Defining Reconciliation Sets and Creating Reconciliations

Page Name

Definition Name


Reconciliation Set Page


Associate reconciliation rules with one or more Business Units to process for one or several reconciliations.

Create Reconciliations Page


Run the process to create reconciliations for the specified As of Date including default assignments.

The Reconciliation Set provides the system with the required information to create reconciliations. You can select to process one or several reconciliation rules for one or several business units at once. Assignments can be made once the reconciliations are generated.

Use the Reconciliation Set page (GLRN_RECON_SET) to define the parameters for creating one or several account reconciliations.


General Ledger > Perform Reconciliation > Define Reconciliation Set

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Reconciliation Set page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Reconciliation Set page

The Reconciliation Set page

Scroll Area

Field or Control


Effective Date

Select a date from which the Reconciliation Set is effective, making sure that the date is inclusive of the effective date of the Reconciliation Rules that you want to process.

Business Unit From and Business Unit To

Select the desired business unit range for which to create the reconciliation.

Reconciliation Rule

Select the desired Reconciliation Rule to create reconciliation for the set.

Assignment Level

Select the desired assignment level from the options to create reconciliation. The available options are those that are enabled on the Define Assignment Levels Page.

Create Reconciliations

Click to create the reconciliation(s) for the reconciliation set. If you have the proper security for your role as according to the selected Reconciliation Rule or Rules, you will be presented with the Create Reconciliations run control page where you launch the Create Reconciliation process (GLRN_CREATE), which associates Reconciliation Rules with an assignment level and creates reconciliations with calculated balances and default assignments. See Create Reconciliations Page

The Create Reconciliations page is the run control page that you use to launch the GLRN_CREATE Application Engine process. This process creates a row for each reconciliation as defined in the Reconciliation Sets for the specified As of Date. The process populates this data in the Account Reconciliation table (GLRN_RECON_TBL). It also initially populates the assignments of responsibility in the Reconciliation Assignments table (GLRN_RECON_ASSN) with the defaults that are defined in the Reconciliation Rule.

Use the Create Reconciliations page (GLRN_CREATEUOW_REQ) to run the process that creates each reconciliation as defined in the specified Reconciliation Sets.


General Ledger > Perform Reconciliation > Create Reconciliations

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Reconciliations page.

Create Reconciliations page

Field or Control


As of Date

Select the date for the system to use in calculating account balances for the selected reconciliation set. The appropriate fiscal year and accounting periods are determined based on the calendar for the Business Unit, Reconciliation Rule and Ledger being processed.

Reconciliation Set

Select the reconciliation set for which you want to create reconciliations. Leave this field blank to select all sets. Insert a row for multiple sets.

Reconciliation Rule

Select a reconciliation rule for which you want to create reconciliations. Leave this field blank to select all rules for the Reconciliation Set. Insert a row for multiple rules. Only the rules for the selected Reconciliation Set are displayed.

Copy Assignments from Previous

Select this check box to copy the assignments from a previous As of Date that was processed for this reconciliation set. Assignments can also be updated using the Reconciliation Assignment Page.

Previous Recon As Of Date

This field appears if you selected the Copy Assignments from Previous check box. Specify the As of Date of the previous reconciliation so that the system processes the assignments from the correct data set.

Recreate If Already Exist

Select this option to delete and recreate existing reconciliations if the same request has been processed before. If one or more reconciliation rows have statuses that do not allow recreation (for example, already In Progress), then the process will stop to prevent the system from accidentally overriding reconciliation works.

Initial Status

Select the status that you want to assign initially to the reconciliations created. The process will populate the new reconciliation rows with this status that you select. Only the statuses that are enabled to Allow Recreate (from the Reconciliation Statuses and Reasons page) can be selected here. See Reconciliation Statuses and Reasons Page.