Approving Control Budget Journals Using Mobile Approvals

This section discusses approving budget journals using Mobile Approvals.

Page Name

Definition Name


Approvals Tile


Review pending and historical approval requests that are associated with the user who is logged in.

Pending Approvals Page


View a list of all transactions that apply to the selected transaction category and access the respective transactions that are pending your approval.

Filters Page


Refine the results displayed in the Pending Approvals page.

Budget Journal Page


View transaction information and perform approval tasks.

Approval Chain Page


View and add to the approval chain.

Approve Page


Submit or cancel your action selected for the transaction.

Approvals History Page


View a list or approval transactions you have worked on in the past.

See Understanding Fluid Approvals

Use the Approval tile (HMAP_APPR_TILE_FL) to access the Pending Approvals page.


This tile can be placed on any PeopleSoft Fluid Home page.

This example illustrates the Approvals Tile.

Approvals Tile

For information about how to add a tile to a PeopleSoft Fluid Home page, see Adding Homepages and Tiles

The tile can show the total number of pending approvals. If no pending approvals are available, the tile does not display a number count.

Use the Pending Approvals page (EOAWMA_MAIN_FL) to view a list of all transactions that apply to the selected transaction category and access the respective transactions that are pending your approval.


Select the Approvals tile.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals page.

Pending Approvals page

Note: Approval transactions listed for each user depends on the permission level established for the user logged in.


You can select the Notification flag icon at the top of either the PeopleSoft Fluid or Classic pages to view alerts in a notification window and access the budget journal that is ready for approval.

Select a notification from the list to open the fluid version of the Budget Journal page and perform actions such as Approve, Deny, Pushback, or Hold.

Action Menu

You can access one of these approval views (by selecting the Action Menu drop-down icon) to access either of these pages:

  • Pending Approvals:

    An approver can view transactions pending their approval under one interface, thus eliminating the need to go to several different components to look for pending approvals.

  • Approvals History:

    An approver can view approval transactions that they already worked on. This functionality enables the user to view the status of the approval request in the approval chain and view comments by individuals within the chain. Your administrator defines how far, in the past, historical approvals can be viewed.

Pending Approvals

The Pending Approvals page can display a mixture of HCM and FSCM approvals, based on the permissions of the current user. The initial list is displayed by transaction type and the corresponding number of pending approvals.

On the left side of the page, vertical tabs group approval transaction types into categories that are defined by the View By type value selected. The All category type appears at the top of the list for all view types when there are pending transactions. Transaction categories within a View By type display a badge identifying the number of pending approvals for that transaction category. If you do not have pending approvals for a transaction category, the tab does not appear in the list.

Note: If you are using the approvals pages in portrait mode on your mobile device, the page displays an arrow on the left side of the page. Select this arrow to reveal or hide the category tabs.

Select a transaction category tab to display the pending approvals that apply to that category. When you select a transaction category, the page displays pending approvals sorted by the date on which the approval request was received, with the oldest pending approval displaying first.

The system displays View By options on the left side of the page. The system displays a summarized list of the selected View by option on the right side of the page.

Field or Control


View By

Select a type to view a list of transactions to be approved. Options are:

  • Date Routed

  • Last Operator

  • Priority

  • Requester

  • Type

  • From

Depending on the option selected, the options below this field change. For example, if you select Priority, the selection options below this field are High Priority, Medium Priority, Low Priority, or a combination of each depending on applicable transactions.

A bubble count displays the number of transactions within each view by category.

Filter icon

Select the Filter icon to access the Filters page.

The Filter icon appears green when filters have been applied to your search.

The right side of the page displays transactions that belong to the selected option on the left. Select a transaction row to access the Budget Journal page.

If a transaction type category is not set up to allow mass approvals, then the page lists the approval request transactions but the action buttons do not appear. For these types of transactions, you must select the desired row to access the Budget Journal page, and approve the transaction from there. Mass approvals is determined on the Mobile Approval Options - Transactions Page

Use the Filters page (EOAWMA_FLTR_SCF) to refine the results displayed on the Pending Approvals page.


