Understanding Statement Updates

The loading of bank statement information is an integral part of the reconciliation, bank statement accounting, and cash position processes. The system processes previous day statements that are used for reconciliation and accounting, current day statements for cash position worksheets, and account analysis statements for bank fee analysis. PeopleSoft enables you to enter bank statement information in one of three different ways:

  1. Enter bank statement information is to import a bank statement either from the file system or a file transfer protocol (FTP) file server using the PeopleSoft Business Document format (PSBD1 or PSBD2).

    Note: You can import bank statements using a variety of bank statement formats using the Financial Gateway functionality found in Cash Management.

    You can import bank statement data files using the PSBD2 layout if you have Cash Management installed and are using a third-party communication toolkit that has the capability of processing files in XML format. Sample files that can be used as guidelines for transforming bank statement date files into the PSBD2 layout can be found on My Oracle Support.

  2. Enter the information using online screens.

    If you receive only hardcopy statements from a bank, you must enter the statement information online before you can reconcile the statements. The following entry screens are used to enter the statement information online:

    • Enter Bank Balances

    • Enter Bank Statements

    • Enter Internal Bank Balances

    • Same Day Bank Statement

  3. Integrate with a bank or bank communications partner by using PeopleTools Integration Broker. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Integration Broker.