Setting Up DATA Act Reports

The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act) is the first open data law for the U.S. Federal Government to improve data transparency. The DATA Act requires agencies to standardize the data elements used to record procurement and financial assistance transactions across the federal government. The majority of the elements that are applicable to financial systems defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Department of Treasury are already accommodated in PeopleSoft.

These fields have been added to General Ledger and Purchasing to support DATA Act reporting

  • Financial Assistance, such as grants

    • Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN) - 30 characters

    • Universal Record Identifier (URI) - 70 characters

  • Procurement Award

    • Procurement instrument Identifier (PIID) - 50 characters

    • Parent PIID - 50 characters

Page Name

Definition Name


Federal Processing Options Page


Enable federal registry processing for vendors or customers.

DATA Act Definition Page


Map an attribute from file C to a PeopleSoft ChartField for those attributes defined as ChartFields.

Federal Program Activity Mapping Page


Map a Federal Program Activity Code to a PeopleSoft ChartField value or range of values for one or multiple ChartFields.

DATA Act Trees Page


Specify translation and derivation trees for Federal Object Class and USSGL accounts.

DATA Act Balance Fields Page


Determine the General Ledger accounts that comprise the calculations for selected balance fields in Files A, B, and C.

DATA Act Balance Fields Sequencing Page


Define the order in which balance fields should be sequenced.

Run DATA Act Interface Page


Run processes that extract data to the staging tables and create the output bulk file for DATA Act files A & B.

Run Data Act File C Page


Run processes that extract data to the staging tables and create the output bulk file for DATA Act File C.

File C is based on the U.S. Treasury’s specification to report obligation and expenditure data. File C extracts obligation and expenditure data. This section discusses how to create File C and the pages needed to capture File C detail and balance data.

File C contains both detailed transactions and summary balance columns. Users should check the Report Type (Detail or Detail and Summary) on the Run Data Act File C Page before creating a File C. When the Report Type selected is Detail, the File C is created with detailed transactions. When the Report Type selected is Detail and Summary, File C is created with detailed transactions and summary balances.

This table provides the source tables from where the data is extracted for the staging table:


Source Table



Purchasing (Receipts)






General Ledger





This table provides the staging tables that are created for File C:


Staging Table




Contains high level run control information for File C.



Contains transactions selected from the source tables, including PIID, Parent PIID, FAIN, URI, Federal Program, and Federal Object Class, for reporting in File C.



Contains summarized transactions for the purposes of maintaining fiscal year beginning account balances by PIID, Parent PIID, FAIN, URI, Federal Program, and Federal Class.

Beginning Balance


Contains calculated future beginning balance for GL accounts broken out by PIID, Parent PIID, FAIN, and URI for the next fiscal year.



Contains historical record of summary and detail transactions reported in File C.

Use the Data ACT Definition page (FOMB_ATTR_XREF) to map an attribute from file C to a PeopleSoft ChartField for those attributes defined as ChartFields.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > DATA Act > Definition > DATA Act Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DATA Act Definition page.

DATA Act Definition page

Note: These attributes can be shared with the GTAS attributes with the same name.

Field or Control



Displays a description of the Data Element or attribute.

Field Name

Select the ChartField with which the attribute is associated.

ChartField Attribute

Select the attribute associated with the ChartField that contains values required for reporting to Treasury.

Use the Federal Program Activity Mapping page (FOMB_PRJACT_MAP) to map a Federal Program Activity Code to a PeopleSoft ChartField value or range of values for one or multiple ChartFields.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > DATA Act > Definition > Map DATA Act Program Activity

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Federal Program Activity Mapping page.

Federal Program Activity Mapping page

Field or Control



Enter the priority order in which the Federal Program should be assigned in the event that there are ChartField values in the Values by ChartFields section that overlap across one or more programs. The priority is applied across all Federal Program Codes under the same Business Unit.

Field Name

Select ChartField combinations to use in mapping Federal Program. The ChartFields that are available to choose from are dependent on ChartField configuration.

Range From

Enter a From value for the selected ChartField.

Range To

Enter a To value from the selected ChartField.