From the Pending Approvals page, select the Filter icon.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Filters page.

Filters page

Field or Control



Select to return to the Pending Approvals or Approvals History page.


Select to apply the filters and refine the approval request results on the Pending Approvals or Approvals History page.

The Filter icon on the Pending Approvals or Approvals History page changes to green, indicating that there are filters in place.


Select to reset the filter fields to the default value. This button is only available when you have entered filter values.

Use the Budget Journal page (EOAWMA_TXNHDTL_FL) to view transaction information and perform approval tasks.


From the Pending Approval page, select a transaction on the right.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Budget Journal page.

Budget Journal page

Note: The title in the banner of this page changes based on the approval request selected. Fields and elements on this page also vary depending on the type of approval transaction you are reviewing.

When viewing transaction details on a phone, you must scroll down to view each section; Summary, Lines, Requester Comments, Approver Comments, and approval chain.

The buttons that are available on the page are determined by the Pending Approvals Page:

  • Approve

  • Deny

  • Pushback

  • Hold

Field or Control


Approve, Deny, Pushback, Hold

Select an option for the transaction. When you select one of these buttons, the system allows you to confirm or cancel your action.

Summary Section

The Summary section displays high-level information about the transaction. Most of this information is also displayed on the Pending Approvals page.

Note: The Summary section in Small Form Factor displays fewer fields as compared to Large Form Factor.

Lines Section

The Lines section displays a summarized list of budget journal lines on the transaction. Select the right arrow to access line summary and detail information. Lines are listed in two tabs:

  • Pending: Lists only lines that are pending your approval. This is the default selection.

  • All: Lists all the lines available for the transaction. If there are no lines pending approval, all lines are displayed.

Budget Journal Line level denials are allowed in the fluid user interface. Select the individual lines you wish to deny and select Deny. The other lines remain unchanged. However, in the Classic user interface, line level denial results in the denial of the selected lines as well as termination of the remaining lines for the transaction. For details on approving and denying Control Budget Journals, see Approving Control Budget Journals Using Approval Framework

Chartfields: Users decide which Chartfield descriptions are to be displayed in the budget journal lines, from the available 25 default Chartfield descriptions. This is performed using the Enterprise Objects Page Composer (EOPC). Chartfield descriptions in the list are removed in sequence from the end, leaving behind the ones to be displayed.

For a detailed understanding of Enterprise Objects Page Composer (EOPC), see Enterprise Components PeopleBook.

Approval Chain

In some cases the Approval Chain is displayed on the page. In other cases, you access the Approval Chain page by selecting Approval Chain.

Use the Approval Chain page (EOAWMA_APPC_SCF) to view and add to the approval chain.


Select Approval Chain from the Budget Journal page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Approval Chain page.

Approval Chain page

The Approval Chain section displays the status of the approval chain for the transaction. You can expand and collapse subsections displayed.

Use the Approve page (EOAWMA_HDRACT_SCF) to submit or cancel your action selected for the transaction.


From the Pending Approvals (by Transaction) Page or the Transaction Approval page, select one or more transactions and select an action (Approve, Deny, Hold).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Approve page.

Approve page

Optionally enter a comment and then select the Submit button to send your approval of the transaction to the system. The system removes the transaction from your Pending Approvals queue and adds it to your Approvals History page.

Use the Approvals History page (EOAWMA_MAIN_FL) to view transactions that you have previously approved.


Select the Approvals tile on the Employee Self Service home page, and then select the Approvals History option from the Action List (located in the banner) from the Pending Approvals page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Approvals History page (as displayed on a tablet).

Approvals History page (as displayed on a tablet)

The Approvals History page shows approval transactions you have addressed in the past. How far back you can view historical approval transactions is defined by the administrator on the Fluid Approval Setup - General Settings Page setup page. This page displays a message below the category tabs indicating the time period for which history is displayed.

When you select a category, the page displays historical approvals sorted by the date on which the last person updated or took action on the request, with the most recently updated approvals displaying first. Select a transaction row to view details of the transaction.