or Control


Contracts WorkCenter - Actions Icon


Click the Related Actions button or select any row in the application grid and click the Actions button to perform the following actions:

  • Place on Hold: Click to change the billing plan status to Hold.

  • Update Doc ID: Click to select the LOC Doc ID from the Update LOC Doc ID page.

    The letter of credit doc ids shown in the prompt are those imported from the sponsor's file and not assigned to a contract line.

  • Open Contract: Click to view the Define Contract General Info page.

  • Open Bill Plan: Click to view the Define Billing Plan page.

Contract Name, Contract Line, Plan ID, and Billing Limit

Click the links to view the respective details.

For example, click Billing Limit link to view the details showing Billing Limit, Total Billed Amount, and Currency Code.

LOC Authorized Amount <> Limit Amount

Use the LOC Authorized Amount <> Limit Amount page (CA_WC_SPNSLIMIT_FL) to review details of the letter of credit data specified in the sponsor upload file as well as on a Contract Line when the authorized amount from the Sponsor file does not match the billing limit.

This exception works in conjunction with information accessed from the sponsor's system and uploaded into PeopleSoft using the Data Export Import Utility. For more information, see Importing and Managing Sponsor Letter of Credit Data.


Customer Contracts > Contracts WorkCenter > My Work > Billing Exceptions > LOC Authorized Amount <> Limit Amount

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the LOC Authorized Amount <> Limit Amount page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

<>LOC Authorized Amount <> Limit Amount

Field or Control


Contracts WorkCenter - Actions Icon


Click the Related Actions button or select any row in the application grid and click the Actions button to perform the following actions:

  • Set Plan to Hold: Click to change the billing plan status to Hold.

  • Open Contract: Click to view the Define Contract General Info page.

    Changes to the contract billing limit must be made through a contract amendment.

  • Open Award Profile: Click to view the Award Profile page.

  • Remove Hold: Click to remove the bill plan from the list and change the status to Not on Hold.

Contract Name, Contract Line, Finalized Budget, and Plan ID

Click the links to view the respective details.

For example, click Finalized Budget link to view the Sponsor Budget Amount Details.

Use the options in the Revenue Exceptions group to review and act on Revenue Plans requiring attention.

This group contains following exceptions:

  • Revenue Plans In Pending Status

  • Revenue Plans On Hold

  • Past Due Revenue Events

Note: When a row is updated successfully, it will no longer appear in the grid.

An error message column is visible in the grid when any of the selected rows has an error.

Revenue Plans In Pending Status

Use the Revenue Plans In Pending Status page (CA_WC_REV_PEND_FL) to view and edit Revenue Plans that are in Pending status.


Customer Contracts > Contracts WorkCenter > My Work > Revenue Exceptions > Plans In Pending Status

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Revenue Plans In Pending Status page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Revenue Plans In Pending Status

Field or Control


Contracts WorkCenter - Actions Icon


Click the Related Actions button or select any row in the application grid and click the Actions button to perform the following actions:

  • Cancel the Plan: Click to cancel the selected Revenue Plans.

  • Plan Status to Ready: Click to change the Revenue plan status to Ready.

  • Open Contract: Click to view the Define Contract General Info page.

  • Open Revenue Plan: Click to view the Revenue Plan page.

Contract Name

Click the Contract Name link to view the Contract Details for that row.

Revenue Plans On Hold

Use the Revenue Plans On Hold page (CA_WC_REV_HOLD_FL) to view and edit Revenue Plans that are on hold status.


Customer Contracts > Contracts WorkCenter > My Work > Revenue Exceptions > Plans On Hold

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Revenue Plans On Hold page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Revenue Plans On Hold

Field or Control


Contracts WorkCenter - Actions Icon


Click the Related Actions button or select any row in the application grid and click the Actions button to perform the following actions:

  • Cancel the Plan: Click to cancel the selected Revenue Plans.

  • Remove Hold: Click to remove the Revenue Plans from the Hold list and change the status to Not on Hold.

  • Update Hold Reason: Select a reason for which the Revenue Plans are on hold.

  • Open Contract: Click to view the Define Contract General Info page.

  • Open Revenue Plan: Click to view the Revenue Plan page.

Contract Name

Click the Contract Name link to view the Contract Details for that row.