Use the DATA Act Trees page (FOMB_PRJTREES) to specify translation and derivation trees for Federal Object Class and USSGL accounts.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > DATA Act > Definition > DATA Act Trees

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DATA Act Trees page.

DATA Act Trees page

Field or Control


Tree Group

Enter an identifier for the tree group. This identifier is used on the DATA Act File C Interface Run Control page.

Account Rollup Tree

Select the tree created for account rollup. The account rollup tree is used to translate General Ledger accounts to the six-digit USSGL account values required by the U.S. Treasury, and to denote which USSGL accounts are required for reporting.

Account Tree Level

Select the Account Rollup tree level to be used for reporting.

Object Class ChartField

Select the ChartField that is used to derive Federal Object Class.

Object Class Tree

Select the tree created for Object Class. The Object Class tree is used to derive the Federal Object Class from the ChartField value in the ledger as well as to specify which Object Classes should be included in the report.


Select the Object Class tree level to be used for reporting.

Use the DATA Act Balance Fields page (DATA_ACT_BALANCE) to determine the General Ledger accounts that comprise the calculations for selected balance fields in Files A, B, and C.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > DATA Act > Definition > DATA Act Balance Fields

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DATA Act Balance Fields page.

DATA Act Balance Fields page

Field or Control


Balance Field Name

Enter the balance field name for which accounts and account actions are to be defined. These fields are used when reporting to the U.S. Treasury and the values much match the Treasury’s pre-defined values.

File Type

Select from these values:

  • File A

  • File B

  • File B and C

  • File C


Select and option to indicate whether the reporting period beginning or ending balance is reportable in the file. Options are:

  • Begin: reporting beginning balance.

  • End: reporting ending balance.


Select the Account ChartField value that applies to the calculation for the selected balance field.

Account Action

Select an option to indicate whether the amount should be added or subtracted from the balance total. Options are:

  • Add

  • Deduct

Use the Data Act Balance Fields Sequencing page (DATA_ACT_BAL_SEQ) to define the order in which balance fields should be sequenced. This flexibility accommodates future Treasury changes to file specifications.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > DATA Act > Definition > DATA Act Balance Fields Sequencing

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DATA Act Balance Fields Sequencing page.

DATA Act Balance Fields Sequencing page

Field or Control


Sequence Number

Enter a sequence number (1-999) for determining the order in the file.

Balance Field Name

Select the balance field name for each sequence. Only balance fields that have been created for the selected file type using the DATA Act Balance Fields Page are available for selection.

Use the Run DATA Act Interface page (FOMB_RUNCNTL) to run processes that extract data to the staging tables and create the output bulk file for DATA Act files A & B.


General Ledger > Federal Reports > DATA Act > Files A and B > Run DATA Act Interface A & B

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Run DATA Act Interface page.

Run DATA Act Interface page (for files A and B)

Use the Run Control page (DATA_C_RUNCNTL) to run processes that extract data to the staging tables and create the output bulk file for file C


General Ledger > Federal Reports > DATA Act > File C > Run DATA Act Interface

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Run Data Act File C page.

Run Data Act File C page

Note: Before creating File C, you should check the Report Type (Detail or Detail and Summary) on the Run Control page. When the Report Type selected is Detail, File C is created with detailed transactions between the From and To periods defined on the run control. When the Report Type selected is Detail and Summary, File C is created with detailed transactions between the From and To periods defined on the Run Control and cumulative summary balances.

Field or Control


Business Unit

Select the business unit for which you want to run the DATA Act File C interface.

Report ID

Select a free-form Report ID to identify the dataset for the program run.

Tree Group

Select the Tree Group for attributes and tree derivation.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year for which to select data.

From Period

Enter the accounting period from which to select data for the detail data reporting. Summary reporting always uses a From Period of 1 for cumulative reporting.

To Period

Enter the accounting period from which to select data in the fiscal year entered.

Report Type

Select one of these options:

  • Detail and Summary: select to create File C with detailed transactions and summary balances.

  • Detail: select to create File C with detailed transactions.

File Name

Enter the name for the bulk file. You must use a .csv file extension. Do not enter a path.

Accounting Period

Select adjustment accounting period(s) to be included as part of the ending balance.


Select one or more TAS that are associated with the funds being reported. This is a required field.