Defining Economic Index Values

To define economic index values, use the Economic Index Values component (RE_INDEX).

This topic provides an overview of economic index values.

Page Name

Definition Name


Economic Index Values Page


Define the economic index values. Rent increases are based on the economic index values defined.

You set up the economic index values so that the lease rent amounts or miscellaneous fees increase from time to time or from year to year. Some leases are set up so that the rent amounts increase regularly, based on an index such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI), Porters' Wage, or a user-defined index.

Note: You cannot set up the economic index without first setting up the market rate index and market rates. Perform maintenance of the index values based on the frequency defined by your organization.

See Defining Market Rates

Use the Economic Index Values page (RE_IDX_VALUE) to define the economic index values.

Rent increases are based on the economic index values defined.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Lease Administration > Financial Terms > LA Economic Index

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Economic Index Values page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Economic Index Values page

Field or Control


View Index Definition

Click to view the Market Rate Index. This page provides the highest level of organization for market rates in the PeopleSoft system. These indices define general categories of market rates, such as exchange rates, interest rates, and commodity exchange rates.

Index Values

Field or Control


Date From

Select the start date.

Field or Control


Date To

Select the end date.

Field or Control



Enter the current index value for the period. These values are based on monthly updates received from an index subscription.