Past Due Revenue Events

Use the Past Due Revenue Events page (CA_WC_REV_EVNT_FL) to view and edit Revenue Plan Events for which due date has been exceeded.


Customer Contracts > Contracts WorkCenter > My Work > Revenue Exceptions > Past Due Revenue Events

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Past Due Revenue Events page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Past Due Revenue Events

Field or Control


Contracts WorkCenter - Actions Icon


Click the Related Actions button or select any row in the application grid and click the Actions button to perform the following actions:

  • Update Event Status: Click to select the event status: Pending or Ready.

  • Update Hold Reason: Select a reason for which the Revenue Plans are in hold.

  • Update Event Date: Click to select a date for the event.

  • Process Revenue: Click to process the Contracts to Revenue Interface.

  • Open Contract: Click to view the Define Contract General Info page.

  • Open Revenue Plan: Click to view the Revenue Plan page.

Contract Name, Plan ID, Event Status, and Hold Status

Click the links to view the respective details.

For example, click Contract Name link to view the Contract Details for the selected row.

Use the option in the Recurring Tasks group to review and act upon frequently used tasks.

This group contains following exceptions:

  • Contracts for Activation

  • Awards to Generate

Note: When a row is updated successfully, it will no longer appear in the grid.

An error message column is visible in the grid when any of the selected rows has an error.

Contracts for Activation

Use the Contracts for Activation page (CA_WC_ACTIVATE_FL) to view the list of Contracts in pending status.


Customer Contracts > Contracts WorkCenter > My Work > Recurring Tasks > Contracts for Activation

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contracts for Activation page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Contracts for Activation

Field or Control


Contracts WorkCenter - Actions Icon


Click the Related Actions button or select any row in the application grid and click the Actions button to perform the following actions:

  • Activate Contract: Click to select a status for the Contract.

  • Open Contract: Click to view the Define Contract General Info page.

Contract Name

Click the Contract Name link to view the Contract Details for that row.

Awards to Generate

Use the Awards to Generate page (GM_WC_MANPROP_FL) to process changes for proposals via actions. It includes submitting a proposal, generating a preaward project, generating an award and update status of a proposal. You can update data en masse or individually.


Customer Contracts > Contracts WorkCenter > My Work > Recurring Tasks > Awards to Generate

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Awards to Generate page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Awards to Generate

Field or Control


Contracts WorkCenter - Actions Icon

Click the Related Actions button or select any row in the application grid and click the Actions button to perform the following actions:

  • View Proposal: Click to navigate to the Maintain Proposal page to view or update the Proposal details including Projects, Budgets, Resources, Certifications, Reports, and Attachments. For more information, see Proposal Page.

    Note: View Proposal action is only available with Row level action and not the mass action.

  • Submit Proposal: Click to complete proposal preparations and submit the documents to the awarding agency.

    Note: You cannot run the Generate PreAward or Generate Award process for a proposal until the proposal status is Submitted.

  • Generate PreAward: Click to create an award that has pre-award spending. If you are generating an award that was already created for pre-award spending, this action is unavailable.

    Note: This action is not available in row level if the proposal is not Submitted or you are generating an award that was already created for pre-award spending.

  • Generate Award: Click to run the Award Generation process. This process creates information on the award page from the proposal page.

    This action is not available in row level if the proposal is not Submitted.

    Once the award is generated, the View Generated Awards button appears. Click this button to view the list of Proposal IDs for which awards are generated in the current session. Click the Award ID link to navigate to the Award - Award Page.

    Note: When an Award is generated, it will no longer appear in the grid.

  • Update Status: Click to change the Proposal status. The available statuses are:

    • Accepted Award

    • Award Pending

    • Awarded

    • Declined by Sponsor

    • Discontinued

    • Draft

    • Institution Approved

    • Not Funded

    • Pending Approval

    • Pending Funding

    • Refused by Institution

    • Rejected

    • Submitted

    • Withdrawn

    Note: Status change to Pending Approval is not allowed from Update Status action as it triggers workflow if traditional workflow or approval workflow engine is enabled in Setup Grants Award BU Options page. To initiate workflow select the View Proposal action. From the Maintain Proposal component, select the Start Approval Process button or change Proposal Status to Pending Approval.

Description, PI Name, and Target Sponsor Budget

Click the Description link to view the additional proposal details, the PI Name links for primary project details, and the Target Sponsor Budget link for the proposal budget details.