Processing Pricing Mass Maintenance

Pricing mass maintenance allows you to set new prices using the Alternate Cost Unit. Running the extract processes makes relevant data to be loaded into the Price List and Product Price Maintenance staging tables and modified through the related pages appropriately.

Page Name

Definition Name


Price List Extract Page


Establish the selection criteria to load price list data for mass maintenance.

Price List Mass Maintenance Page


Establish criteria to set new price list values against the values loaded.

Product Price Extract Page


Establish the selection criteria to load product price data for mass maintenance.

Product Price Maintenance Page


Establish criteria to set new product price values against the available values loaded.

This section provides an overview of price lists and discusses how to run the price list extract process.

Note: You must run this process before price lists can be maintained using the price list mass maintenance functionality.

Use the Price List Mass Maintenance page (OM_MCPP_LRD_PRC) to establish criteria to set new price list values against the values loaded.


Pricing Configuration > Pricing Mass Maintenance > Price List Mass Maintenance

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Price List Mass Maintenance page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Price List Mass Maintenance page

Field or Control


Mass Change

Select appropriate filter criteria on the modal window. The available options are:

  • Mass Change Field

  • Base Adjustment

  • Adjust By

  • Change Action

  • Apply Changes To

  • Apply to Dates

  • Amount Adjustment

  • Round By

  • Insert New Rows

View Charts

Select or enter appropriate filter criteria on the modal window and click the Draw button to display the appropriate chart. The available filter criteria are:

  • Chart Selection

  • Chart Type

  • Displayed Comparisons

  • Currency Code

  • Find Product ID

Toggle Cost Display

Click to display list prices as amounts or percentages in appropriate columns.

Display Data

Click to display the price delta in a column.

Reset Data

Click to select appropriate filter criteria on the modal window. The available options are:

  • Reset Option

  • Apply Changes To

  • Apply to Status

Validate Data

Click to validate modified data on page.

Upload Data

Click to display the upload data modal window.

This section provides an overview of product prices and discusses how to run the product price list extract process.

Note: You must run this process before price lists can be maintained using the product price maintenance functionality.

Use the Product Price Mass Maintenance page (OM_MCPP_PRD_PRC) to establish criteria to set new price list values against the values loaded.


Pricing Configuration > Pricing Mass Maintenance > Product Price Mass Maintenance

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Product Price Maintenance page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Product Price Mass Maintenance page

Field or Control


Mass Change

Select appropriate filter criteria on the modal window. The available options are:

  • Mass Change Field

  • Base Adjustment

  • Adjust By

  • Change Action

  • Apply Changes To

  • Apply to Dates

  • Amount Adjustment

  • Round By

View Charts

Select or enter appropriate filter criteria on the modal window and click the Draw button to display the appropriate chart. The available filter criteria are:

  • Chart Selection

  • Chart Type

  • Displayed Comparisons

  • Currency Code

  • Find Product ID

Toggle Cost Display

Click to display list prices as amounts or percentages in appropriate columns.

Display Data

Click to display the price delta in a column.

Reset Data

Click to select appropriate filter criteria on the modal window. The available options are:

  • Reset Option

  • Apply Changes To

  • Apply to Status

Validate Data

Click to validate modified data on page.

Upload Data

Click to display the upload data modal window.