Understanding Application Setup and Employee Data Tables

This section discusses:

  • Steps for employee data source implementation.

  • Qualifications.

  • The Competency tree (COMPETENCY).

  • Work definition tables.

  • Employee data tables.

You must establish tables from which PeopleSoft Resource Management draws information about resources and their qualifications. The basic steps to define the application setup and employee data tables are:

  1. Complete application setup tables for each resource qualification that you track:

    1. Degrees

    2. Honors and awards

    3. Languages

    4. Licenses and certifications

    5. Majors

    6. Memberships

    7. Schools

    8. Tests

    9. Competencies

    10. Competency types

    11. Competency rating models

  2. Complete application setup tables for other work definitions:

    1. Frequency

    2. Holidays

    3. Job codes

  3. Establish employee data.

A qualification is an objective, measurable requirement, or achievement. The qualification setup tables identify the qualifications that resources can include in their resource profiles or that users can list as requirements for the resources they request for an assignment. The Resource Match engine compares a resource's qualifications with the qualifications that are requested for an assignment.

These are seven types of qualifications:

  • Education (including degrees, majors, and schools).

  • Honors and awards.

  • Languages.

  • Licenses and certifications.

  • Memberships.

  • Tests.

  • Competencies.

Specific qualifications for education, languages, licenses and certifications, and memberships can be included in Resource Matching to find the best fit between resources and resource requests. On resource profiles, you can include qualifications for the remaining categories (honors, awards, and tests) for informational purposes only.


A competency is another type of qualification. Competencies encompass skills, abilities, knowledge, or behavior, such as experience with office equipment, knowledge of special manufacturing processes, or a background in financial planning. Unlike other qualification types, competencies are measured or evaluated using a rating model that you define.

For each resource competency, you can track several data elements on the resource profile, including the proficiency (degree of expertise) that the resource has attained, the resource's number of years of experience with the competency, and the level of interest the resource has in the competency. When requesting or searching for a resource, you can specify the competencies that are important, the resource's proficiency and years of experience with the competency, and whether the competency is desired or required. In addition, you can use competencies to capture resource specialties on the resource profile. A resource's specialties indicate that person's areas of expertise.

You must define competency types, rating models, and competencies to support the Resource Matching feature if you implement PeopleSoft Resource Management without PeopleSoft HCM.

Note: Competency effective dating logic is not used for resources that are managed in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Competency Rating Models

You define the set of alphabetic or numeric codes for ranking an employee's degree of expertise and interest in a competency. Define a single rating model for the entire organization or build multiple models for different projects or departments.

Rating model descriptions are sorted alphabetically in the system. You can assign a number prefix to the description to determine the sort order, such as 1-Beginner, 2-Intermediate, and 3-Advanced.

Note: The Resource Matching feature uses the Interest rating model (INT) values to calculate the Competency Interest factor fit score. You must use the Interest rating model to specify the interest rating. However, an administrator can modify the Interest rating model values as required.

PeopleSoft Resource Management requires that you maintain a tree with the name COMPETENCY. The Competency tree is a pictorial representation of the Competency table (COMPETENCY_TBL) and Competency Type table (RS_TYPE_TBL). The tree organizes competencies into hierarchies based on competency types. You can use the Competency tree that is delivered with PeopleSoft Resource Management, or you can build a Competency tree with PeopleSoft Tree Manager in the same way that you build any other tree. Competency types are created as nodes on the tree. Competencies are the detail values that users can select from the tree.

The Competency tree that is delivered with the PeopleSoft system has multiple nodes. Each node represents a competency type and the detail values, or competencies, are dynamically identified. Each time that you create a new competency, it automatically appears on the treeā€”as long as you associate the competency with a competency type that exists on the tree.

You do not need to order competency codes in a particular sequence to use the Competency tree. For example, it is not necessary to set up management-level competencies in one range (such as 100 to 199) and technical competencies in another range (such as 200 to 299).

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Tree Manager

Work definition tables store the rules for basic company-wide functions. PeopleSoft Resource Management uses the definitions for:

  • The frequency of pay cycles that defines standard hours for each resource.

  • Job codes designating each type of job that employees hold.

  • Holiday schedules.


You define frequency IDs along with a frequency type (such as monthly, weekly, bimonthly, daily, and hourly), and frequency annualization factor (the number of frequency periods that occur in a year). PeopleSoft Resource Management uses the Frequency Annualization Factor field value when calculating Availability factor fit scores.

PeopleSoft Resource Management can use employee data that is maintained in a PeopleSoft HCM system. When you integrate with PeopleSoft HCM, PeopleSoft Resource Management can access employee data, which serves as the foundation for all resource information used in the application. You must create and maintain basic employee and job data in PeopleSoft Resource Management if PeopleSoft HCM is not the employee data source.

The employee data tables consist of:

  • Employee personal data.

  • Employee job information.

  • Visa and work permit information.

  • Citizenship and passport information.

Important! You can maintain non-employee data in either the HCM or the Financials database. However, any new employee ID (EMPLID) for a non-employee that is created in PeopleSoft Resource Management must be maintained in Resource Management, and any new employee ID for a non-employee that is created in PeopleSoft HCM must be maintained in PeopleSoft HCM.

PeopleSoft Resource Management functions rely on accurate employee and job data. Consequently, you must establish a method to maintain up-to-date employee data and ensure that all relevant changes to employee information are reflected in the Financials database.