Using Quick Customer Create Functionality

This section provides an overview of quick customer create functionality.

Page Name

Definition Name


Customer Search Page


Search for customers or enter new customers. Determine factors such as contacts' correct customers or which customer addresses to use. Quick Customer Create updates the Contact/Customer tables.

Customer Summary Page


View customer and contact search results, and select the correct matches.

Customer Summary Detail Page


View additional customer information, navigate to transactions, and update contact and customer information. The system applies customer and contact information to the transactions automatically.

Contact User Profile Display


View contacts' user profile information. This page is read-only.

Using Quick Customer Create Functionality

Create New Customer/Contact Page


Enter new customers' information.

Contact User Profile Page


Enter contacts' user information to enable them to access self-service transactions.

Contact Credit Card Info


Enter contacts' credit card information.

See Using Quick Customer Create Functionality

Quick Customer Create enables the customer service representative (CSR) to determine if a customer exists in the system and to enter the minimum number of fields for an order if the customer is new.

Search Logic for Quick Customer Create

The search functionality does not use a wildcard percentage from the beginning of the search. The search logic is not case sensitive and uses and in the search logic (instead of or) when you enter multiple search criteria. The search functionality also uses a like operator for all nonprompt search fields and a = operator for all prompt fields. For example, if you enter USA as the country and Broadway as the Address1, then all addresses with a country of USA and an address line one of Broadway appear in the search results.

To improve search results:

  • Add indexes on the most commonly used fields on which you search.

  • Modify the call to the function resolve_wildcard so that they can perform an exact search or a like search.

  • Modify the call to the function resolve_wildcard so that if the search does not need an UPPER, they should remove it.

    For example, if you are searching for the city Paris and you also type the city in the same way, the call to the function resolve_wildcard should not UPPER the city name.

Entering New Customers and Contacts

The CSR can enter a new customer and contact from the Customer Search page or from the Customer Summary page if the search returned no results or if the customer is new. The new customer can have only one contact, customer, and address and must have the same sold to, bill to, and ship to information. When entering the new customer, select a SetID and a template customer, which, selected from all customers in the SetID, populates the additional fields in the customer tables that are not entered on the Create New Customer/Contact page.

This table list the fields that the template customer updates when using Quick Customer Create. You can set up additional fields from the Maintaining Customer and Maintaining Contact menus.

What Is Created

What Is Updated

Contact only


  • CONTACT_PHN (only if phone information is provided).

  • PSOPRDEFN (only if user is created).

  • PSOPRALIAS (only if user is created).

  • PSOPRCLS (only if user is created).

  • PSROLEUSER (only if user is created).

  • ROLEXLATOPR (only if user is created).

Customer only














Contact and Customer


  • CONTACT_PHN (only if phone information is provided).


  • CONTACT_CARD (only if credit card information is provided).



  • CUST_CNTCT_PHN (only if phone information is provided).

  • CUST_CNTCT_CARD (only if credit card information is provided).

  • PSOPRDEFN (only if user is created).

  • PSOPRALIAS (only if user is created).

  • PSOPRCLS (only if user is created).

  • PSROLEUSER (only if user is created).

  • ROLEXLATOPR (only if user is created).














The template customer never updates these tables:
















Use the Customer Search page (QUICK_CUST_SRCH) to search for customers or enter new customers.

Determine factors such as contacts' correct customers or which customer addresses to use. Quick Customer Create updates the Contact/Customer tables.


Customers > Customer Information > Quick Customer Create > Customer Search

Field or Control



Enter the SetID and at least one additional field to search for a contact, customer, or contact and customer combination. This field is required. The Country field is required only if you enter information in the address fields.

Contact Name

View the contact name that you enter on the Contact page.

User ID

View the contact user ID that you define on the Customer User Profile page.

Email ID

View the contact email address that you entered on the Contact page.

Contact Phone

View the contact phone number that you entered on the Contact Phone and Type page.

Credit Card Number

View the contact credit card number that you entered on the Contact Credit Card Info page.

These user-defined fields are associated with the customer. The address fields are dependent on the country selection.

Field or Control


Customer Name and Customer ID

View data that you enter on the General Info page. You can do a partial search on the Customer ID field.

Customer Phone

View the business phone number that you enter on the Phone Information page.

Country, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Postal

View data that you enter on the General Information page.

Note: You can search by Address 1 and Address 2 fields, but not by the Address 3 field. Unless you are searching for a specific address, the Address 1 field is the only address field that appears on the Customer Summary page and the Customer Detail page. If, for example, you are searching for an address entered in the Address 2 field, that field appears on the Customer Summary page and the Customer Detail page.

Cust Char 10 A

Entered on the General Information - User Defined page.

Cust N 12.3 A

Entered on the General Information - User Defined page.

Create New Customer/Contact

Click to create a new customer or contact.


Click to view the search results on the Customer Summary page. If you are searching for a contact name and the contact is associated with multiple customers, the search returns of all the customers who are associated with the contact. Similarly, if you search for a customer who is associated with multiple contacts, the search returns all the contacts who are associated with the customer.

Note: Use the % wildcard to search for partial strings.

Use the Customer Summary page (QUICK_CUST_SUMMARY) to view customer and contact search results, and select the correct matches.


Click the Search button on the Customer Search page.

Field or Control


Return to Search

Click to return to the Customer Search page.

Create New Customer or Contact Button

Click to access the Create New Customer/Contact page and create a new customer or contact.

Contact Phone

View the business phone number if there are multiple phone numbers for the contact and if the search criteria did not include contact phone. If no business phone exists, the first number in the list appears.

