Understanding Supplier Registration

A supplier represents an entity providing goods or services to a buyer in PeopleSoft eSettlements. Each supplier must be registered in the system, and a valid agreement must exist before processing invoice transactions.

The system administrator first sets up a supplier administrator for each entity, and the supplier administrator, once created by the system administrator, is responsible for completing registration for his or her organization by specifying processing options specific to the organization. The supplier administrator can then create new user profiles for additional individuals.

At the SetID level, email notifications are used by all suppliers having the same SetID.

Instant messaging capability, when enabled, functions in PeopleSoft eSettlements when the instant messaging providers' systems are operational. When the supplier administrator enables instant messaging access, users for whom they enable the feature must install the public version of Yahoo! Messenger, Sametime Connect, or America Online (AOL) instant messenger on their desktops (if one is not already installed) and must have a user ID for the chosen instant messaging provider.

Note: If users enabled for instant messaging attempt to initiate a conversation and it fails because the chosen provider's network is down, users should contact the instant messaging provider for assistance.

The steps necessary to register suppliers depend on the model that you are implementing.

Buyer Direct Model

In the Buyer Direct model, you can create suppliers three ways:

  • Enable a batch of PeopleSoft Payables suppliers as PeopleSoft eSettlements suppliers.

    Note: Although you may have already run the processes to enable a batch of PeopleSoft Payables suppliers as PeopleSoft eSettlements suppliers, you must still specify supplier system access (such as the instant messaging option) and reporting access, as well as add a logo. If you decide to use email notifications for this enabled supplier, first check to see whether the SetID level is already set up. If it is not, then you must set it up for the SetID for the supplier. If the SetID level is already set up, you can override and specify the routings at the supplier location or agreement levels.

  • Enable an existing PeopleSoft Payables supplier by specifying registration information, such as email notifications and supplier logos.

  • Create a new supplier by defining all information, including address and bank information.

Note: If financial sanctions validation is required and the PeopleSoft Payables supplier you are enabling has a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked, the system displays a warning message that the supplier selected is currently under financial sanctions review. You can proceed with creating the supplier. However, the system does not allow payments to suppliers with a financial sanctions status of Review or Blocked.

See Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation.

Business Service Provider Model

In the Business Service Provider model, you create suppliers one at a time, adding all necessary access and processing information.