Understanding Work Order Transaction Processing

This topic discusses:

  • Work order labor and tools usage costs.

  • Rate options for labor costs.

  • Rate options for tools usage costs.

  • Maintenance Management Tools Usage process.

PeopleSoft Project Costing uses actual work order time recorded for labor and tools usage to price the transactions for costing or billing. Work order labor transactions share the time capture tables and processes with the PeopleSoft Expenses system, and therefore PeopleSoft Project Costing collects work order labor transactions by using the Expenses to Project Costing Application Engine process (PC_EX_TO_PC). Users enter tools usage directly in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, and therefore PeopleSoft Project Costing collects work order tools usage transactions by using the Maintenance Management Tools Usage Application Engine process (PC_WM_TO_PC).

Work Order Transactions Associated with Work Order-Managed Projects

The PeopleSoft Project Costing cost collection processes trigger the Pricing process, which assigns a value of H (on hold) as the general ledger (GL) distribution status for transactions on open work order tasks that are associated with work order-managed projects. After work order transactions are priced according to the activity rate set and inserted into the Project Transaction table, you can view them on the Transaction List page by searching for transactions in the analysis groups that contain the analysis types that are specified for work order labor or tools usage.

When you close the work order task, the Work Order Close Application Engine process (WM_CLOSE) updates the status to C (costed) for transactions that are associated with work order-managed projects. Then you run the Process Project Accounting Application Engine process (PSA_ACCTGGL) to generate the accounting entries. PeopleSoft Project Costing sends transactions to GL for work orders that are associated with work order-managed projects only after the work order tasks are closed. This prevents the Process Project Accounting process from processing transactions for open work order tasks.

Administrators can use the Rate Selection and Rate fields in the Project Costing group box on the Work Order Definition - Integration page in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to specify the rate set or rate plan that the system uses as a default for chargebacks for work order-managed projects. The default rate set or rate plan on the work order business unit overrides the default project rate set or plan on the project.

To price transactions by using the cost and bill rates that are defined on the work order task, use the rate options of WCO (work order labor cost rate) and WBI (work order labor bill rate). By using the WBI and WCO rate options, you instruct the Pricing Application Engine process (PC_PRICING) to retrieve cost and billing rates from the work order labor rate to calculate the target amount.

The Maintenance Management Tools Usage process integrates tools usage transactions from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management into PeopleSoft Project Costing. To price transactions for costing and billing by using the tools rates that are defined in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, you must create a rate set that uses the TCO (work order tools usage cost rate) and TBI (work order tools usage bill rate) rate options. By using the TBI and TCO rate options, you instruct the Pricing process to retrieve tools cost and bill rates from the Technician Workbench - Tools Usage page to calculate the target amount.

Tools usage rows are eligible to be priced by the Maintenance Management Tools Usage process if they:

  • Are created from actual tools usage entries.

  • Have a PC distribution status of N (not distributed), which indicates that the transaction row has not been previously integrated to PeopleSoft Project Costing.

  • Meet all run control options.

Run the Maintenance Management Tools Usage process in PeopleSoft Project Costing to price eligible tools usage transactions for costing or billing. At a high-level, the Maintenance Management Tools Usage process completes these steps:

  1. Selects eligible rows to process from the Tools Distribution Lines table (WM_WO_DIST_TLS) and updates the PC distribution status (PC_DISTRIB_STATUS) of each row to H (Hold).

  2. Stamps all retrieved rows with the analysis type that is specified in the Maintenance Management Tools Usage field (AN_TYPE_WM_TU) on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration page.

    An analysis type of Tools Usage (TUG) is delivered as system data for SetID SHARE for use in pricing PeopleSoft Maintenance Management tools usage costs.

  3. Stamps all retrieved rows in the temp table with these values:

    • Billing distribution status (BI_DISTRIB_STATUS) = N (not distributed).

    • General ledger distribution status (GL_DISTRIB_STATUS) = I (ignore).

    • Cost distribution status (CST_DISTRIB_STATUS ) = N.

    • Revenue distribution status (REV_DISTRIB_STATUS) = N.

    • System source (SYSTEM_SOURCE) = WM.

  4. Validates the open period accounting date on the retrieved rows.

  5. Triggers the Pricing Application Engine process (PC_PRICING) to price the rows.

  6. Inserts priced rows in the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE).

  7. Updates the Tools Distribution Lines table in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management with a PC distribution status of D (distributed) for each priced row.