Defining Invoice Approval Levels

During buyer registration the buyer administrator establishes invoice approval information and creates user profiles with approval roles corresponding to the buyer's specified approval level requirements. The buyer administrator also attaches monetary limits to the approval levels.

The user profile defines the specific role for the approver, and lists the business units (buying entity IDs) each approver is responsible for approving. Only those roles assigned to one of the buyer role types of buyer user are eligible to be selected as approval roles. You use the Review Buyer Details - Notifications and Approvals page to select role for approval routing, and optionally define a specified number of reminder days.

PeopleSoft eSettlements uses reminder days functionality so that if an invoice remains in any approver's worklist beyond the specified number of reminder days without the approver taking any action on the invoice, the approver receives another email notification to remind that the invoice still needs to be approved.

Note: Buyers can set up their own roles and can use the delivered demonstration data as a basis for this.