Defining Fee Calculations

To enable the PeopleSoft Contracts system to calculate fees for your cost-plus contract lines, you must first complete the system setup for the fees that are used in your contracts, and then enter the relevant fee calculation data used by the fee worksheets to calculate the proposed fee amounts for each contract line.

To set up your system to enable fee processing, complete the following tasks:

  • Set up the fee definitions for all fee types used in your contracts at the PeopleSoft Contracts business unit level.

    Note: If a fee definition is not set up for a specific fee type, that fee type cannot be associated with a contract line, added to a contract, and saved. Edit checks exist on the contract to prevent this situation from occurring.

  • Set up the fee analysis groups and types used by the fee worksheets to calculate the proposed billing and revenue fee amounts.

After you have set up the fee requirements for your system, you must enter the relevant fee data for your cost-plus contract lines on the individual contracts to enable the system to calculate fees. All contract line cost data is stored in the Project Costing Project Transaction tables.

To set up your contract lines to enable fee processing, complete the following tasks:

  • Complete the Contract Amounts page.

    Cost-plus contract lines are associated with a Contact Amounts page that enables you to define the funded, revenue and fee limit amounts that are used in the billing and revenue fee calculations. You can also enter period of performance date ranges on this page for cost and fee limit processing.

  • Assign at least one project and activity to the contract line.

    Projects and activities must be assigned to the cost-plus contract lines to indicate which costs should be included in the inception to date cost calculations for fees. You also must select which project and activity set should be stamped on the generated billing and revenue fee rows.

  • Assign an active rate plan to the contract line.

    Contract–specific or standard rate plans must be assigned to the cost-plus contract lines to enable the system to generate costs, indirect costs, billing and revenue rows used in the calculation of fee rows.

    If your contract lines do not require complex pricing, a single contract-specific or standard rate set can be used.

See Defining Cost-Plus Contract Fees, Analysis Groups Page, Defining Cost-Plus Contract Lines, Pricing Cost-Plus Contract Lines.