Credit Card

View the first credit card in the list if this contact has multiple credit cards and if the search criteria did not include a credit card.


View the minimum sequenced customer address if the search criteria did not include an address.

Select All Button

Click to select all of the customers when there are multiple search results.

Deselect All

Click to deselect all of the customers.

View Details for Selected Customer(s)Button

Click the View details for selected customer(s) button to access the Customer Summary Detail page.

Use the Customer Summary Detail page (QUICK_CUST_DTL) to view additional customer information, navigate to transactions, and update contact and customer information.

The system applies customer and contact information to the transactions automatically.


Click the View details for selected customer(s) link on the Customer Summary page.

Field or Control


Return to Search

Click to return to the Customer Search page.

Return to Results Button

Click the Return to Results button to return to the Customer Summary page.

Return to Results Button

Click to access the Create New Customer/Contact page and create a new customer or contact.

Contact Information

Field or Control


Contact ID, Contact Name, Email ID, and Contact Flag elements, descriptionsemail ID (additional customer information) elements, descriptionscontact flag (additional customer information)

Set up these fields on the Contact page.

Contact Phone and Contact Type elements, descriptionscontact phone (additional customer information) elements, descriptionscontact type (additional customer information)

Set up these fields on the Contact Phone and Type page. The first item in the list appears if multiple contact types exist.

View User

Click to access the Contact User Profile page and view user information that is required for contacts who access self-service transactions. The fields on this page are the same as those that appear on the Contact User Profile page.

Customer Information

Field or Control


Customer ID and Customer Name elements, descriptionscustomer ID (additional customer information) elements, descriptionscustomer name (additional customer information)

Set up these fields on the General Info page.


Set up this information on the General Information page.

Credit Card Type and Credit Card Number

Set up these fields on the Contact Credit Card Info page.

Contact Information Update

Click to access the Contact page and view contact information.

Create Sales Order

Click to access the Order Entry Form and enter a new sales order for the customer.

Billing Information Inquiry

Click to access Bill Header Data and view customer billing information.

Order Tracking Inquiry

Click to access the Order Tracking page and view customer order status or the Order Tracking - Search page if no orders are available.

Customer Payment Inquiry

Click to access customer balances and view customer payment information.

Customer Information Update

Click to access the General Info page and view or update customer information.

Use the Create New Customer/Contact page (QUICK_CUST_CREATE) to enter new customers' information.


Click the Create New Customer/Contact link on the Customer Search page, Customer Summary page, or Customer Summary - Detail page.

Note: A new customer can have only one contact and address, and they must have the same sold to, ship to, and bill to address.

Field or Control


SetID, Name, and Address Description elements, descriptionsaddress description (additional customer information)

These fields are required.

Template Customer elements, descriptionstemplate customer (additional customer information)

Populates additional fields in the customer tables that are not entered on this page.

See Using Quick Customer Create Functionality.

Enter Contact Information

Field or Control


Create Contact

Select to create a contact after saving the page.

Add User

Click the Add User link to access the Contact User Profile page and enter information if the contact will be accessing self-service transactions. This link is available only if you set up the roles that the user can grant on the Role Grant page.

Add Credit Card Information

Click the Add Credit Card Information link to enter a credit card for the contact.

Enter Customer Information

Field or Control


Create Customer

Select to create a customer after saving the page.

Customer ID

Enter an ID or leave blank to have the system assign a value.

Cust Char10 A and Cust N12.3 A elements, descriptionscust char10 A (additional customer information) elements, descriptionscust N123 A (additional customer information)

Enter user-defined information about the customer in these fields.


Address fields are dependent on this field value. Enter the address information for the new contact customer. You should add the address information at this time.

Save New Customer/Contact

Click to save the new customer. The new contact ID and the new customer ID are based on settings from the Automatic Numbering page.


If you are using a third-party tax provider, you must click the Geocode Lookup link to retrieve the geocode.

Use the Contact User Profile page (QUICK_CUST_USER) to enter contacts' user information to enable them to access self-service transactions.


Click Add User on the Customer Create page.

Logon Information

Field or Control


User ID, Password, and Confirm Password elements, descriptionspassword (additional customer information)

Enter data for external contacts who need to access self-service transactions.

Note: Oracle recommends that contacts change their passwords after logging in to self-service transactions.

Account Locked Out?

Select to disable the contact's system access. For example, you may want to disable system access while the individual is out on disability but to leave the contact as a User Profile so that the person can access the system upon returning to work.

Permission Lists

Field or Control


Process Profile

Enter values to enable customers to run PeopleSoft batch processes. This field is required.

Primary Permission List

View the permission list that is associated with the new user role that you select. Primary permissions control everything except page-based permissions (business interlinks, messaging, and so forth).

Contact Roles

Field or Control


Role Name

An intermediate object between users and permission lists. You assign multiple permission lists to a role and multiple roles to a user. A role manages the contact's access to applications as well as the type of work that should be routed to the contact. Establish roles on the Roles page. As part of the role definition, CSRs can select only roles to which they can grant access and can delete only roles that they can grant (establish these roles on the Role Grant page).

Note: CSRs should be authorized to run the Component Interfaces (USER_MAINT and CUSTOMER_CONTACT) so that the appropriate tables are updated when the contact and user are created using Quick Customer Create. The ID Type CNT must be marked as Enabled on the User Profile Types page so that the customer information can be saved.

Note: Contacts established to access express order entry must also have user preferences established for sales orders under Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, User Preferences, Define User Preferences, Orders - Sales.